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  • in reply to: NIBWT Mother Kirin sale: SOLD & CLOSED #601192


    She is at my mom’s house at the moment. She is new with original box and tag as well as the little booklet that Windstone sent about Kirin lore. When I go back for another treatment on Monday the 23rd and bring her home on the 24th, I’ll take photos of her and put them up here. But again, she is mint and never been displayed or out of her box except for inspection.

    If interested, please make offers in PMs. I take payment of PayPal, money order and checks (which take 2 weeks to clear). I will ship worldwide, double boxed via USPS Priority (unless you specify otherwise). I highly recommend insurance though Ive already shipped overseas successfully (and not even double boxed which should say something about the care I put into packaging).

    If the offer is right, I am willing to put her on hold for you to pay at a later date. In other words, if your offer is the best and youre trully committed to buying her and wont bail out on me, I’ll put her on reserve for you and you can pay when you can later on.

    Also, if youd like, I can do layaway for you and you can pay her off if you need to. We can work out a payment schedule of monthly or weekly, etc.

    Thanks for reading and for your interest! Hope to hear from you im PMs!

    in reply to: Sale! White Young Dragon SOLD #600998

    I have received an offer for $85 for the Baby Kirin so that is now the top offer.

    I will have another New in original box, with tag and tiny story booklet on Kirin lore from Windstone, mint, never displayed, Mother Kirin. I will have her in hand Monday (23rd) and will take photos of her Tuesday the 24th when I come home from treatment.

    So, if anyone wants to start making offers on this second NEW Mother Kirin, you can go ahead and PM me.


    in reply to: Sale! White Young Dragon SOLD #600995

    Wow! No one is interested in the Young White Dragon 😯 I thought so many were clammering for white pieces- especially mint ones w/ tags. Looks like he’ll head to eBay… eventually. 🙁

    in reply to: Cat paw pad problems, anyone know? #599700

    ddvm wrote:

    I have Cornish rexes and they love heat …

    Amen!!! My mom has one too (and a Siamese Lynx point… her chocolate Siamese just passed away- it was time as he was over 18 and in pain). But the Cornish Rex… he LOVES the heat which makes sense based on coats. Temps for those cats also run higher than usual too but is normal. It’s like sleeping inside a furnace when he sleeps with you… so uncomfy during FL summers for us graced with his slumber presence! But too cute to kick out of bed!

    Mom’s cat has such dorky markings but is why she picked him out. He really is pathetic looking such so you have to love him. He was born with a decent coat (tho his mom didnt have one). Mom questioned breeder about the mom’s coat and would it tranfer to her baby. She was told the kitten should have a normal Rex coat… he doesnt. In some places yes but he is mostly a peach fuzz Sphinx.

    I have pix of him but not online at the moment. He is worth the look just for the comedic value of his appearance! But we love him and so does anyone that comes in contact with him. His older “brother” (Siamese), is SO maternal and protective of him even though they are both full grown adults in the middle of their lives now. The Siamese though- you could hold ANY of our Siameses (throughtout my life) by their ears and theyd still be purring, looking adoringly at you (mind you we never did that)!

    Keep us up to date on how your kitty fairs with his pink, peeling pusscat paws! Wow- hows that for some alliteration!

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #599795

    Hot damn! Now Im laughing… in the middle of the night (::friend wanders in with curiosity and a bit perplexed!:: )

    After all the crying I caused with Red Marbles, glad others have added the funny stuff. That is usually the genre I go for and share more often than the sappy stuff.

    still so sorry everyone had to cry during red marbles. Really wasnt my intention!

    in reply to: OMG EBAY #600805

    Yay for you!!! I have a Canon Rebel too. Lu-Lu-LOOOOVVVVEE it! Especially my telephoto lens. Awesome for shooting horse shows (speaking of which, one of my photos was just published in a Canadian Equestrian Magazine 🙂 ) Have fun!

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596360

    dragonessjade wrote:

    KMD4me wrote:

    Male kirin- will pay about 130$ for him.
    Male Griffin (any color)- about 100$ maybe more.
    Old warrior (any color)- 150$ maybe more.

    I have a black male griffin for sale. See Details in my thread. I will take offers on it.

    This exchange in communication right here, is exactly what I was hoping would be the embodiment of this kind of thread. Sometimes we all get caught up in life when it takes a hold of us and shakes us like rag dolls. It helps when members know what others interests are (whether youre selling or buying). While I might be keeping the official list, anyone can keep an eye out for ppl theyve become friends with here.

    Thats cool. even tho Im totally jealous and want that griffin to be mine… all mine! Grrr! ::slink, slink, slink…uff da!:: 😆

    in reply to: WIZARD ending soon! Still cheap! No reserve. #599770

    lamortefille wrote:

    From the auction:

    “Reserve by the Consignor or Seller-Unless the sale is advertised and announced as a sale without reserves, each lot is offered subject to a reserve and Pacific Galleries may implement such reserves by bidding through its representatives on behalf of the consignor. When bidding Pacific Galleries will use bidder # 23, 50, 444, 900, 983.”

