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  • in reply to: Toasted Tiger- My Newest PYO’s #1686280


      in reply to: ACEO ART CARD SWAP 2024 #1686140

        Mailed mine today!

        in reply to: August 2024 Free Windstone Raffle, ends 9/01 #1686095

          The internet at Winstone has not been working, so most of the raffle entries have not received a message of confirmation! I AM getting entries however so my inbox works!

          in reply to: Poads #1686094


            in reply to: Signed prints #1685109

              Wow! I wonder who that was?

              in reply to: Pyo Castle! #1685108

                Still working on the castle, Toaster had more issues to sort out so I am now working a next-to-final master! I don’t give ETAs for this reason! Lots’a speed bumps with these things.

                in reply to: What’s next on the schedule, Part 7 (for 2024) #1685070

                  Wow! We do?

                  in reply to: Signed prints #1685069

                    Hey Ms.Melody,I have wondered this for awhile now so thought I might pick your brain.
                    Y’all made and sold many prints,did you sign a lot of them?
                    Did you sign and keep the lithographs?
                    I have #1100 Mother Unicorn with Babies with your hand signature on it in pencil.Any chance it could be a lithograph?🤞😁
                    Thanks for taking the time.


                    That’s a real signature! I didn’t sign many of them at all.

                    These prints are done with offset lithography. The black and white ones were done on an antique lithograph press, usually while John and I watched and did press checks! But unlike true lithography, these were printed with plates that were created photographically from a negative.
                    We still have the original art, but no plates.
                    Did you get that one directly from us?

                    in reply to: What’s next on the schedule, Part 7 (for 2024) #1684991

                      Toaster is having a final “master” mold made on him now. I should get a final test-paint casting by next week ( today is July 5 ). So he only needs a final going over for problems, and then we will have production molds made.
                      Getting there!

                      The PYO castle is in the works. Marco, our mold maker, is trying different ways to cast the window openings.

                      in reply to: Windstones in Climate Controlled Storage #1684952

                        Gypsum is what drywall is made of, so whatever normal household temps and humidity drywall can take, our dragons should be able to handle it also.
                        We use acrylic paint which doesn’t form a vapor barrier. This allows the gypsum to breathe and adjust to humidity without forming blisters under the paint.
                        Very high temps will affect the adhesive on the pads though! It makes it get soft and gooey.

                        Important note: Do not store Windstones directly in bubble wrap! It will affect the paint. Use the polypropylene bags they came in or wrap ’em in soft unprinted paper.

                        We once had a dragon returned to us because it had become discolored. We examined the dragon to figure out what happened, and found a pond snail on it! Turns out the owner had been using it as an aquarium decoration… so THAT much humidity may damage the paint!

                        Does anyone have bad experiences with high humidity and Windstones?

                        in reply to: June 2024 raffle winner is… #1684909

                          I always personally contact the winner by email and wait for a response. I post the winner’s forum name in this thread, so they can see it isn’t a scam!
                          I make sure that whoever wins the monthly raffle knows about it.

                          A warning though… our extra “special raffles” attract scammers who will email you saying “YOU WON!” If the email isn’t from Windstone Editions, and not announced on this forum, it’s a trap!
                          We will never ask a winner for money, or any personal info other than your name and shipping address!

                          in reply to: Sitting Red Fox in Natural Color? #1684666

                            Gosh, if Etruscan doesn’t know, nobody does! I don’t remember.
                            I have one sitting red fox, so they do exist! I can ask Susie.


                            in reply to: Hello from Ohio! #1684624

                              Welcome! You will enjoy the folks here, you will fit right in!

                              in reply to: 2024 Supernatural Safari resting ponycorn grabbag #1684335

                                Oof poor pony. Who was the casualty?

                                I thought the class photop was 257. Are some set to the side for ebay then?

                                Just curious as one who likes to check off the class as they show up.

                                Every time I count these I get a different number. I don’t think any got set aside this time.
                                The one that hit the floor was a tan tiger with a gold horn, blue flowers, and silver eyes.
                                I posted a pic of him in the comments above. He’s patched up now,

                                in reply to: 2024 Supernatural Safari resting ponycorn grabbag #1684329

                                  So how many total were painted for this grab bag and did all the spots sell?

                                  Yes, all spots sold quickly. There were 250 of them until one got dropped, so 249.

                                  Oh that is SO sad. 🙁 RIP little one

                                  Oh, he is fine. I glued him back together, now he’s in my glass cabinet. This is my collection of casualties.


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