Mother Hippogriff – Wild Dog Grab Bag Edition 2022
These are the remainders from the Grab Bag “Wild Dog” Mother Hippogriffs! (One per customer please!)
This is a Grab Bag edition of Hippogriff Mares painted by Melody Pena in African wild dog colors. All are African wild dog colors and patterns but each one is unique! These Hippogriffs will have a variety of natural-looking eye colors and be signed by Melody. They are 11 inches long and about 6 inches tall.
Hippogriffs are fantasy creatures that are a cross between a griffin and a horse which makes them a mash-up of an eagle and a lion and a horse, so these young hippogriffs have some characteristics of each animal. These have an eagle’s wings and beak, a lion’s front paws, and a horse’s hind end, mane, and ears.
These are all packed into identical boxes keeping the color of the Mother Hippogriff you receive a secret until you open the box! Our picture shows a small selection of the possibilities. These have a limit of one per customer – each person may only buy one.
This batch was sold in Password Protected form from a Waitlist which was begun on September 10, 2022 and closed about a week later. As of January 25, 2023, we are offering the last remaining Mother Hippogriffs without password protection to everyone. They are still limited to one per order.
These are individually hand-painted. You may find that different lighting displays the colors differently. This is a cast gypsum reproduction of an original sculpture by Melody Peña produced by Windstone Editions. For indoor display only.
Weight: 6.5lbsDimensions: 11" L x 4.25" W x 5.75" H
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