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  • in reply to: PYO First timer would like some input… #582847

    hardwired wrote:

    If you have a dragon that is out hunting, they would not want to be seen by their prey. I want to spray the first coat as a white from the bottom up and black from the top down. That would be the base coat. The second coat would be from the bottom up colors in the sky and from the top down some detail in browns and some hints of other colors that remind me of New Mexico, those lavenders, pinks, golds etc.

    Thats one hardcore, prehistoric, mythic (tho I believe dragons existed as a form of dinosaur) better than cool Jurassic cameleon on a grand killer size scale! Awesome idea and if/when you get it finished, Im already chomping at the bit to see how it comes out. And if you sell it, to see how much it fetches. Good luck in all aspects but most of all, have fun! Great imagination! Geronimoooooooooo!!!!!

    in reply to: New Wolf PYO #582625

    I saw him too and drooled, making me want him all the more cause I knew I couldnt. Congrats on the unique sale. Well deserved!

    in reply to: Advice for my first RE PAINT??? #583073

    Nambroth wrote:

    Please just make sure that if you ever plan to sell, take a commission for, or even publish (YES, posting a photo online IS considered publishing!) the repaint, that it be clearly marked on the bottom as a repaint, but more importantly, and legally, it can bear no resemblance to a Windstone paint scheme.

    I understand exactly what youre saying but to be clear, any of the black unicorns (in any form) and black pegasi will never be sold or photographed. I’ll just be blunt and come out with it, whether ppl think Im nuts or not- Ive nothing to lose. Im quite sick with several terminal illnesses. Been so for some time. Yes, docs can be wrong but we have known the situation and I have beaten the odds for awhile. However, this year has taken a severe and drastic turn with them telling me to get my final expenses and such in order (all my money goes to medical which is why I have to sell off my other beloved Windstones which breaks me up inside). The family and I know Im looking at less than a year.

    Mom and I are very close and very spiritual. Weve had a long standing plan that if theres an afterlife (which I believe in), that we’d send the other a sign… a black unicorn or pegasus. Black because theyre unique and not common like the whites. The “sign” would be seeing one out of the blue in an unusual place (not just looking at the statues). But the Windstones do exemplify this connection. Hence, the black unicorn and pegasi families will encircle my own urn on my mother’s baker’s rack, most likely some time next year, when my time comes. They will serve as my “guardians” so to speak. That is how much I love Windstones and Melody’s work, what they mean to me, why Im on a truncated time table; why money is so tight and why Id even consider the sad lengths of a repaint. With all my heart I can promise, repaint (which would never look like a Windstone), PYOs, or originals, those pieces will never -EVER- be sold (and should they be repaints, NEVER photographed. This is a personal quest; not like any PYOs I might do which Id be more than happy to share). All I have is my word. Anyone that knows me knows it’s gold. Id even sign something if you wanted me to- seriously.

    Im jaded due to other internet boards and expect an onslaught of smacks in the face about this post but again, Ive nothing to lose. I just wanted to get across that in no way am I trying to rip off Melody or recreate her work for any kind of profit or plan at all, to try to resell those pieces. Sorry if this brought anyone down or disgusted you- it was not my intention. Im an OK with all of this and have accepted everything. I am just trying to tie up things that Ive been tryng to naturally do for years. I have just been put on a suddenly shorter time table now and been given the “heads up” that so many do not get.

    Bottomline… I understand the copyright laws and should these pieces come into my possession in anyway, they arent going anywhere. I didnt mean to stir up so much controversy here and do apologize to Melody as well as other Windstone staff if they thought I was out for any kind of profit.

    Most Sincerely,

    in reply to: White mother griffin for sale #581660

    Nambroth wrote:

    If you want to garner more interest and share photos of the pieces you are selling, an alternative to you is to just provide the links to the images so that we may see without you having to email the photos out to many curious members. I would be glad to help you figure that out if you need help!

    Good luck, so sorry you have to part with your pieces.
    That’s so generous of you! Please forgive my lack of knowledge concerning some internet and message board protocol but does this mean something along the lines of uploading photos of my pieces to a free image hosting site like Photobucket (only one Ive ever used & am even remotely familiar with) and go from there?

