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  • in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585920

    Im getting there, Im getting there!!! Be patient with me; Im not a well girl (and I dont mean not well in the head… you know what I mean!)

    Im getting to all your PMs.

    Im going in the order in which they were received.


    Bear with me guys, please. Im working as fast as I can. I use to be faster but cut me a break, Im slower these days. The pieces arent going anywhere so dont worry… this isnt eBay!

    Im also trying to get my old Photobucket account up and running again so I can have photos of some of the items I did manage to take photos of (I didnt take pix of all of them cause I didnt expect to sell all of them however, they are all in MINT condition; not even a flea bite).

    Rememeber, Money orders only, that can be cashed in the USA.
    When you make an offer on an item, please do not include shipping in your offer as even I dont know how much that shipping will cost yet. Yes, I may be a bit slower than others here but Im new to this and my health hinders me a bit (tremors can be a b*tch). But it should be worth it for mint pieces IMO.

    OK, onto your PMs!

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585854

    skigod377 wrote:

    You probably would not find one for less than $1000. Sorry 🙁

    $1000?!?!?! :snarfs water thru nose: Good grief! I’ll find an alternative! But it would be nice to see one (click thumbnail etc) just to see what it looks like.

    Youre like this endless fountain of info girlie!

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585909

    Updated as of October 21, 2007… see my other sale thread which is very similar to t his one, but has photos of remaining sale items. PayPal, MO or checks accepted. Double boxing and proper Windstone packing. No tags or original boxes; most didnt come with. If you really need to do a payment plan, PM me and we can work something out. It’s been done before with great success for me and buyer.

    WINGED CAT SCONCE (votive didnt come w/; in fact, it was never used that way; never a flame near it; purely decorative)[/] *See my other sale thread bumped 10/21 for photos

    WIZARD CAT ELECTRIC CANDLELAMP (with incense cone holder and room for votive in back if you dont want to use the lamp that comes with it. See photos in recently bumped 10/21 sale thread)


    Thank you for looking,

    in reply to: Grand Unicorn #585686

    That was me and thank you very much for remembering and posting the link! It’s nice to see he appears to be at a lower price than the usual cost Ive seen him at. However the usual cost Ive seen him at ($145) has free shipping. So it makes me wonder since I see no pop out advertisements that say FREE SHIPPING!!!, that if the shipping would increase the total cost to that $145 and then we’d be back to square one, so to speak. It would be nice to get a break here & there, yanno?!

    But this is a website I hadnt come across and I did Bookmark it and thank you very much for remembering that someone (lil ole me) was looking for this Grand Lovely. It will definitely be kept an eye on!

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585464

    PMed you about the black baby unicorn!

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585852

    I swear one of my Windstones has run off with my memory and brain and hid it somewhere. Thanks to SKI, she helped me remember an epiphany I had earlier.

    The BLACK MOTHER UNICORN IN NOT the most coveted black unicorn I seek. I figured I could get a PYO and paint it black (with my own flare; not in a way as to duplicate Melody… as if I could anyway…NOT! Besides, mine will have BLUE eyes 😛

    So I guess what Im most on the look out now for (yes, Ive been to Romeodanny’s thread and PMed and emailed him…her?) would be the BABY BLACK UNICORN. Right now Im going to hold off on the male unicorn in black and see how a repair piece coming to me goes.

    They never did make the Grand Unicorn in black, did they? Remember, Im always on the look out for that piece as well… hopefully under $145 (no tags, COA or boxes needed).

    Sorry for the confusion…just a little bit more than a blonde moment there!

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585850

    Just let me add as a form of clarification, the piece I seek the most out of the black unicorns is the BLACK MOTHER UNICORN (in MINT condition; if there’s a few flea bites I can touch up with paint, I’ll accept that too).

    There’s no need for any original boxes or tags for she’ll (they’ll) never be sold again (many say that but in my case, I assure you, I mean it).

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585848

    As usual, Im either always the last to know or so far behind and just dont have enough time to be online (switching over computers doesnt help and add that to my work and medical treatment schedule it’s next to impossible).

    If youve read any of my threads or posts, they predominantely speak of the BLACK UNICORNS as the only pieces I need. Yes, I HAVE to sell off the rest of the Windstone collection to pay for medical expenses but will never sell any of the mythic horses (white or black). However, the blacks are the elusive ones and the ones I NEED… desperately.

    We could work something out either by paying in full by money order (until my PayPal [which they messed up; not me… they said server problems but no biggie] gets reinstated within this month) or trade (if you like that I can tell you the pieces I have for sale or in that case, for trade… perhaps willing to trade 2 of my Windstones for one of your black unicorns… all my Windstones are MINT). Specifics for later.

    I can tell you with more than 100% pure assuredness, that if any of your black unicorns ever make their way into my family, that is exactly where they will stay… in my loving family, proudly displayed in a smoke free home on a lovely baker’s rack among both (pardon spelling) Baccarat and Svowarski crystal pieces…. FOREVER– no word of a lie. PM me if you need details.

