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  • in reply to: current curled colors #668890

      I like the silver/blue combo too. =)

      And pink IS cute! Go pink! w00.

      in reply to: current curled colors #668888

        Yeah, ditto. I really like the VF, but…the one that was up for grabs in the Flea Market jumped to $100. That’s a little too much for me, even if it is for a good cause (fixing someone’s car)! XD Especially if we can expect to see them in the store again…

        Ah, well. Maybe I should just start my curl collection from this point and forget about getting the older colors. =

        But I’d like to have *something* in VF…it’s sooo pretty. =(

        in reply to: current curled colors #668885

          Okay, I just want to know…which of the curlie colors currently still up in the store can we expect to see produced again? I don’t mean like right this minute or anything, I mean…ever?

          Just so I know if I need to look elsewhere for certain colors that I like. =)

          in reply to: Ok so I was thinking #668835

            And ’cause it’s a pain in the patoot to paint, eh. o_o;

            The only way I’d ever buy something rainbow is if it were tiny (like a curlie) because I don’t like it either…but still have the twisted desire to have one thing in all the different colors. XD

            I’d rather have a green-gold oriental, if we’re picking new colors for the way-off-in-the-future-return. =)

            in reply to: A smallish Ki-Rin question #668060

              That would be so cute! 😮 I missed out on the Ki-rins, being a relatively new collector…I guess I could get one off ebay, but…I don’t trust it much, and older pieces cost so much on there. It’d be nice to see the Ki-Rin family (+1!) being produced again, in a different color, of course! I’ve wanted one ever since I watched/read The Twelve Kingdoms! =D Preferably one that looks like Keiki! e.e Heehee!

              in reply to: DISCOVERED! #667818

                Neat! I can’t wait to see the pic!

                in reply to: collection in new display case! #667763

                  Wow!! =0 Is that your office, or your house? Or your office in your house? 😮 Looks like a doctor’s office! Your collection is displayed beautifully, whatever the case. I like the chocolate male the best. =) But also the brown lap, because I have one too, and they’re sooo pretty! High-five, brown lap buddy! XD

                  in reply to: Selling Em Wind Wizard/dragons/griffins #666430

                    Wow. >.>;.. So anyways, the other day I was watching House, and..uh…stuff happened. 🙂 *smooth*

                    But yeah, when will this auction end, pray tell? *egg-cited* XD

                    in reply to: Selling Em Wind Wizard/dragons/griffins #666420

                      Seriously, a waiting list?! Agh. That one is so cute, though…I love the backs of his wings. I wonder what the difference between the first and second batch was?

                      Hmm. e.e A tough decision…

                      in reply to: Selling Em Wind Wizard/dragons/griffins #666417

                        Man, I want that curlie real bad. T_T; Are they seriously not making the Violet Flame ever again? Or is that the previous version (Red Flame) that they won’t do anymore? Either way, I want it! :O

                        in reply to: So what was the very first Windstone (or M. Pena) dragon? #666516

                          What color was first? o.o

                          in reply to: size comparison? #665371

                            Oooh, those are good pics. Thank you! <3 When I get around to buying an OW, he's going to have to go in the den, instead of my bedroom with the rest. o_O

                            in reply to: Dark_Zorse's Sneak Peek of the Week! #657488

                              So pretty. =0 But someone is missing a horn! XD O noes!

                              I think the OW’s eyes are kinda nice. >.>…

                              in reply to: pebble cats #666157

                                Squee! =D Happy day! <3

                                in reply to: pebble cats #666154

                                  Mmr, yeah. A choice of brown, black, and white/bone would be nice. =)

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