    Right now I know there’s only 4 pieces I’ve taken pix of and they are of the White Mother Dragon, the Male Peacock Dragon, Young Emerald Dragon and the Hatching Emperor in Peacock. All are mint but we can go into other things in a different thread. Im just waiting to figure out what kind of boxes each will fit in properly and how I can determine shipping before I create a thread of my own (and stop mooching off of poor SPark’s here before she snaps my neck like a twig… up side tho is that I keep pushing her thread back to the front!) and advertise them officially. And yes, part of that is still procrastination as I never wanted to let them go 😥

    But Im ever thankful for the offer of a helping hand and if it’s OK with you, I may try to get a hold of you (PM?) when it comes time to do this. Thanks Nambroth.

    in reply to: Advice for my first RE PAINT??? #583067

    Whoops! I didnt know about the repaint rule and certainly didnt mean to offend anyone. Ive spent years upon years trying to find (and afford on the very few occasions I have) the black unicorn family (save for the sitting male which Ive always had). Believe me, if I could send Melody my white unicorn sitting on his haunches for her to repaint, Id certainly pay her fee! But I know she doesnt do that. And due to the reason of why the black unicorns & pegasus’ are so important to me (I have no problem sharing so should anyone want to know, feel free to PM but I won’t share here b/c some may not want to read about it), Ive had to finally resort to this final stage which is a repaint as I am running out of time. Otherwise, Id continue searching. Or even hope that theyd bring some sort of black unicorns back for a Limited Edition like theyre doing for the Black Pegasus Family. But I just dont have that kind of time (and it has nothing to do with patience).

    To both of you, thank you guys so much for your helpful insights about the paints and such so far. I hope to hear more about ppl’s experiences with their PYOs, their success and bloopers. I use to have steady hands it was awesome. But only one of the things I suffer from at this point is Parkinsons. Tremors & other dexterity issues make painting difficult. But I will not give in and will soldier on with this particular plan. Additionally, before I “move on”, I plan to purchase at least one of each of the PYOs and to something very cool with each of them. Mom & I (we’re close; and she’s a crafty devil!) had always done ceramics together so we have painted pieces everywhere. She’s bringing over the arsenal of brushes and tools tomorrow.

    Thanks again for all the superb advice- truly. In closing, I hope I havent offended anyone with talk of repaints. For me I dont find the desire or need to do so with any of the Windstones save for the very ones I was just discussing and for a very specific reason. Otherwise I’d just buy PYOs over, again & more until I went even further broke! For example, instead of repainting my white female unicorn, I’ll buy the PYO and paint it black. I will say though that since I was able to purchase the Limited Black Mother Pegasus, I wouldnt dream of repainting my white mother pegasus… thats how it works for me. Repainting is my last resort for I love Windstones as they are. Sorry if I stepped on any toes, paws or talons or ruffled any feathers or wings. 🙂

    in reply to: Haunted Windstone #582955

    These kinds of freaky deaky things have followed me all my life but nothing truly bad has every happened… luckily. You have some great suggestions here. Smudging with sage is a way to go (cleansing the whole room with sage smoke is a way to go, or even the house), swabbing the piece with holy water and/or rubbing it down with mugwort herb would surely mellow it out. But if having it perched on your Bible has caused you to feel peaceful vibes, more power to ya. Hopefully nothing eventfully poor would continue. You could also try placing a blue candle next to him for a while as well. Just a thought but it’s your house so you know best and how you feel. G/L!

    in reply to: Good God! What is This? #582766

    All I could think of is hearing Marcia Brady going “ewww, my nose!”

    Anyone get a reply to their question from the seller? It is way out of proportion.

    in reply to: Silver grey unicorn….SOLD! #583135

    She’s easily won my heart!

    in reply to: Advice for my first RE PAINT??? #583064

    It’s a long story as to why I need to have the black unicorn (and pegasus which is in the works) families. Im on a truncated time table too but wont go into personal details to bore you.

    My main questions for you wonderful PYO talents out there are:

    1. When you did your first PYO or repaint of a normal piece, what were the first main problems you encountered and would do differently?

    2. Any big NO NOs I should know about before beginning anything?

    3. Im going to be repainting the large white unicorn sitting on his haunches from white to black. What is the best “black” brand color name and/or number I should get (hopefully from Michaels because that’s near me and Ive no idea where else to go)?

    4. What is the name of the “primer” Im going to need to coat this original piece in before I begin the repaint?

    5. What is the stuff used to coat/cover the eyes or parts of the statue that you dont accidently want to get paint on?

    6. Due to my health, my hands arent as steady as they were all my life but other than that, are there any tricks you guys can let me in on that might help me when trying my hand at the actual PYOs as well as this first repaint?