    But most of all, if youre looking to sell these gorgeous creatures, please remember me and contact me with a selling price. And if I must, I will make an attractive offer if you dont have a price in mind (though Id rather you say a price to me). It just seems everyone beats me to these pieces because I dont have as much time online as they do; my eyes cant handle it. And when these pieces make it to eBay…. forget it! They go for way too much. Id rather deal with the honesty of actual Windstone lovers and collectors like the lot of you here.

    Thank you in advance and I hope you remember me.

    PS: Ive always had the Young sitting BLK male unicorn, JSYK

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585462

    skigod377 wrote:

    Maybe I can offer for the black mom uni?

    *eyes twinkle with envy*

    I contacted Romeo too and for the same piece (and even the black male unicorn… are the black pegs the limited edition ones?) But I have a feeling that you being here longer than me is more establish in the “trust” department simply because Im a newb. Im jealous that youll probably get her. I think you know my situation so you know what the Blacks mean to me.

    But Im not jealous of you in that bad way. From my reading, I can easliy see youre an extremely good person. Im just sad cause theres no Windstones I want except the black unicorns and those Limited Edition Pegs and the minute someone offers up the black unicorns, I was too late in finding out about it so someone was able to get in there and lay claim to making an offer first. Thanks to the person who PMed me about this Clearance tho!

    SKI- youll probably wind up getting her. It’s always been my fate. I hope you enjoy her.

    And ROMEO, Im so very sorry youre having to sell off your collection. Save for the mythic horses, I wont be far behind you and hope that there will at least be some interest in my pieces. I hope everyting works out for you regarding this and the reasons why your selling.

    Best to all.
    Im behind as usualy… I saw in another thread that you already got the blk mother uni from romeo. congrats; really.

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585461

    PM ed you!!!!!!!!!!!!

    in reply to: I started a unicorn today..Updated 6/6 w/ more photos #584161

    Thats really great to be able to watch an artist’s work in progress. So many I knew when I was in college (not an art school; just talking art majors) were so secretive and either super high strung or ultra mellow but none would show you their mid-work. And if they didnt like them at the end, we’d never get to see things. Nice to see here that people are confident and willing to share. Im sure she’ll turn out lovely.

    in reply to: Advice for my first RE PAINT??? #583076

    Nambroth wrote:

    In no way was I trying to berate you, we only hope to help educate.

    I know you meant nothing personal and you didnt single me out. I just wanted to drive home that in no way was this going to be anywhere near a resale or profit venture, or anything close to it. I guess I just shared my story because Id gotten enough PMs asking me what was up that it was easier to explain – which I didnt mind either way. I just didnt want to bring anyone down as I know this is the wrong forum to vent. It did start out as the unicorn topic though.

    But I believe we have an understanding. I hold Melody and her work and fellow artists at Windstone with the utmost respect and Id never dream of encroaching on her territory or work. As a graphic designer and photographer, I know what it’s like to have work ripped off so I wouldnt do it to those I didnt like let alone to those I hold in high regard! With no word of a lie or embellishment, those pieces that come into my hands that become part of “The Guardian Collection” as they have been coined by my family- they quite literally have the next 75+ years of their existance planned out as my family is tight knit and we all know whom is looking after who when each passes on.

    As far as my repainting anything to look anything like Melody’s work… yea, I WISH I could have that talent in my little finger! It’ll never happen and though I’ll try to make it nice, I wont be upset if it comes out just a solid black… even the PYO (tho Im looking forward to that one having the awesome blue eyes). Oh it’s been too long a day; time for bed. Everyone have a nice weekend and those of you in eBay auctions, good luck. Some of you have incredible work up there. Im impressed… and drooling… but in a good way for a change!

    in reply to: Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN? #583875

    You are amazing! Thank you very much! I just PMed her.

    in reply to: Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN? #583873

    Little new to this but I did a search for author “emerald” and came up empty. How do I find her so I can PM her? Thank you for the advice by the way.

    in reply to: Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN? #583871

    According to Astral Castle, the Grand Unicorn (white, truly rearing unicorn JSYK) isnt yet retired but is apparently not being sold by them and is seemingly unavailable this year. I havent even been able to find him in previous years (not many stores where I live sell new age stuff which is predominantely where Ive found Windstones; new age and dead head stores and the occasional Hallmark).

    Does anyone know if a store near them sells him? If so, would you be willing to PM me with info about the store such as phone and addy?

    Perhaps I should even ask if anyone here is willing to sell their own Grand Unicorn, but some how I would doubt it (my opinion). If you are, what would you be asking for him? Id trade you something for him but I doubt I have anything that you dont already have or would want. Im trying to put the final touches on my unicorn collection so if anyone ever hears of this beauty coming available here or anywhere (store or eBay- tho I watch there), please try to remember me if possible and shoot out a PM if you could. Id be most grateful.

    Thanks all and have a wonderful weekend.

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