Grief support group

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    I was wondering, with all the wonderful resources we have in our members, does anyone know a good grief support group, preferably online, for miscarriage? I’ve been unhappy with mine online, and want to try something else. Thanks guys!
    ~Dragon Mistress



      I dont know any personally, but I did a google search to check it out and there were bunches. I hope you find one you like.


        I wish I knew, we lost our first baby by miscarraige and I ended up coping alone….I would break down when we passed a baby section in a store even…PM or email me at *hugs* 😥


        🙁 Been there, too. There was only 1 person I felt like I could talk too about it because she had a miscarriage too. Don’t deny yourself grieving time, as this is a true stab to the heart and for whatever horrible reason seems to have guilt erroneously yet firmly attached to it.
        I’m so sorry.
        *hugs* & PMing you.


          I’m so sorry you guys have had to go through something so terrible. 😥


          Thank you all for your kind words, it’s nice to be able to talk to someone.


            Talk all you need, we’ll be here. 🙂


            Oh no! I’m so sad to hear your news. Many hugs sent your way.

            I unfortunately don’t know any support groups specifically, but I am sure you will find one that suits you.




              I don’t know of any online support groups, but if you need to talk I’m available. I’ve talked about my twins, in fact they are part of my online name, but what I don’t say often is that we started the pregnancy with four little munchkins and I miscarried two really early on. We thought we were gonna loose the whole shooting match; it was our one and only pregnancy. So, if you need a shoulder, please feel free to use mine. My boys will be tweleve on the 29th of this month and I still do miss my other two boys. As a side note, when Ethan and Sean were turning three they had an interesting “twin” conversation and came to ask me if the “two other brothers would be turning three with us if they were here?” My hubby and I hadn’t yet told the boys that they were actually quads…




              Thank you, I will probly annoy all of you generous enough to offer a shoulder, I can be quite a talker. That’s amazing with your boys, it’s that bond that twins have that’s fascinating, I always wanted to get into the minds of twins. My mom is a twin, and alot of odd things like that would happen, one would get sick, and they both would get sick, even as adults and such.


              I am sorry to hear about your loss. The only other support groups I have seen are the ones online, so I know I won’t be much of a help. I know that these other people will though!


              I think I may have actually found one, it’s called Daily Strength, and so far I like it. I just feel stupid because it was almost 2 years ago, and at the time, my mother refused to let me go to grief conseling, or even acknowladge to anyone except my hubby that we were even pregnant. I’t just been really bothering me lately, I think because in my extended family, my aunt’s boyfriend’s daughter from his first marriage ( yes i know how that sounds) is 17 and pregnant, and my grandmother, who has always hated me is all ” Oh!! my first grandchild!!!” and is showereing her with affection. And I wanna scream “NO!! I had your first grandchild! and the baby died, and nobody was allowed to know you evil B*****!!” and I can’t even say anything. And while I don’t agree with the pregnant “relative”‘s situation, (not cause she’s not married, but because she is a drug user and a cutter)I can’t bring myself to ruin her joy with her succesful pregnancy. It just pisses me off. And I feel bad about it, but my baby never even existed in these people’s minds. Sorry, had to vent there! 😳 🙄


                DragonMistress wrote:

                I think I may have actually found one, it’s called Daily Strength, and so far I like it. I just feel stupid because it was almost 2 years ago, and at the time, my mother refused to let me go to grief conseling, or even acknowladge to anyone except my hubby that we were even pregnant. I’t just been really bothering me lately, I think because in my extended family, my aunt’s boyfriend’s daughter from his first marriage ( yes i know how that sounds) is 17 and pregnant, and my grandmother, who has always hated me is all ” Oh!! my first grandchild!!!” and is showereing her with affection. And I wanna scream “NO!! I had your first grandchild! and the baby died, and nobody was allowed to know you evil B*****!!” and I can’t even say anything. And while I don’t agree with the pregnant “relative”‘s situation, (not cause she’s not married, but because she is a drug user and a cutter)I can’t bring myself to ruin her joy with her succesful pregnancy. It just pisses me off. And I feel bad about it, but my baby never even existed in these people’s minds. Sorry, had to vent there! 😳 🙄

                I’m glad you found a support group. I understand how you feel about your grandmother. I’ve found that one of the best things to do IS to TALK about it; the lost pregnancy. Your baby was and still is your baby. You don’t have to think that by talking about it that you will spoil the other family members good news. I completely understand your anger and grief over someone elses pregnancy and not being able to talk about yours. My husband and I had a similar situation in the unfitness of a pregnant family member when we couldn’t get pregnant to save our lives. Hubby’s sister kept getting pregnant while living in her parents home, having been married twice. Once the baby reached about three she’d have another baby and foist the three year old off onto her daughter who wasn’t much older herself. Mom and Dad had both asked then told her she couldn’t have any more kids while she and hubby number two lived there, but she would always tell them that it was accidental (“the condom broke” “the pill failed”) when we all knew that they did it on purpose (“Don’t tell mom and dad but we did it on purpose”) Don’t let yourself feel any guilt over what you are now experiencing. Those emotions and feelings are perfectly normal. It doesn’t matter that your pregnancy was two years ago. You will still miss that child and you do need to talk about it. It helped for me that my mother in law was a labor and delivery nurse and had experienced the death of one of her unborn children. It happened at a time when the doctors thought it better that you not see or hold the child, but moms nursing friends didn’t go for that. They cleaned up the baby, wrapped him in a soft blanket and let both mom and dad hold him and say good bye. Mom said he was perfect; red hair, perfectly formed hands, fingers, toes. He just died before he was born. With our miscarriage we focused on the two babies we had left. Do I still miss the two that miscarried? YES! Are they still my children? YES! My religious beliefs tell me that I will have those children to raise in the after life; that they know that I am their mother and that they have a family they belong to. It also helped that my surviving boys wanted to know about their “two other brothers” and named them (Liam and Aidan). Does it still hurt that they are not here now? Sometimes; especially about a week or two before the boys birthday. But it helps that I have family and friends who love and care for me and my family, and that I can cry about it almost twelve years later and they still understand. Talk about your baby. Tell your family. Understand also that the generation our parents and grandparents come from didn’t talk about miscarriage. They generally didn’t even talk about being pregnant until it started to be obvious. That may be part of the reason your mom doesn’t want to speak about it. If you can find a time when it feels appropriate to talk about your baby then do so. Hope this helps.




                OH no! Don’t apologize! Talking about stuff (be it loss, hurt or whatever) is a big part of the healing process. We’re your friends, and we’re here for you! People can be amazingly dense when it comes to understanding the grieving process, and often so with miscarriage. I had more than one person tell me that I was lucky to miscarry as it wasn’t like I’d known the baby… 👿 this is comfort? I was furious, but also felt like I couldn’t talk about it and how much it hurt. Finally one person that had been there too talked to me and gave me the acknowledgement that I could & should grieve. Your mom was wrong, although some people do better with secret grieving. Even now you can tell people and it might really help. Tell your relative that you’re happy for her, but if you seem sad it’s because you’re still hurting over your lost one. You need to do what is going to help you, not your mom. (Although it can also make people akward around you, at least you can start to heal.) And there is no time limit to how long it hurts. I think we bear these scars forever.

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