Forum Replies Created
Good on ya guys… Im keeping up with you so keep em comin (and tell a friend)! LMAO!
Just to reiterate to make it easier on YOU… if the photos of your wish is on Astral Castle, I have it downloaded so those are the only links I DONT need (but thanks anyway laphon 🙂 You didnt need to trouble yourself for those 2 links. And though you dont have a photo of the Odd Eye Flap, based on your description, I dont think I could mistake it! My friend in Bermuda has a real live one that is exactly that in appearance… want her? 😆 Nah, she’d never part with her snuggle partner.
Windstone Collector: thank you for posting that photo of the old greens so I can compare what the mama looks like with slightly more brown to her. That helps.
I know you all watch eBay pretty religiously but when I can, I’ll put links in here for pieces I know some of you are looking for (even if you havent posted them yet)!
And though mine went to an incredibly wonderful person here and will have a great home, I wish Id known that I could have gotten this much for her on eBay! urgh!!!! wrote:The Jade Coiled Male is in my signature picture.
If you do a Search, you can find a picture of Windstone Collector’s Old Green Mother Dragon with lots of brown. I think she may have put a comparison pic up too.
The VF Fledgie is in the Windstone store. I don’t know about a comparison pic though.
I swear that darn Fledgie wasnt there yesterday! I was looking for him in the store right after I grabbed the photo of the VF Curlie. But I was tired and admit likely mistake. Thanks for redirecting me.I’ll do a search for the Old Green Mother Dragon with lots of brown and Jade Scratcher. And thanks for telling me your siggie is of a JADE coiled male. I thought it was Emerald. I’ll have to look at those 2 together so I can see differences. Luckily though, if I were to grab it at an estate sale, Im sure if it were the emerald, someone here would buy it (tho of course I’ll focus on your jade).
😕 😕 The Gothic Unicorn (the one laying down?) came in more than one color?
OK- so the VF CURL is what varies and not the Fledgie? Hmm- will have to find a comparison pic unless it can be provided here. Either way, if I get the wrong one, that piece would still sell so I can take relief in that.
If you guys are requesting pieces that arent easily found in picture such as prototypes or you want a certain version of a LE or retired piece (very specific), then please try to add a linnk or photo to your post so I can see it.
Please remember too, that while Ive been a Windstone Collector since the 80s, the last decade of my life has been wrapped up in my health, mostly spent in the hospital. Im still getting use to some of the short term lingo and trying very hard to learn all these LE and special request protos that Melody has done in recent years. My rule of thumb is, never assume. If you want something really badly and it’s rare (and it’s pix isnt on Astral Castle or in the Windstone direct store), please please please try to post a link or photo with your Wish. I want to be as accurate in my list for you guys as I do should I come across a hidden treasure (either by someone who doesnt realize what theyve acquired which has happened; and during estate sales… hey, to be brazenly honest, I live in FL and tons of our fellow old soul collectors die everyday and their families auction off via estate or yard sales, all their deceased loved ones possessions. So, some of your pieces that you think you may never find such as the original wolf or REAL animal [not mythic, perse] might be found there).
Just keep that in mind. Hate to sound like a doctor, but, “help me to help you!” Thanks!
Greater Basilisk wrote:The coiled mother in black gold hasn’t even produced yet, Griffiness. 😆
It looks like my single wish is going into fulfillment, though… I’ll have to ocme up with something else. 😛
YAY!!!!!! HIP HIP HOORAY!Blackdesertwind wrote:Please don’t forget our conversation about the Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg.
Nope, I remembered and automatically added your name to that special list since we only just recently had that conversation.
Emerald- I got your PM so I have you on the list too.
Since I have thumbnails next to each of your requests on my hard copy list, Im missing just a few photos. If anyone can find a photo or a link to a photo for the following, it would help me out a lot:
Old Green Male with lots of brown so I can see the difference between that and the original Green male
Jade Coiled Male and Jade Scratcher
VF Fledgie (how would I tell what is from second batch?)
