
Cool Shops Near Seattle/Corvallis?

Home Forums Miscellany Non-Windstone Flea Market Cool Shops Near Seattle/Corvallis?

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      I’m going to be taking a road trip this weekend from Seattle, WA to Corvallis, OR (not to visit the Windstone shop – I’ll be there on Saturday and I think they’re closed then). Does anybody know of any shops I could stop at along that route (including Portland) that specialize in fantasy/gothic statuary/art?

      Looking for GBs: loaf dragon; dark red-colored sitting grey wolf; baby ki-rins; sitting ori


        Good timing – this was posted yesterday on the “Windstone Editions Fan Club (Official)” Facebook page.

        The person who posted the photo says that the store is Northern Star in Corvallis.



          Yep ! Northern Star shouldn’t be missed! It is an awesome place to shop for wonderful stuff.


            That’s actually why I’m going to Corvallis! I have my eye on one of those guys, and I hope nobody snatches him up before Saturday. 😀

            I love Gargoyle’s Statuary in Seattle. They have so many neat figurines (including Windstones!). I was hoping a similar store like that existed, maybe in Portland or something, but I haven’t been able to find one.

            I checked the stores listed as Windstone dealers on the site, too, but most of them seem to be more of the type of stores that have rocks/books/herbs, which isn’t quite what I’m looking for. Or they’re way off to the west like in Astoria or something.

            Looking for GBs: loaf dragon; dark red-colored sitting grey wolf; baby ki-rins; sitting ori

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