Forum Replies Created
Nothing like dragging up an old thread 😉 . I really wanted to know if the concensus is that the stripey brown male is more unusual than the non-stripey & which of the two came out first ?
Dear Santa
I’ve been a good girl ALL year 😳 but wondered if I could trade in all my presents this year so I can be a bad girl next year 👿 :spank: ? I know I’m not getting any Windstones this Christmas 😥 so it makes it an easy trade for me 😉 plus you have my full permission to give GB any thermal underwear that might have been heading my way 😀 (see earlier post)
Thanks SantaSapphire X
Love the pictures of you & your family Kyrin – gorgeous 8) . I have the utmost respect for the decision that people make whether to have family or not . It takes courage to make a stand & not conform to what is expected (no pun intended) by society but neither is it easy to have and raise a family .
I always wanted a large family but stopped at 2 but now have 6 wonderful grandchildren but no matter how much I love them there are days when the best bit is when they go home 😀 .Because of the time difference these were posted when I was ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz 🙁 😥 🙄 😈 . I know it’s a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOng shot but if anyone decides that they don’t want theirs would they consider letting me know . Thanks guys & congratulations to those lucky enough to get one 😀 ( yes I’m smiling through gritted teeth 👿 )
Flap cats back in the store – bat & birdwings 😉
Just to remind folks that I am accepting offers until this Friday .
List updated GB 😉 . I’ve accepted some offers & the others offers that are listed are close to the price I’d consider accepting for the pieces . Thanks everyone .
I think I’ve replied to everone but if anyone has PM’d me & hasn’t had a reply – 😳 my apologies & would they please PM me again . I hope to have more time to update the list with best offers tomorrow & will be taking offers until Friday 28th November . Many thanks for the interest shown .
Time to update the old wishlist in case Santa decides to check here 😉
White – Lap & sitting spectral
Brown – Hatching empress , OW & fledgling
Emerald – Hatching empress & lap
Young orientals – Jade (not emerald) , dark peacock & ruby
Oriental sun – Dark peacock & jade (I know , I know – it might not exist but this is a list for Santa after all 😆 )
Ki-rin – MaleI have a list of items that I am possibly selling over on the Flea Market but would consider trades . I’m looking for brown hatching empress , emerald hatching empress , brown fledgling , brown OW , ruby young oriental . jade young oriental , dark peacock young oriental , male ki-rin , emerald lap , white lap , white sitting spectral .
Shipping varies on the size & weight of the box & how quickly you want it sent plus insurance .
I would be prepared to negotiate payments & might entertain trades .This is a list of Windstones that I am considering selling . Some have their boxes , some don’t but ALL are undamaged . I have never sold anything on E-bay before so I thought I would list them here & see what interest if any there was . Bear in mind that I am in the UK so the shipping will be more but please make all offers in US dollars .
The following have no original boxes :-
PEACOCK – Old Warrior
Coiled (male)
Hatching Emperor
Hatching Empress
Kinglet – offer accepted
Young Dragon
Wind WizardEMERALD – Sun Dragon
Oriental DragonWHITE – Mother
BUTTERNUT POAD – Green Eyed – $125 offered
ALL the following have their original boxes :-
WHITE – Coiled (male)
EMERALD – Kinglet
PEARL – Sitting Griffin Chick –
– Crouching Griffin ChickCURLED – Old Green
– Rainbow – Offer AcceptedFLION – In original Polystyrene packing
FLAPCAT – Siamese Batwing
RAINBOW – Hatching Emperor – trade
– Hatching Empress – trade
– Hatching KingletNON MINT PIECES :-
BLACK MOTHER UNICORN – has several chips
BLACK MALE UNICORN – has several chips – $125 offered
FLION – large piece missing from wing but has original polystyrene boxWell it’s official – he’s got a black bottom SO HE’S JADE 😆 . Thanks for the tip PT 😉
I can’t believe that he’s been sitting in his box for 6 months & I didn’t realise that he was jade when I first got him 😳 . I only realised when I compared him with the emerald OW . He was from the same seller that I got my old style white grand unicorn from – again mint & in the original box .
Yup it sure does . I’ve tracked down a comparison picture of an emerald & a jade scracher that pegasil posted back in July & the scratcher I have has the same gold highlights that the jade scratcher has so it looks like I’ve got a mint jade scratcher in its box that I paid £50 for 😀 .