
6am visitor – Sad News :(

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    I get up at 6 to get ready for classes, and the first thing I do is sit down at my computer and power it up. So I do this, glance over at my bed (warm inviting bed…I hate getting up in the morning) and on the edge of my pillow is sitting this “little” visitor…

    usually spiders don’t bother me O.O I have a deal with the spiders in my room. They live in the corners of the ceilings and stay small, and I don’t smush them as soon as I see them. This one broke the size rule, and the location rule, but he was huge, I wasn’t smushing him. I snapped a box over him and then stuck him in the kritter keeper. I put a fly in there when I got home from classes, and it ate it O.O whole…

    I looked up what kind of spider it was and I believe it’s a Zoropsis spinimana.
    I liked this article:

    Creepy huh?

    I’m going to get better pictures tomorrow, I need to play with the settings on my camera.


    Ewwww… If it were me, he would be down the toilet by now! The first thing I thought of was that it looked like a brown recluse, but to tell you the truth, I have never seen one, but it would have scared me! 😯


    It looks like a Hobo Spider to me…and those are poisonous, cause really nasty abcesses…I was out 3 weeks from work once because of one, and my daughter was in the hospital for 3 days.

    Investigate the Hobo as well, if she matches, kill the damn thing. (I say she, because most spiders you see are female, the males are usually tiny little things with little obvious resemblance to the female of the species.)




    I would of had a HEART ATTACT if it was on my bed!
    (I don’t like any spiders!)


    On your pillow? 😯 That would have freaked me out, and I think spiders are neat.


      😯 I had a spider just on my face(cheek) one night while I was sleeping. I don’t know what type of spider it was but it was big and heavy so when I felt it land on my face, I woke up instantly open my eyes, thought for one second “WTF” and scramble out of bed like a bat out of hell!
      I open the light and started searching the bed and around…took me a while to find it but there was no way I was going back to sleep with that thing still around. Killed it the went back to bed…needless to say it took me forever to go back to sleep paranoid as I was at this point. πŸ˜•

      To all insects out there…you don’t belong in people’s bed! And that includes you carpenter ants too! 😑


        *shudders* I would’ve freaked, squished the crap out of it, flushed the remains, and then slept downstairs for the night. And so would my husband, probably… one of his two fears :twisted:. I’m not afraid of ’em, but they do creep me out. I’d rather find a snake in my house… though since there’s a pitviper commonly found in the area, I can’t say I’d want to deal with that either :?.

        I agree with your original thought as to what it is though. The Zoropsis spinimana is an invasive species not native to the US that got introduced to California (yay for international ports!) a couple years ago (most places I’ve found mention the Bay area… you’re not that far away, right?). The colorations look the same too… spots on the legs, bigger spots on the lower part, and the weird marks (looks like a lip-print to me) on the upper part. Yeah, I know spider anatomy :shrug:

        I like this picture of one though. It looks like it’s made of wood πŸ™‚


        I’ve got a fairly large brown fellow hanging out near my terrarium at present. As long as they don’t walk on my (or my pillow!) I’m fine with them.

        That article was interesting, too! πŸ˜€


          Its frozens “mini copper”! lol We call that a “Wolf spider” here… and a dead spider is a good spider.. it wouldn’t have lived long in this house!

          Our friend that lives 2 houses away found a taranchula crawling on his drapes 😯 … um… NO!


          Blackdesertwind wrote:

          😯 I had a spider just on my face(cheek) one night while I was sleeping. I don’t know what type of spider it was but it was big and heavy so when I felt it land on my face, I woke up instantly open my eyes, thought for one second “WTF” and scramble out of bed like a bat out of hell!
          I open the light and started searching the bed and around…took me a while to find it but there was no way I was going back to sleep with that thing still around. Killed it the went back to bed…needless to say it took me forever to go back to sleep paranoid as I was at this point. πŸ˜•

          To all insects out there…you don’t belong in people’s bed! And that includes you carpenter ants too! 😑

          Wow, BDW. 😯 That sounds scary. Thank goodness we don’t have any big spiders like that here, or I’d be afraid to go to bed tonight too. πŸ˜†


            I am so not gonna give you the ” 3 numbers according to research statistics” oh no no…
            dont make me say it


            That’s a cool looking spider…I hope yours is the harmless kind.

            I like most spiders, it’s the poisonous ones I have problems with, especially Hobos, after my two experiences with them, I can do without them for always.



            Blackdesertwind wrote:

            To all insects out there…you don’t belong in people’s bed! And that includes you carpenter ants too! 😑

            You tell ’em! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†


            Just from the pictures, I agree with the original assessment that it’s not a Hobo… but I know very little about spiders.

            I remember when Jewel spiders started invading our house… they’re native to our area, but I never saw any until I was in grade 9 or so… and man they are huge suckers compared to what we usually get in our house. They’re kinda cute πŸ™‚ I used to be afraid of spiders… but now I find them kinda fascinating… I still don’t want to pick one up and cuddle it though…:?

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