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  • in reply to: Happy First Snowfall! #785165

      ……It hasn’t dropped below 75 here yet…..Supposed to be in the 90s again today. 😆 😆

      in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784555

        Ok, updated list! Everyone is assigned, I got impatient….I think the only people left had already contacted me and said they didn’t care which part they painted. Soooo….Here you go! I’ll be getting these guys packed up for their long journey over to Germany! They will both be companions for the first 4 stops and then they’ll get split up untill they get to the last 3 people who are all here in Cali. I made up a map of where they are going and am thinking of getting a big map and putting in pins with colored strings to show where they’re at! I dunno, I’ll probably do something silly like that. Here is the map link:


        Greater Basalisk —- #5
        Mmloda ————– #12
        Jennifer ————- #2
        WindstoneCollector – #8
        Tyrrlin ————— #1
        Siberakh ————- #6
        Drag0nfeathers —– #4
        Xcrowell ————- #11
        Kitsunelady ———- #9
        Abatos ————– #10
        Leigha ————— #3
        LadyFirebird ——— #7
        Koishii ————– Interference at the end!


        Greater Basalisk —– #9
        Mmloda ————— #5
        Jennifer ————– #1
        WindstoneCollector — #10
        DragonMedley ——– #7
        Ruffian ————— #2
        Dragon87 ————- #3
        Twindragonsmum —- #4
        Leigha —————- #6
        LadyFirebird ———- # 8
        Koishii ————– Interference at the end!

        Lots of love to you all!

        in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784554

          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          xcrowell wrote:

          I’m not picky…. I guess maybe avoid really BRIGHT colors? (Like magenta…or bright orange…) 😕

          Waaaah! But I like bright colors!
          I suppose I’ll have to see which sections are assigned to me anyway, and what color eyes the critter has before I start. And then I’ll come to you guys for specific input. Okay?

          Griffin has green eyes already glued in. The Kirin doesn’t have eyes yet and I have Dark Brown, Dark Blue, Orange and Green eyes that I can put in.

          in reply to: I got my swap!!! #782233

            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Congrats on the lovely kirin, Kujacker. Mmloda, in my opinion that’s your prettiest PYO yet. He looks great.

            Dear, that was Ruffian’s paint job LoL Looks like Mmloda painted for you! =P

            in reply to: First Keeper #785093

              Oooooohhh SHINY!!!

              in reply to: I got my swap!!! #782226

                Oh WOW! Nice! Although….It’s not like Ruffian needed a picture of the aurora borealas…..she just has to look up at the sky at night =P

                Sorry Ruff, I’m gonna poke fun at how far away you live from anything close to civilized 😆

                But very, very pretty Kirin! Grats!

                in reply to: O! O! Raffle for September? #783062

                  LadyFirebird wrote:

                  I think some of us are already eating the brownies with a certain added ingredient! 😆 Hmmmm, plotting death of one forum member to inherit Poadâ„¢s, but then no wait, another one wants in on it as well. Hmmmm, now that’s two that have to go and then there will be brownies. Where does this stuff come from? No wait, we’re all artists here or we appreciate art so we have some wild imaginations 😈 ! Hmmmm, Windstones Murder Mysteries–who dunits–full of twists and surprises—and in the end–the Poadâ„¢ did it! Pass the brownies please! 😈

                  *passes the brownie plate* Ummmm…..what do you mean “Where does this stuff come from”???…..Pshh c’mon, this is me and Drag0n we’re talking about XD 😈 XD 😈 XD 😈

                  in reply to: Happy Birthday machineguts! #785039

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

                    in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784549

                      Leigha wrote:

                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      All I’m gonna say is that as much as I love Ski, I don’t share her complete and utter love of pink….Some pink is ok for like highlights, but nothing completely pink please 8) LoL Otherwise I’ll let you fight amongst yourselves for colorings =P

                      Roger That, BRIGHT PINK CLAWS


                      ROFL *changes Leigha to spot #9……..* 😆

                      in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784547

                        All I’m gonna say is that as much as I love Ski, I don’t share her complete and utter love of pink….Some pink is ok for like highlights, but nothing completely pink please 8) LoL Otherwise I’ll let you fight amongst yourselves for colorings =P

                        in reply to: O! O! Raffle for September? #783060

                          drag0nfeathers wrote:

                          49ER wrote:

                          *plots Drag0n’s death* 👿 😈

                          😮 *runs and hides behind Nirvanacat*

                          Wait no! Are you plotting my death too Nirvana? :shout: Okay, you take care of 49er and we can split the booty! How about that? 😆

                          Can we make brownies afterwards?

                          in reply to: I got my swap!!! #782217

                            ruffian wrote:

                            Kujacker wrote:

                            Greater Basilisk wrote:

                            So either ruffian or mmloda painted my piece. Can’t wait to find out who; I hope it gets here soon.

                            That goes for me as well. Lol.

                            Well I must say, whoever Ruffian painted for is in for a laung haul…..Her piece might as well be coming from across the ocean….Do you guys even know where Ruff is?? She’s WAAAAAYYYY the bumfu out at the northern end of Canada…I looked it up for the PYO thing and was like….Dear God! Is there ANYTHING out there even besides her? Must be like a few twigs in the ground and a lot of snow….(Took me like 30 min to find it on the map by the way Ruff….had to really zoom in to even SEE the road leading up there 😮 )

                            in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784542

                              Alright! Got the order of what is going where, to whom, when. =P Say that three times fast! LoL See page 3 for the complete list!

                              in reply to: Siberakh1's PYOs – 4 new pieces added 7/26 pg 5! #636933

                                I think the issue my brain is having with him is that there are SO many stripes everywhere else, and absolutely none on his chest. While I’m not saying fill his chest with stripes, maybe “extend” a couple onto his blank ches area to kind of pull it back in with the rest of the piece. Just a thought. Other than that, I don’t think he looks bad at all, I really like him. Although I will step asside for the “artists distaste” that happens with all artists when they don’t like something about their piece of art. Heck even Miss Melody goes through it 😉 Did you know she almost chucked the idea of the Curlies? She had a real distaste for them and was almost not going to put the first batch of russets up on eBay because of it. Let’s just say she was convinced otherwise and now look where they’re at! =P

                                in reply to: O! O! Raffle for September? #783057

                                  So if you both pass on do I then get everything? XD

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