    *Anything else you can think of to share here would be most helpful. Feel free to go off on tangents and share stories galore. There is a lot to read on this site and Im doing my best as my eyes allow. So, if stuff like this has been covered (as Im sure it has), Im sorry to have repeated it. It just takes a lot out of my eyes to read on the computer these days. But I’ll try to get to as many threads as I can to read all about the knowledge everyone has imparted.


    in reply to: Red Dragon (NEW PHOTOS!) #581229

    Oh! What a looker! So nicely done! This site is a double edged sword for me. I cant afford to buy diddly but looking at what so many of you do with the PYOs makes me want to have a go at at least each of the PYOs they have out there right now.

    Im so impressed with this dragon! Who says money cant buy happiness. Heck, if I had money that wasnt going solely towards medical, Id be buying up Melody Windstones and PYO Windstones and THEY bring me happiness! Hmph!

    in reply to: White mother griffin for sale #581658

    Thanks for the tip and the welcome! But when I was talking about posting pix I was refering to emails. Posting the photos of them here, they would be too small and if someone is going to buy, I’d imagine theyd want to see them large and as close up as possible, from many angles, etc.

    And yea, I’ll certainly start my own thread when it’s time and not leech off of SPark’s anymore! 😛

    in reply to: White mother griffin for sale #581656

    Thanks for your replies. As you guys were typing, I was PMing “littleironhorse” about how she was doing stuff. So, hopefully if she has time, she’ll impart some wisdom to me.

    Ive been watching eBay for the items that I have that I need to sell to see how theyre doing. They were doing better a couple months ago. But honestly, Id really only want what I paid for the piece even though a bidding “war” might get me more. Thats how much Id rather stay away from eBay! Sadly, they never came in original boxes so I have that strike against me. And because I never thought in my wildest dreams Id ever sell them (some were gifts from my late husband too), I never kept their tags. But theyre in pristine condition, kept in a curio cabinet in a smoke free environment.

    As a photographer, I can provide superior, multiple angle photographs via email once I have my thread up & going here and someone hopefully shows an interest. And thank you all for your advice. Once I figure out what Id like for each of those pieces and what the shipping would be, I’ll start my own thread and everyone can have a free for all. Can you tell my tone is still that of procrastination :blushing: 😥

    The consolation for me here, on this site, is knowing theyre going to true Windstone lovers. Im a sucker for karma so I know my babies will get good, loving homes and not just the fair weather “dragon” or “mythic creature” amusist.

    Thanks again everyone for your information, as well as welcoming me with open arms (and wings) instead of the usual gruff induction that most chat boards force you to endure. Glad there is still culture & civility left in the world! I found this site way too late in life but plan to be around for as long as I have left!

    And a very special thanks to SPark for letting me cut my teeth on her thread. Again, not my intention to thread jack. So sorry.

    in reply to: White mother griffin for sale #581652

    First, let me say hello as Im a newbie to the site. From what Ive read so far, everyone is so nice and generous with attitude and information which, over my years online on only a few chat boards, is very rare. So it’s nice to come to a site where ppl are polite and enthusiastic.

    A friend of mine (fellow collector) who is an artist and doing a fantastic job with the PYOs, told me that this site has a “selling flea market” area and Im wondering if Im in the right area or if not, where I can go? Do I HAVE to go through eBay?

    Here is my situation. I have quite a few retired, mint condition Windstones that I must sadly and reluctantly part with. Im doing this with a lot of things in my life because, to be blunt, I have tons of medical bills (that won’t end until I do- seriously) to keep up with. Ive been procrastinating as long as I can where my Windstones are concerned as I cant bear to part with them. Ive been collecting them for as long as I can remember.

    As a buyer on eBay some years ago, I had a horrible experience so Im not too keen on even being a part of eBay at all. However, recently I had dealt with one of those eBay drop off stores to sell some of my other statues (not Windstones) as well as some Baccarat flutes. With regards to the statues (which they forced me to group together in 2 groups of 3 and 1 group of 4), only starting at $9.99 which is what all of them went for (I was robbed as each of those statues were over $36 each), not only do I have no statues anymore, but I made NO money on them either. The store takes 42% of the first $200 at auction plus I have to pay out the eBay fees (those fees I dont mind but the 42% I do, not to mention their other rules).

    I dont want to hand over my Windstones to them and have my Mint Retired Male Peacock Dragon go for $25 (same with my white mother dragon and my young emerald dragon and hatching peacock emperor). I think these stores take too much of a cut as I was forced to learn the hard way. My friend said to come here because there is a “flea market” to sell the Windstone pieces to true collectors and connoisseurs. Can anyone lead me further in the right direction?

    Thanks for your time and sorry this was so long. Didnt mean the thread jack your white mother griffin. Hope she goes to a good home and if I had the money, Id SO scoop her up from ya for at least $300.

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