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  • in reply to: Retired Windstone up for sale on E-bay #588069

    I just love how some informed fool is selling one of the same pieces as you (the hatching baby) and is starting it out at $49.99 with a Buy It Now of $100. He’s calling it a Hatching Empress Dragon when it’s just the baby but doesnt seem to care for any tips.

    Whatever! Hope someone doesnt fall for that and does their research before they get ripped off. Maybe they’ll see your auction up for less and realize yours is the better buy.

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585945

    No, this was the original colored Flion with a couple of pin point paint loss (couldnt even see them in photo) on toes. Last I saw bidder was a Greater Basilisk at $62 with Reserve Not Met… so I dont know where it went from there. Id thought it might be you due to similiarity in name and wondered if it was, if youd won it. But alas, twasnt! πŸ™

    in reply to: Unpainted PYOs for sale~SOLD~Thanks! #588169

    I cant see the difference in the feathers but that might be because he’s painted… and I cant enlarge the PYO page. But either way, the difference is minute and I love them both. Thanks though!

    in reply to: Looking for busted equines/hoofers #586661

    Dark_Zorse, since you fix lame Windstone hoofers, do you have any advice on how to fix a unicorn horn that, while hardly dangling, it bent away from the base of its skull, revealing a bit how it is attached inside the head? It can bend slightly back to proper position but not all the way and of course, it can bend further in the wrong direction. I’m scared to keep fiddling with it as to break it completely off.

    Either way, from a distance you cant really tell unless youre looking for it but when up close you cant miss it. I suppose displayed at the right angle I could get away with it. And, with its other repairs and repaint, it’s only going to be for me and NEVER a resale (ever), so I can always live with it but if I can improve or restore that part while Im doing the others, Id like to. Any ideas or tricks? Thanks regardless!

    in reply to: Unpainted PYOs for sale~SOLD~Thanks! #588167

    Excuse my naivete, but do you have a link or photo of the “older” version of the PYO Griffin youre selling? All PYOs are new to me so I dont know old from new. Link or photo of it here or in PM at your convenience would be most appreciated if you can. Thanks!

    Oh, and PayPal is working to resurrect my PayPal account their server swallowed within a month so would you accept a US postal money order if I buy? If not, no worries mate! πŸ˜›

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585943

    Thanks GB! My little Buddha Belly Bear just loves to spread out all over the place. That is his favorite position and he doesnt even need the wall for support. His spine is surreal. He was a gymnast in another life for sure! He’s chunky but that photo makes him look worse than he is. And to all the animal activists out there (here), as I am one myself… he isnt really stoned! I would never do that to my animals! Nor do I do drugs just to be clear. It was just a play on words.

    See what I mean about being jaded by other message boards. My feeling the need to qualify my own siggie?! When I signed off last night I was trying to think of tags lines to go with it such as “I fought a Windstone and the Windstone won” or, “I fought the Claw and the Claw won,”… considering he’s declawed in the front but for a cat that tag wouldnt really work.

    Anyway, dont get me started on my babies. I could bore you all day. GB I wanted to ask you– if on eBay that is you as the same GB user, did you ever win that Reserve Flion? The auction ended and since I wasnt “watching” it in My eBay, I couldnt do a Search afterwards as it didnt come up. What became of it? Just curious as I LOVE the Flion and always wanted one being a Leo myself (not that I’ll ever get one; not in my plans).

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585941

    OK, I’ll keep you in mind and updated. Im sure it’ll work out for both of us. Unlike you, Im not over seas and have no excuse for being up at this hour (415am for me) so I need to get my exhausted hiney into bed so I can get it up to get proper packing materials tomorrow (in the darn blistering heat in this darn state)!

    Night and for those of you awake- have a nice day!

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585865

    The shot is definitely great. White wash on white unicorn isnt too bad and the detail caught on the black is awesome! White is so hard to photograph regardless.

    Oh! Gotta shrink that sig pic of mine! Sorry! He just loves to spread out everywhere!

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587863

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Ok. I was referring to your comment about the baby. πŸ™‚

    Got one from someone who is selling just today… a gift from one of my brothers in law. Stroke of luck and love in the same motion on the sellers part as well as his. Angels both. Now… for that male!

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585939

    As long as Im still here and no one has made an offer on him and youre serious, I’ll hold him back from eBay and keep you in mind. I mean even then I can always go and put him on eBay if come that time youre still not able to swing it. So, if no one shows an interest or cant give me what Im asking (I paid for) him, then he’ll be here… sitting in judgment πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Thank you everyone, sales over. #585511

    I said this in another thread somewhere. If they cant do anything about the tightness with which they are packaged and the paper is sticking because the last coat is still a bit tacky, perhaps they can use black paper instead of white. It would be the lesser of the evils and for those that cant get the paper off, it would be much less noticeable. Just a thought.

    in reply to: ON THE HUNT- BLACK UNICORNS!!!! #585862

    SilverArrow wrote:

    I sold him last year.

    Aaaaand once again, Im late as usual! Story of my life! I’ll never be able to find this puppy in the time I have left. Best I can hope for it being creative. Even if I did find him, Id probably have to sell an organ or something and at this point, they aint worth anything! πŸ™‚ But he was/is a beaut! Sorry you had to set him free.

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585937

    Thanks for the advice ladies! And the support.

    Emerald… I know! I got those emails sooo many times but being a native NYer (well, I dont live there anymore and miss it terribly), Im on guard by my own nature. I never fall for anything in emails (PayPal or not). In my eyes, everything is SPAM. If I dont recognize the address… “DELETE” without even opening it. Im my own best filter πŸ˜†

    But yea, having been on eBay since 2003 and using PP since then too, Ive come across those emails too. I remember when PP sent out those official emails with that very link you kindly provided there in your post, to let them know about potential poachers. And each time it happened, I reported the scoundrels. Where it went from there I dont know. As long as it didnt get to me, my account or ID, I dont care. God, karma or whatever you believe in will take care of it in one way or another.

    However, I do thank you for bringing that up in your post in case others reading here have not heard of it. It’s good for them to be informed and lots of ppl of all ages read this forum so it’s great knowledge you reiterated there.

    in reply to: Desired HYBRID: may have been discussed? #587359

    Dragon Master wrote:

    How botu HONRY PEGS??? 😯

    ^^^ πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587861

    I was thinking that too Emerald. And, I was thinking that if they couldnt wait because the demand was just too great, perhaps the paper they use could be black and match the statue rather than the paper being white. Then if it stuck at all, it would at least be less obvious.

    Just a thought.

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