
It probably isn’t necessary to blog about this since everybody seems to know about it already!
This month ( since I didn’t have time to get something together for a prize) I’ll hold the raffle first and see what turns up for a prize. Some of the options are: an adult oriental dragon, a young oriental dragon named “Hobbs” ( you can probably guess what he looks like!), a male griffin… and maybe other things. The winner can guide my decision for a prize, but you won’t know what it looks like till you open the box! Or the winner can choose to get a total surprise.
As with almost all of the raffle prizes, these may have unusual paint schemes, or be “rescues” that have slight defects.
I often use the casting “seconds” to experiment with, and if they turn out interesting, I put them on the raffle cart. There are some strange items on the raffle cart.

This raffle is FREE for Windstone forum members. Here is the link to the forum if you’d like to join us: http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/

SO if you would like to enter this raffle and you are a Windstone forum member, email me your forum name, and real name and address with the words “January 2011 raffle” in the subject line -so I can find your entry among the spam. (I don’t do anything evil with your info, it is just in my personal email list)

My email address is reptangle (at) gmail (dot) com
If you have entered before, you can just send me your forum name; I know who you are!