
6 thoughts on “The Veligent – page 111”

  1. Theology? OK … are the yondala and other elements a carry-over from the not-yet-written first section?

    I think that panel 6 would read better if the guard’s “I know it’s real” was either in a separate balloon or was below the initial comment with a “tail” connecting them (like Kade’s speeches in that panel).

  2. Oh yeah, Yondalas (and lots of other stuff) are from the first part. This is where they get some explanation. There’s more about this tension between sects in later chapters too.
    You can go back in the pages and see who is Reptanglian and who is Orthodox by the Yondalas they wear.(…aaand notice how often I forgot them, though sometimes they are worn inside the shirt)

    I’m going to rewrite that word balloon. I often stick “place holder words” in where I just want somebody saying something.

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