Forum Replies Created
November 20, 2009 at 12:50 am in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784596
I figured as much… but I wanted to warn you all, just in case 🙂
November 19, 2009 at 7:41 am in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784593Uh… guys? I’m not sure when my turn will be…but if it’s between the 18th of December and the 18th of January, you may have to skip me, or change my address; I won’t be here! :shrug:
October 21, 2009 at 7:53 am in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784577Nirvanacat13 wrote:Ya that’s my bad, I’ve been having a really nasty rash of headaches and haven’t been able to get them out to GB, they’re all packed up but I have to take it to the PO, they won’t let Louis pay with my card and neither of us has the cash funds right now. They will go out, I promise and I’ll keep everyone updated!
Oh no! I hope you feel better soon! 🙁
Don’t worry…I just wanted to make sure that a new thread hadn’t started up somewhere and I hadn’t seen it 😆
October 20, 2009 at 4:51 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784573Ummmm….guys? What’s going on with these? I haven’t heard anything for a while… 😳
Dragon87 wrote:Ah hah……… I so look forward to painting him…. 😀 *happy dance* I just wish I could keep him when I’m done… 🙁
Why wouldn’t you be able to keep him?
lol missed this batch! I’ve been waiting for PYO dragons… but i guess it’s driven home that fact that I need a Paypal account already 😀
For mature/adult comics, you could put all comics from Vertigo (an imprint of DC Comics) on the list…. these would include Watchmen, along with V for Vendetta, Hellblazer, Swamp Thing, House of Mystery, etc. they specialize in that kind of thing, instead of the usual ‘Superhero’ comics.
I would definitely check out Fables (a comic having to do with characters such as Snow White, Beast and Belle, Big bad wolf, etc. living in the real world) and Madame Xanadu (life and times of an immortal witch/psychic/sorceress). I don’t know if that’s what you’re going for, but they’re closer to the fantasy theme 🙂
September 30, 2009 at 8:01 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784566Nirvanacat13 wrote:xcrowell wrote:oh, poo. 🙂 i would have liked to do 1-7 or 11, but game on! this should be fun 😆
Whoops…mixed that up >.< switched you and Kitsune 😳
*checks* YAY I got haunches! *dances around the room* 😆
September 30, 2009 at 4:57 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784561oh, poo. 🙂 i would have liked to do 1-7 or 11, but game on! this should be fun 😆
Gorgeous Kirin, Ruffian! Kujacker, You are SO lucky 😀
September 29, 2009 at 7:46 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784546umm….
I’m not picky…. I guess maybe avoid really BRIGHT colors? (Like magenta…or bright orange…) 😕September 27, 2009 at 6:50 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784532I’d be happy with any of the parts 1-7, and 11 n_n
I can even do 10 if none are left 🙂
September 26, 2009 at 5:27 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784520YAY! 😆 PMed you!
September 26, 2009 at 6:50 am in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784517Oh no! I’m too late! 😥 I would have really loved to join in!
Any chance I can still be added?
These are amazing, you guys! Congrats all around on these amazing pieces!
I can’t wait for next time… maybe I’ll have enough money to join in 😀 -