I think those are the only pix I need for now. You can add them here or PM me. Thanks!
eaglefeather831 wrote:This is a great idea!
Here’s mine:
Black male pegasus
Black mother pegasus
White Gothic unicornThat’s it really. I know I will buy these eventually (assuming they are available to buy).
I wish I had a vast enough collection to trade peices with other forum members, but I cherish the ones I have! 😛
Black Mother Pegasus? I just checked this morning and right now and it says shes still available (13 right now): were you just stating what pieces your hoping to get in any way?
Technically, I had started this thread with the idea in mind that ppl would be listing hard to come by pieces such as gone LE and retired pieces that are hard to find.
And if this thread gets too long, it really doesnt matter since Im the one maintaining it. I mean the Birthday thread is upwards of 35 pages maybe… I think ppl would deal if this thread got long if there was a hope they could get their pieces.
Making a new post when you update a thread really is the only way I can keep an accurate database of what ppl’s wishes are. Otherwise I will have to go back each day and look through every single page myself, and see if anyone has changed their list. My eyes simply cant handle that. And when I do my stints in the hospital which is common place in my life at this point, the family member that would take over keeping the list current will NOT go back and forth looking for updated original lists and posts. I cant do that to him.
On other boards, Ive seen threads get to 100+ pages. If ppl are truly interested, they read. But as a point of fact, Id suspect that ppl would look at this thread and post what they really wish for and perhaps skim the rest (unless they are good friends or really want to know what others are looking for). But again, since Im maintaining it in a painstaking manner, very closely so that my hard copy list is always up to date and ready to go when I should leave my house and perhaps be shopping (or purpose or by accident), it is my wish that if you have to update your Wish List, please either make a new post or PM me so I can update the hard copy I have printed.
Thanks for the understanding!
KoishiiKitty wrote:how do we update our wishlist? just edit our original post?? or make a new post?
Make a NEW post. It’s easier for me than looking back through everyone’s posts as I wont know when you edit and the thread doesnt bump when posts get edited, for the most part. New is better and easier for me.
Thanks for asking that!
Dracomancer wrote:oooh black male griffin!! ::flails arms::
added you to list for him… again, if I can get him!
OK, you guys that have posted recently have also been added to that list. If any of these pieces come to be, I’ll let you know first.
travistie wrote:pegasi1978 wrote:I was just thinking “Oh no where’s travistie? I don’t want them to miss out on the poad they were coveting so much.” Glad to see you got one.
😆 Yep, I sure did get one of those guys! I think I check like a hundred times a day for them! Can’t wait.. *jumps up and down with joy*
oops- then ignore my PM I just sent you this morning!Aw, bummer. I’ll never be able to get one to paint. Oh well, such is life I suppose. That would have been fun but at least those that have shown such massive interest in it will be able to have fun painting their hearts out!
Youve been added to that special list that includes these pieces. If I ever find something out, those that have contacted me will be the first to know before an official thread goes up.
Just a reminder that this is a very big might so no one kick me if I cant do it. Im trying my best.
Made a new topic since this query is buried in my WIsh List thread and others might not know it’s there.
Out of curiosity, for those of you interested in the following pieces, how much would you be willing to pay for them? PM me.
Black Griffin
Black Mother Unicorn
Emerald Coiled Dragon with Gold Egg
Kirin baby
Kirin Father
Numbered Wind Wizard peacock
Mouse Wizard Peacock
Sea Jewel mermaid
Roaring Sentinel GargoyleI do NOT have them but might be able to get them. That is a HUGE “might”. If you dont wish to put your price limit here, please PM me. Again, make no mistake, dont get your hopes up. Im just asking. Only PM if youre serious.
The Castle [Dave wrote:“]
PhoenixTears wrote:I even found a mistake while going through there and emailed them so they could correctly link the right dragon to the right color.
I’m only finding one message from you and that was a month ago asking about something else. I’m worried that the message got eaten by our server (it doesn’t bounce incorrectly addressed messages; it just scarfs them up). Anyway, please let me know if I’ve missed the message and still have the wrong image on something. Thanks.
PMed ya!