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  • in reply to: KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23) #669993

      Stephanie wrote:

      I fell in love with a bird at the pet store named Kiki…if that helps? 🙂

      *looks up the meaning of that name* Meaning is important, don’tcha know~ =)

      in reply to: KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23) #669991

        Stephanie wrote:

        I’m reminded of a tropical bird. 🙂

        That’s what I started to think too, as I was painting! I do love birds, so we’ll say she’s a tropical bird muse. 🙂 I’ve been trying to think of a name, maybe that will help…hmm…

        in reply to: This is interesting! #670357

          Well, I think it is, anyhow…because my peacock male is so much darker!
          This one’s got a LOT of gold/champagne on him –>

          Hope that works. What do you think? Is it the lighting, or is he actually really that gold?

          in reply to: KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23) #669983

            Thanks everyone! =) I’m glad you like her. <3 I'll be sure to post some more pics as soon as I get to another good spot in the process!

            in reply to: KitsuneLady's PYOs (WIP Kirin p.23) #669978

              She was looking at me so cutely, I couldn’t resist sharing before she was done. e.e I’ve actually got the smooth scaly patch and the feathers on the other side done now too, but haven’t taken a good pic of them yet.

              This is just a tiny bit darker than reality, but the table really is a yellowed white. =)

              I have no real color plan. o_o; But I figured hey, it’s a muse…

              in reply to: Emerald Oriental #669958

                Emerald = the lighter green, right? As opposed to the dark being Jade?

                in reply to: Black Unicorn on Ebay #669860

                  Aww, I haven’t got any unicorns…and I do like the young one. *tries* =)

                  Thanks for the tipping!

                  in reply to: Winter Moss Keeper Auction #669565

                    Wow. That n***r person wanted that dragon real bad. 😮 I hope you find them.

                    in reply to: Just another kirin question #669464

                      Wow =0 I love them too! Was there only one made?

                      in reply to: Just another kirin question #669458

                        Did anyone else see the Koi-rin’s butt in Melody’s pic of the female griffin test paints? Or has that one already been auctioned off?

                        in reply to: Just another kirin question #669455

                          BlackFire KiRins? Show picture!? =D *missed that*

                          in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596599

                            pegasi1978 wrote:

                            kitsunelady wrote:

                            Well this is neat. =0 Although the likelihood of getting what I want is slim to none, eh. =

                            There’s only one itty bitty thing…a white coiled male. I’d also take a white curlie, but figured that was less likely to happen. =) Not sure what the going rate for a white coiled male is, but I’d like to keep it under $200.

                            Thanks for all your hard work! <3
                            You are actually more likely to find a white coiled male than a white mother coiled dragon.

                            Lucky! I hope I do! =D *jig*

                            in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596597

                              Well this is neat. =0 Although the likelihood of getting what I want is slim to none, eh. =

                              There’s only one itty bitty thing…a white coiled male. I’d also take a white curlie, but figured that was less likely to happen. =) Not sure what the going rate for a white coiled male is, but I’d like to keep it under $200.

                              Thanks for all your hard work! <3

                              in reply to: Silver Royal Hatchers #669105

                                I don’t have either color, so whichever is fine with me, too!

                                in reply to: current curled colors #668905

                                  Melody wrote:

                                  Good grief! I just checked the store and we are out of every one of them!!
                                  We will probably continue to make all but the signed ones. We need to get going on those!

                                  Huzzah! =D So no gold, but I was kind of interested in the gold scratcher, so that’s okay…*hums* 🙂 Just so long as I have one thing in every color, heehee. e.e DANG. That means I have to find something in Old Green. *just realized.*


                                  Was the Old Green curly signed? c.c Or have you run out of that color anyways? Ahh~ !

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