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  • in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587859

    I guess this is as good a place as any to ask this question since it is about the Black Pegasi.

    Lots of us that have received either the Mother or the Male have had such a time of getting the paper off of the statue because of is so tightly wrapped and boxed in there. Now, I understand they are boxed this way for careful shipping and such but is there a way at all to do anything about this either before hand, or a trick you can tell us on how to get the paper off without ruining the paint job?

    EAGLE… I was just saying if I had to choose between which Pegasus I needed or wanted or had to have the most out of the out of stocks, it would be the male. Thats all I was saying. It’s just a piece I really desire with regards to the time crunch Im in. He was already out of stock before I even knew this family existed. Had I known or been made aware, Id surely have grabbed right away. But where I spend most of my time, the internet does not travel 😕 🙂 😉

    in reply to: Grand Unicorn #585689

    Your on my list Emerald. I just have to unload my Windstones first and take care of a few things before I commit to him.

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585506

    I just sent you a PM about the Blk Baby Pegasus. Front page shows he is still available? Could it be? PM me when you can. Just postiing to show order of interest asnd of course, to continue the bump of the thread 😆

    Oh, and I wonder if a tiny bit of baby oil on the finger or Q-tip would help to remove the stuck on paper on the Blk Pegs or if that would interfere with the paint. Hey, perhaps Melody or Windstone overall has as suggestion. Has anyone asked? Can you tell how badly Im chomping at the bit for that male?! 😈

    in reply to: In Search of Pearl Griffin Chicks #587106

    Check out Romeodanny’s “Get Me Out of Debt Sale” in this Flea Market forum. I think she has a pearl sitting chick up for sale. Is that the right one youre looking for?

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585860

    HOLY SMOKES! Ive never seen the black one and I swear, it’ll take like 3 towels to mop up all the drool! Geez, Im hyperventilating! I use to be just like you guys and know the answers to questions anyone would ask me about Windstones but as my health has gone down hill, Ive noticed that my memory has suffered such a tremendous blow. Im really not as stupid as I come across here- really! I was always a street smart honor student with an endless memory for trivia in every capacity. Now I cant even remember a phone number from one minute to the next. It’s so frustrating 😡

    Those 2 unicorns together look like “Dueling Unicorns”- they remind me of the roller coaster we have here at Universal Studios, Dueling Dragons 🙂 They are glorious. And go on… tell me theyre both yours?! :drool… blue eyes turning green with envy: :turning back and storming off in a huff never to talk to you again:… just kidding. Always love for a fellow Windstone lover but I can admit when Im blinded by total jealousy… and I am!

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585934

    My bank account is connected to my PayPal account so Im gathering from what you guys are saying that when someone pays me through the PayPal option, that I would transfer those funds to my checking account- which is the account I have hooked up with my PayPal. I have a credit card hooked up too but Id transfer the funds to the bank account of course.

    That was helpful. And those of you with experience with this… it hasnt caused you pause or made you nervous or anything? No nightmares, etc? Sorry for my naivete but Ive only ever paid with it, never received from it so I dont know.

    GB- as for the Critic, so far no one has shown an interest in him at all, so he could quite possibly still be around whenever your funds replenish. He’s just sitting here… being a critic 😛 The Grimalkin has got to be my favorite piece (outside the horses which of course arent being sold) and I paid a pretty penny for him so I knnow I wont let him go cheaply. I may very well just die with him still in my possession because of that, but, I never say never.

    Thanks guys for all the input! It’s most helpful. I may be back to ask you eBayer’s some questions about their fees as a seller for the pieces I can’t generate interest in here. But in all seriousness, Id SO much rather my Windstones go to someone from here than someone from eBay simply because it’s obvious everyone here is a Windstone treasurer and true lover & collector. I hope my hand isnt forced but if it is, I would have some of those question which you guys might be able to help me out with (I read the eBay Help pages but it’s so greek to me).

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585929

    Yea, I cant do PayPal until next month because theyre redoing my acount for me. I was on the phone with them for an hour the other day (NOT and 800 # I might add) because their server wasnt allowing me to add my main card and remove my other ones, etc. Then I had ghosts accounts (ones I tried to build from the ground up when I couldnt get into my original account) so I had them delete those. So now Im just waiting for my bank statement for that “Extended Code” so I can verify that with their server and then I’ll be good to go again (that could be bad news in a way) 😈 Well, not that I have the money to spend anyway so not really bad news I suppose.

    Here’s a stupid question… Ive only ever paid with PayPal. How do you accept money with PayPal and where does it go? Into my bank account that Im verified with?

