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  • in reply to: Gothic Unicorn? Is this good? Er Unicorn Gargoyle oops #654519

    I knew that !! Hits self on head 😳
    Between the barking dogs all night (neighbors not ours) and the logging trucks starting through at five this morning I was a little brain dead. πŸ™„

    in reply to: Gothic Unicorn? Is this good? Er Unicorn Gargoyle oops #654517

    Thanks everybody for the great info. I’m hoping I can fix or cover the chips myself. Since I’ve never done anything like this before it will be a good learning experience. Or if they don’t show much I will probably just leave well enough alone πŸ™„ πŸ™‚ Either way it looks like I’ve got a great piece to add to my collection 8)

    in reply to: Gothic Unicorn? Is this good? Er Unicorn Gargoyle oops #654512

    I bid on a whim yesterday and won. Now I’m nervous. Is this the Gothic unicorn like I thought and if so is 60.00 with shipping a good price? I think so no matter what just because it’s a Windstone and I like it. Just curious what anyone else thinks. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Need prayers, luck, good thoughts… #652829

    I’ll be praying for you too. I’d be a basket case if it were one of my horses.
    He looks so adorable πŸ™‚

    in reply to: pegasus colors #626722

    Barrdwing wrote:

    lamortefille wrote:

    Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? πŸ˜‰

    NOOO! Please, not another decade of having your pants hike up your calves every time you sit down, and stay hiked when you stand up! >.< I nearly got frostbitten shins every winter, and having my scaly winter legs exposed to the world is not a Friendly Neighbor gesture!

    You know what comes next on the torture wheel of fashion, don’t you? Jeans with tight pegged lower legs and gigantic bloomer tops! So we can all look like huge blue turnips again, only twenty years more “settled” in our figures.

    (I am being a little silly here. Although I think of ’80s jeans fashions as one of the worst aspects of the decade, I now know where to go to find wearer-friendly jeans regardless of the fickle winds of fashion. To the Western Warehouse, faster than lightning! Bwahahaha! 😈 )

    I shall never be a “bloomin blue turnip” again! or any other color πŸ˜‰
    I’ll meet you at the Western store later πŸ™‚
    * walks off mumbling trying to remember where keys and debit card are*

    in reply to: Danny's bronc results are finally in! #652132

    I’m so happy for you both. That is such great news.

    in reply to: Danny's bronc results are finally in! #652115

    I’ve been watching for news and praying for you both. I don’t type well or fast so I don’t post much here or on myspace. But I’m usually lurking around somewhere 😈 πŸ˜†

    in reply to: pegasus colors #626716

    lamortefille wrote:

    I was 22….that should make you feel better, PT. πŸ˜†

    Any of you other “mature” ladies notice that skinny jeans tucked into boots has come back in style? πŸ˜‰

    UGH Please no. I love my boot cut jeans. Guess I better stock up πŸ˜€

    in reply to: pegasus colors #626715

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    I dont know if I should have dated myself! I think Im starting to feel kinda old- sorta πŸ˜†

    Pixiekissed- I love your avatar. I think the actual print is really beautiful. It’s simply awesome.

    I’ll be 49 in April. Some days I wonder how a kid like me got stuck in this old fat body, πŸ˜• πŸ˜†
    Than there are those other days ……… 😑 πŸ™‚

    in reply to: pegasus colors #626701

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Serenity wrote:

    emerald212 wrote:

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    lamortefille wrote:

    Is that you, PT?? πŸ˜‰

    Yes, from 1986 and close to Halloween which explains the purple streaks up by the bangs in my hair if you can make it out.

    Yikes…I was 1 years old! πŸ˜€

    I was 21. πŸ˜€

    I was 11. πŸ˜€

    I was 22 and newly married πŸ˜€


    I was 26 married 8 years and had a 2 year old. Whoo Hoo! Do I win hee hee he 😈 πŸ˜†

    in reply to: More Special Unicorns? #649102

    Batches and batches That would be awesome πŸ˜€

    BTW Any news on the new Pegasus? That’s the one I’m really lusting after. 😈 πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #599949

    Thanks 😈 πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #599944

    ooops. Shoulda sent it this way
    Sorry πŸ˜•


    in reply to: Jokes and email sharing #599943
    in reply to: LOST Trailor for season 4 #648459

    For any of the “LOST” fans here
    Just when I thought I was tired of the show

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