
Selling curlies (pg. 7)

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    Hello, dear Windstone family.

    After a lot of thought I’m posting this up. Here’s the situation:
    Last week on a motorcycle tour of the Black Forest a car driver ran me off the road by coming around a corner half in my lane. My guardian angel did a good job and I came away mostly unscathed, but my beloved bike is totaled. I’m getting a new bike, but the insurance isn’t paying anything toward the 22’000.- price tag. (It’s a very long and technical story why it has to be that particular bike. I can tell you all about it if you want, by e-mail, but it’d take an awful lot of space here. 😆 ) I’m buying it from a friend who gave me the option of making payments on it, but I hate being in debt. My motorcycle is the center of my attentions, and if push comes to shove, I might want to sell off some of my Windstones in order to call the bike completely mine sooner.
    My collection can be viewed here. (I think that’s all of them.) Would there be any interest and reasonable offers for some of the pieces? Obviously shipping from me to you would cost quite a bit, even if I carry part of the cost, but I just thought I’d throw the option out there are see what happens.
    I’m proud of of my complete OW collection and the multitude of Spectrals and curlies (and if there’s no interest, I’d be quite happy to keep all of them), but the motorcycle really takes precedence, and I just want to see what options I have. Sorry that this isn’t a binding offer to sell… 😕

    I double-box and pack very well; several forum members can vouch for me.


    PM’D you.


      Woah! How on Earth did you get a rainbow sitting spectral!? 😯

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


      OMG! I’m glad you’re ok.

      Great collection. Were I you, I’d go with the payments on the bike… But then I’m such a hoarder!

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      What a bummer about the bike, but I’m glad you’re all right!

      Great collection! 😀


      What does “mostly unscathed” mean? Some road rash? I’m glad you are ok – but I’m sorry about your bike. I hope you can get the bike you want.

      Beautiful collection. I really like the Christmas pictures!


      ddvm wrote:

      What does “mostly unscathed” mean? Some road rash? I’m glad you are ok – but I’m sorry about your bike. I hope you can get the bike you want.

      Mostly unscathed means a couple lovely (seriously! The colors are fascinating.) bruises on my left side and both feet. My right boot was torn off when I was thrown off the road and I think I cracked something in the foot. I can walk, but I need to take it easy on both feet until they heal completely. I was incredibly lucky; having my bike totaled hurt worse than almost anything physical would have, though. 😕 It was my first motorcycle and has huge sentimental value.


      dragonmedley wrote:

      OMG! I’m glad you’re ok.

      Great collection. Were I you, I’d go with the payments on the bike… But then I’m such a hoarder!

      I’m going to making payments either way. I don’t have 22 grand in savings, unfortunately. 😆


      drag0nfeathers wrote:

      Woah! How on Earth did you get a rainbow sitting spectral!? 😯

      Um, he was a gift from Melody, and I can’t very well sell him. Sorry. He and the gold young were gifts and aren’t for sale. The VF fledge is already sold… There’s a good reason to keep every one of my Windstones, but the bike is really more important.


      sbianchi wrote:

      PM’D you.

      Thanks. 😀 Replied.

      For everybody’s information: I’ll only consider breaking up my collection if I get a couple thousand dollars’ worth of offers; otherwise it just isn’t worth it. I hope you all understand. So far I have interest in maybe $1000 worth of dragons.


        gah!!! I need a money tree!!!! I wants some of them soooo bad! 😆 I’m so sorry to hear about your bike….it was a fantastic Buell…with your paint job and everything…that’s a horrible loss. 🙁


          Oh man, that sucks. I wish drivers would pay more attention to what they’re doing on the road.

          I don’t have any money to make an offer on anything, but best of luck on getting your new bike.


          Beastie?? Totaled again?? Oh, I am so sorry! 😥 I am really happy that you are alright, and that ticks me off that the driver didn’t see you! I hope you can reach your selling goals!


            I love bikes (well, only good looking sport bikes)… but damn, the odds are sooo against the riders. My friend has been pulled out in front of twice. I want one, this won’t keep me from it, but like my dad (a former bike rider) always says to me “You have to ride like no one sees you. You are totally invisible to everyone”. Even when you’re pretty sure they see you, think THEY DON’T.
            What gets me is… the people that run you down, don’t stop! They just keep going like nothing happened!
            Sorry, I have no money… but to have your sell your spectals and ows… 🙁 I couldn’t give up my ws (and I thought about it… for, guess what, money to buy a bike! XD).
            Hope things get better.

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