    And just out of curiosity, what piece were you interested in? You dont have to give me a quote, Im just curious what piece tickled you. PM if you dont want to say here.

    in reply to: Desired HYBRID: may have been discussed? #587343

    I wouldnt mind what they were called, just that they were the combo of the two creatures. I never knew one existed in mythology however, during many a Halloween, my various horses would endure my dressing them up as winged unciorns and riding them throughout my campus and such (they were zebras a few yrs too; and leopards and tigers [oh my]… with animal safe “paint”… Im an animal lover obviously).

    As for color choices, I think if anyone has read my posts here at all, theyd know Id opt for a black version however, if someone was looking for something different, Id love to see something done with purples; purples & greens; purples and yellows, or all three. Either way, I quite literally hope I live to see this creature come to Windstone fruition. Id pounce on that family the second they dropped.

    And thank you Melody for taking time out to address my query. Im amazed you have time to answer any question in the forums being as Windstoned as you must always be!

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587856

    Oh, she’s definitely got more than one buyer for sure!!! I was crushed when I found that the baby was out of stock when I went to get him today too 😥 But if I had to choose, I want… I need the male first. pwease!

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585927

    GB, I finally found that darn listing for the panther gargoyle on eBay! I had already looked high and low just out of curiosity as I had one and was selling it (as it’s now sold and going to such an awesome home I might add 😉 ) and now that I found it I cant believe I missed it. It wasnt an over site but I just handt looked in that corner yet 😆

    Hey guys, I actually have a couple more MINT Windstones to sell but didnt list them because I SOOOO dont want to part with them; aside from the horses, theyre my FAVE pieces. Im not officially putting them up yet but how interested would anyone be in a:




    WIZARD CAT CANDLELAMP (with electric cord rather than votive & the cauldron has a place to put an incense cone)


    in reply to: Desired HYBRID: may have been discussed? #587328

    I tried doing a search for this but too many common words brought up way too many threads so if this question has been covered ad nauseum, my advance apologies. Other members Im getting to know have also been urging me to ask this in this forum too… so they best not be setting me up!

    Melody, is there any future in Windstone production for a Unicorn/Pegasus hybrid creation (Unisus, Pegacorn, UniPeg)? Youre so creative Im sure youve thought of the idea but I wonder how close to fruition that idea may even be… or how far.


    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585925

    The EDIT function is acting a bit funky so to be clear on what is SOLD thus far, I’ll tell you here. Already sold are:

    Thank you and I hope you continue to look and shop!

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585923

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    I took the rest to PM. I’m sorry, PhoenixTears. 🙁

    No problem and thanks for respecting my wishes and taking it to PMs. Funny thing is Im still trying to find out on eBay how the heck you found that panther anyway. Im going through all kinds of searches and cant seem to do it. You dont have to explain but it’s funny.

    Anyway, no tears and no worries 🙂

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585921

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Here’s onefor $50. (Sorry, PheonixTears; not trying to deter folks from buying your pieces, but it seems there are two people after the same one, so…)

    I understand youre looking out for your friend however now no one is interested in my piece though (not saying it’s your fault). It wouldnt bother me at all if I was simply trying to raise pocket money or money for me to buy something for the heck of it, but Im trying to pay off medical bills for my life- literally. I dont want to die within the year and leave my family with those final expenses so I want to do what I can.

    If you find another panther for your friend (or other piece I have listed here), please do me the courtesy of PMing her and not putting it in my selling thread here as Im trying to sell off my pieces and when others put in links to pieces theyve found else where, that does detract from exactly what Im trying to do here.

    I say this with the utmost respect which doesnt often translate across the internet, but please try to keep your finds and good news to PMs so that perhaps my items will sell so I can pay the doctors and not saddle my family any more than they have been. I do have to keep up with medical expenses of $350,000 a year after insurance and while Windstones cant cover that, anything helps.

    Thank you for your respect and understanding and best to you.

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585477

    Romeodanny wrote:

    The black pegasus came wrapped tightly in paper. When I took the paper off the paper stuck to a few places.

    Wow, this is SO true. My female just arrived today and the paper is well stuck to her. Does anyone know if the packers, though surely well intended, realize such tight (too tight) packing is causing this bit of a problem? I know they are trying their very best to protect the piece but in the end, trying to get the paper off the piece is taking paint with it in some cases. I wonder what can be done. Glad someone else posted about it and that I wasnt the only one who had it happen, thinking I was losing my mind.

    These Pegasi come so tightly wrapped overall, you could play football (not that anyone would dare!) with it and it could never break!

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