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  • in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533509

      CherylKaufman wrote:

      Krylon clear spray in matte, gloss or semi-gloss. People use it on horse statues AND Windstones.

      Whats the difference between gloss and semi-gloss? Which would be better if Im painting a glossy finish (Cause I don’t want it to be too glossy.) πŸ™‚

      in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533507

        Ooo! One more question guys! What do I get to protect the paint after I”m done?

        in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533201

          Dragon Master wrote:

          I did what Silver said I hope it worked???

          These are so kewl but I have to say I LOVE Cheryl’s the Rainbow Fledgie just looking at you is too CUTE. Like Yeah what do you want???

          YAY! πŸ˜€

          in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533505

            WolfenMachine wrote:

            Aww, Silver, your husband will LOVE that πŸ™‚ I’m sure all his army buddies will be jealous. β€œMan…all my wife sent me was cookies…” hehe I can’t wait to see the finished product either.

            As for paint…interference is tricky because you have to get a thin, EVEN coat, or it dries white XP ick.

            LOL! All his army buddies are already jealous. All the cards I send to him I draw different stuff. Most of them are wolves. But he loves them soo much. Hehee that dragon alone took me about 2 hours to draw. (And that includes outlining with the pen). In the inside of the card I drew his tail and the tip of it curls up holding a heart. It was cute! I should of scaned it to show ya’ll. πŸ˜€
            But yeah I won’t used the interference paint. I haven’t used that before and I don’t want to mess it up.

            in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533502

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              That black and red one sounds neat! Another take on black and red after Arlla’s and drag0n’s…

              Well theres not a lot of color choices with the red eyes. I got him off of ebay ,but i didn’t know until now that i could of got him custom made to my likeing. But that’s ok.
              Hmm, tomorrow im going to get some paint and brushes. I guess acyrlic is the best. And i asked around about the gossy finish and i heard that Decoart Duraclear varnish, Gloss/brilliant is good. the brush on type.

              in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533500

                Greater Basilisk wrote:

                Very pretty drawing, Silverdragon. Will you show us your PYO when it’s finished?

                Thank you and yes of course I will. πŸ˜€ I won’t be for a while though. πŸ™‚ I have a red-eyed one coming in that I”m going to paint first. I’m planing on the body to be a dark grey with black shadows. With read highlights and gold trims. But, I’ll be getting this special dragon here ordered soon. Aww yay!!

                in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533199

                  wolflodge100 wrote:

                  I have read thru all these posts and tried everything everyone has said and I still can’t get mine to work πŸ˜₯ I geuss I am to old for this new tecnology πŸ˜•

                  All u do is right click the picture and go to properties. When u do that a page will come up. Where it says address url, highlight that and copy it.
                  Now go to your profile and go to the empty box for your signiture. Type and hit submit. make sure you have no spaces inbetween the IMG’s. And yay it should work. πŸ™‚

                  in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533498

                    Oooo YAY!! I didn’t know this! Thank you soo much guys! YAY! Hmm, I’ll have to wait until friday when I get paid. Hmm, what stone should I get….they don’t have a yellow stone listed, unless they could do that for me that would be nice. πŸ™‚

                    Or wait! I could just do a clear crystal. That would be pretty. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                    in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533193

                      whippetluv wrote:

                      Silver…want me to just email it to you?

                      Oh! No, it’s alright. I have it in my photobucket now. I just direct link your picture and saved it under my photobucket. Thank you though. πŸ™‚ And thanks again for the sig. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

                      in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533496

                        dragonmedley wrote:

                        You can order the little dragon with bright yellow or pale yellow eyes from Windstone…

                        Really?? Where? I don’t see it on their, β€œbuy items directly,” page. Do I just ask one of them?


                        What a neat idea! I like your dragon drawing too.

                        Aww thank you. πŸ˜€

                        in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533185

                          Yeah, I did what you said and copied the address and but the IMG in the front and back of it. But,….weird that I couldn’t save it on my laptop under jepg. I’ll have to figure out why another day. lol!
                          ….im still trying to figure out why I can’t get a avatar. I have the right size, 80 by 80, but it won’t let me…

                          in reply to: Question about a certain color eyes on PYO Dragons….. #533493

                            Ok, I was wondering, on your next batch of dragons (either the small or large), could you please make a set with yellow eyes? I drew a dragon on a cover of a card for my husband in Iraq. And it would be soo neat if I could paint one for him. He would soo LOVE that! But the thing is that dragon’s eyes are yellow. So, I would greatly appeciate it if you could make some with yellow eyes. Hopefully if you do, I will be able to buy one at that moment (cause sometimes im busy at work and I”m not able to get on the internet). But heres what my dragon looks like, if your curious. πŸ™‚

                            in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533151

                              whippetluv wrote:

                              Silverdragon wrote:

                              Yay!!!! Thank you SOOO much Whippet!
                              I LOVE IT!!! Question, i tried to save it onto my computer so that i could host it on my photobucket, but it wont let me save it in jepg. Do u know why?

                              ummm you are left clicking? Then hitting save picture? then it should be already in jpeg. my version is. That is odd.

                              Huh weird….im on my laptop. And the only saving options are art and bitmp. very weird…..

                              in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533144

                                Yay!!!! Thank you SOOO much Whippet!
                                I LOVE IT!!! Question, i tried to save it onto my computer so that i could host it on my photobucket, but it wont let me save it in jepg. Do u know why?

                                in reply to: Want a Siggie? Updates will be in first post *more* #533132

                                  Ooo! Pretty please can you make me one with the silver old warrior? πŸ˜€ If u can’t with the silver one, then the peacock is fine. πŸ™‚

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