
New horse! Pics on 2!

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    Yay! I finally got a new horse! I lost T 4 weeks ago, today πŸ™ and am still in mourning, but I also really missed having a horse. So, on Wednesday I made some calls and went to look at a buckskin mare that sounded promising. She’s 10 and has some issues, but was so good with the kids on her back (plus, she’s only 14.5 hands instead of the giant T was, so it’s much easier to put them up there).

    I rode her with the saddle & bareback, and she was a sweetie (though she hadn’t been ridden in months, so the owner took her out for a hard hour long ride right before I got there… she was all sweaty & still willing to stand there for us). She doesn’t understand leg cues at all, but we’ll work together. She’s not a rescue horse like T, but I’m not ready to bring in another old horse, nor am I up to breaking a young one, and those are the ones that’ve been advertised lately. (Although, there was a gal who really wanted to buy her just to breed her, so I figure she got a better deal w/me)

    Pics soon!



      Glad to hear you are “Back in the Saddle Again” hehehehe


        Thats great bosky! I hope she works out well for you and your family and yes, pics! πŸ˜€


          Yay!!! I’m so happy for you. πŸ˜€


            Good news! Always nice to find another horse person.
            We will need pictures!

            Please beware though… Before you decide, see the horse fresh and have a vet check.
            It would raise huge red flags for me if I went to try a horse (an out of shape horse) and the owner had excercised it to the point of being sweaty. Not saying sweaty is bad, but you really can’t tell the personality of the horse if it’s too tired to be itself.

            Otherwise Congrats!


            Yay!! Talking about horses, my horse Dancer is coming home in a few weeks…my sis in law is offering him back to me. She’s been getting involved with QH racing and so he’s getting lost in the crowd. Besides, we miss him, my son keeps asking if we could have him back, so I asked.

            Now we just need to get the corral fixed up, a watertub of some kind set up, and grab some hay, then drive him on over.



              That is wonderful! I hope to see pictures soon!!


                Sounds like a match made in heaven. Good Luck with your new horse I hope you have him for a long time.


                  πŸ˜€ Congrats on your new horse! Sounds wonderful, can’t wait to see the pictures.


                    Congrats on the new addition! πŸ˜€


                      Congratulations on your new horse! There’s nothing like getting a new four-legged member of your family! I hope she works out, she sounds like she has a sweet disposition! Yes, pictures, please!


                        I’m so happy for you!!! That’s wonderful news!!! πŸ˜€


                          Congrats! πŸ˜€


                          Oh girlie, Im so very excited for you! You know, my BEST horse ever (the Olympic one that started out as a throw away western horse I got for free… a buckskin! Hence my emails nickname) was a bucky. She was the best angel ever Ive known and out of the thousands of flashy horses Ive ridden over my lifetime, she was still the best. So much so, the Olympic committee approached us to train in 87 and 88 (dad smashed that dream cause I was still a minor; long story; dont get me started here).

                          But what I really came here to say is that since today is the 4th anniversary month for T… Im thinking that after ALL this time Ive been begging and hoping to get a dragon egg off that Dragon Cave site (see AND click eggs in my siggie), that if they hatch, I would name one after T in memoriam since I acquired the new eggs just today. Tell me again what the full name for T was. If my dragon eggs live to hatch (I pray), I’ll name one for him since the dates match in a way.

                          Hugs to you and major congrats. Cant wait to see pix really, really soon (no pressure… ::push:: πŸ˜€ )

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