    It could have been sold to a floor bidder, but it doesn’t look like it. If the reserve wasn’t met, the seller keeps it and possibly has it put up for auction another time.

    Too much fine print in that sucker to read over at eBay (tho I did until my eyes crossed). Why cant these kinds of Windstones be at auctions near me (live in person auctions; not eBay)

    in reply to: Sale! White Young Dragon SOLD #600994

    I got all your PMs so far.

    Here is where they stand as far as best offers thus far (if you offered if, then I PMed you back and told you that you were currently the best offer). Always check back here for updates in price fluctuations.

    Additionally, if you need to wait to make a payment, OR would like to do some kind of payment plan (like layaway), and can beat the current offers, Im willing to work something out. Im willing to do layaway AND Im willing to wait until a later date should you need to wait to pay for the piece in a lump sum. Keep that in mind. It might help you out if youre on the fence about making an offer.[/b]

    *Oriental Sun Dragon Jade SOLD!
    *Mother Kirin = SOLD!
    *Baby Kirin SOLD!
    *Mother Pegasus = SOLD!

    These offers do not include shipping cost. Several of you have made offers on more than one piece. If you win them, I’ll certainly combine shipping and youd pay one one actual price for the large box the pieces will go in (still double boxed of course).

    in reply to: Sale! White Young Dragon SOLD #600991

    mmloda wrote:

    pm’d you. 😆

    Back at ya. I had tried to quote your post here for the one second it was up and it said “No Such Post Exists.” I thought you might have gone to PM and poof! There it was 🙂 Hope my response makes sense!

    in reply to: WIZARD ending soon! Still cheap! No reserve. #599768

    skigod377 wrote:

    It says I didnt win the auction, but it does not mention a reserve. I am new at the live auction, so I probably didnt do something right.,1
    I dunno honey. It has an asterisk* next to your price of $0.00 which in fine print means “absentee bid.” I dont know what that means either. But I want to know what the heck they do with the item if it didnt sell. Apparently there were no other bites! Better not chuck it!

    As for shipping, I dunno about that as well. I know it said on there $10-$50 but I thought that that was what they were expecting the piece to be worth. If you had looked where they list questions answered by seller, someone asked about shipping to some US zip code and the seller responded by saying $13.00.

    Still kicking myself but it was out of my hands. If I cant have it, I want Ski to then! What a killing! I know youre busy but have you contacted them to see what was what? Im just too curious (and being a Leo, I should watch out as you know what they say about curiosity and cats! Hey, youre a Leo too)! ::meow::

    Have fun in Paris sweetie!

    in reply to: Sale! White Young Dragon SOLD #600989

    I have more for sale. With the exception of my Mother Pegasus, the rest are all new with their tags still attached, in the original boxes they came in. Theyve never been displayed or handled. Only ever been out of their boxes for inspection and photo shoot which was done at the same time.

    Please enjoy their photos (did the best I could with the white ones) and PM me with offers. I am in the US but will ship to anyone. You can pay with PayPal, money order or check (checks must clear in 2 weeks).

    All are double boxed and will go out USPS Priority. I encourage you to insure for it doesnt cost but a couple bucks.

    I’ll consider the highest offer from anyone here. If for some reason I think the piece would go for more on eBay, I might have to go that route. I dont want to and would MUCH rather someone here have these pieces.

    If you want layaway, please PM me for terms and questions. It would be easier to have the money in full right away but if layaway is something you need and you are responsible, I’ll do it.


    Dont forget that I still have some other pieces for sale that I listed in other threads. Youd have to go back several pages.

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596357

    Purplecat- yup! Thats the one I thought you were talking about. He is on your list that Im keeping, with that site’s price quoted next to it so in case I can find it for less, then I can grab him or let you know, etc.

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596355

    purplecat wrote:

    Large rock dragon (I can find him 😀 )

    Noted on the rest of your list. But Id been meaning to ask as someone else is looking for him too… is he the one on the low round rock that is a piece for IN or OUT doors? Or is he the taller piece for indoors only?

    I know what Astral Castle says, but I want to be sure.

    in reply to: WIZARD ending soon! Still cheap! No reserve. #599758

    boskydragon wrote:

    How can there be 4 bids on the young brown dragon & he’s only up to $5.50?

    Tell me about it! They just had a LIVE auction for a Large Bird Wing Black and White Flap Cat… it went for $5.00 !!!!!!! 😯 I Soooo would have been in on that auction but didnt sign up for it because I knew at that time, Id be in hospital getting treatment. Rrrr! Ticked… $5 for a large flap!!! Arf! 😡

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