Forum Replies Created
It takes a forceful push to push it back to where it should be so I doubt that Elmers would hold it. Feels more like it needs an ubber strong glue like some sort of apoxy.
If I resculpt this, what medium and materials do I use to resculpt and fill in the open space on the forehead, thereby seeming to bring that part of the forehead close to the horn instead of pushing it back into the skull and glueing it?
Thanks for the advice thus far and more to come, I hope! urgh!
Here is the insert that came with the baby Kirin as well as both Mother Kirins:
Here is the insert that came with the baby Kirin and both Mother Kirins:
All the Kirins officially have their little insert. Im working on getting as decent a photo of it as possible and will post it here as soon as I can.
The tentative close of sale date for this Mother Kirin will be sometime next Wednesday, July 25th. Whoever is the current offer holder at that time, I will send you a PM if someone makes another offer- even on the last day. It will give you a chance to counter offer or decline. I think thats only fair.
dragonessjade wrote:PhoenixTears wrote:Current offer on this 2nd Mother Kirin is $110 right now.
This has been asked of the Kirins… they all have that tiny little insert booklet flip thingy that speaks of their lore. Definitely the Baby has it. And this second mother. I have to unpack the first mother to be sure she has one too.
Can you take a picture of what the insert looks like?Yes, I will do it right now and get it online as soon as I can.
The current offer for this Mother Kirin is now $150.
Yes, for those of you who have asked, the Baby Kirin and BOTH Mother Kirins all have the tiny little flip booklet insert about Kirin lore. During packing, it was put in a place that you will not be able to miss it or overlook it, accidently throwing it out. It’s right on top for the lucky owners.
Thanks!Yay on the new car! ::pictures Kyrin’s mane swishing in the breeze as she coasts down the expressway:: YAY!!! ::does a little jig:: 😀 😆
I think I can safely say we hope youre feeling much better than when you first posted the thread. Please come back and update us as we’re concerned about ya!
As Cher would say “Snap out of it!”… ok, lame joke. Trying. Even if you went like this :roll:, at least thats somethin’!
Feel better Snapper!
Oh, Oh!!!! Just under the wire!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! ::balloons flying::drag0nfeathers wrote:I haven’t seen Nirvana on the forums for quite a while now. At least, I don’t recall her. I’ve seen her bid on an auction or two a few weeks ago though. ??? I hope everythings okay.
Thats exactly why I want to contact her. The person she won from has her pieces ready to go but needs some information (I forget which). She says she has been emailing Nirvana a lot but hasnt heard anything (and she has the right address; same one Cat gave me). Seller is worried that Nirvana might think her stuff is in the mail and leave her negative feedback because it’s taking so long. Meanwhile, she hasnt been able to send it for some reason and has made every effort to contact Nirvana.
I said Id try and sent her a PM. She hasnt opened it yet so I thought Id ask here in case anyone knew if something was up. Now I am really worried because I use to see her post regularly here and based on the pieces she won, heck, I dont think she’d be lax in communication.
Im officially nervous 😕 🙁 ❓
This isnt mine but I thought Id take a stab at it for a friend since she also doesnt know what to do. Anyone know how I could repair this horn? It is strongly in place, not dangling. But I feel if I force it back into position (back and forth it’s been tried and Im hoping it’s not weakening it more), it wont stay. If I can get it back to where it should be, how do I get it to hold?
Surely some of you here have repaired bent away horns. Help? Please?
Current offer on this 2nd Mother Kirin is $150 right now.
This has been asked of the Kirins… they all have that tiny little insert booklet flip thingy that speaks of their lore. Definitely the Baby has it. And this second mother. I have to unpack the first mother to be sure she has one too.
New best offer on the Sun Dragon is $215.
The Sun Dragon and Baby AND Mother Kirin sales will close next Wednesday the 25th and go to the best offer at that time. I havent decided whats happening with the pegasus and white dragon yet so they will remain here for the moment.
If the Sun, Mother or Baby Kirins are pieces youve been longing for, please read my posts thoroughly about payment flexibility. Im always willing to work something out with those who are sincere in their offers. Any questions, do not hesitate to PM or email me (if emailing, please say in your title subject line that youre from Windstone forums so I dont auto delete your email b/c I dont recognize it).
PTPS: theres another thread I have with another new in box mint w/ tag, never displayed Mother Kirin for sale.
July 18, 2007
Hey all,
This is so silly but if anyone watches this show, can someone please tell me what happened last night? I missed it and being that Im addicted to this kind of show (though hardly all reality shows), Id love to know who was cut adrift and if there is a new captain… basically a sum up of the episode would be cool!Thanks!
Hey Nirvana, Ive been trying to get a hold of you 🙂 If you read this, please check your PMs.
Does anyone know if she is away or, if not, if she’s alright?