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  • in reply to: Windstone radio #662194

    I’ve got windows media player and I can’t seem to figure out how to get the radio program started on it

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631039

    Oops , got the wrong picture posted of the OS That is only sticker residue on the belly. I’m also still learning to use the digital camera I got for Christmas
    😕 😆

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.2 #631038

    I got three Emeralds recently and I’m sooo Happy. All have very minor chips so I’m thinking of trying the repairs myself. Wish me luck! 😉

    Here is the Mother

    The Oriental

    and the Hatching Kinglet

    I also have a Wizard Cat Candlelamp that someone got paint on. I’ll be sending that one to Kyrin most likely. I’m afraid I’d get the color screwed up if I try it on my own 😆

    in reply to: Repair Services Policy Updates #602408

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Kyrin wrote:

    Those look pretty simple. Get your Apoxie Sculpt mixed, then let it rest for about 30 minutes, this will keep it from being too sticky and hard to work with………..

    Good luck.


    Thank you Kyrin! This definitely helps a lot! 😉

    Hey Thanks for posting this Kyrin. It was super great advice for me. I have three Emeralds all with very minor chips. I didn’t think they justified shipping two ways plus repair even though the repair cost is so reasonable. (It’s the shipping 😛 ) However it really bothers me to see the chips 🙄 I’ll at least give it a try now. I figure if I can’t do the chips I suck it in and send them to you anyway.
    I do have a wizard cat candle lamp that has white paint spilled on it. That I need to send to pro. I’ll be in touch later on.

    in reply to: Wow-I'm shocked! #661807

    Yes Details We must have details. I have family in Houston and they will find you 😈 😆

    in reply to: Winter Moss Keeper #661880

    OH WOW I love him. Green is my favorite color. I can see exactly what you mean with the Moss in snow. *sigh* I’ll watch for the auction just to torment myself I suppose. No money as my husband had to fly to MI for a family emergency. I’m sure you’ll have no problem getting bids though 😆

    in reply to: Ready for Spring….. #658520

    lamortefille wrote:

    That’s a good motto, khat! 😉 😆

    Thanks. It’s done me a lot of good over the years 😆

    in reply to: Ready for Spring….. #658516

    I’m here in Georgia enjoying the weather too 😉
    I’ve spent many a winter growing up though with weather like the Canadian poem above 😆 Especially in the Upper Peninsula.
    All you vacation seekers are welcome here. I’d love to have the company. Just so you know, my motto is” if your coming to see me your welcome anytime, if your coming to see the house please make an appt!” 😛

    in reply to: back in stock ( well they were, now they're gone) #660365

    Thanks. I was pretty excited to get them as they are my first dragons.

    in reply to: Ready for Spring….. #658509

    Jasmine wrote:

    Every snow fall this winter has been followed by a couple of days of rain making for not so fun walks through slush. I was going to get pics of the lovely white snow on the trees yesterday but it got warm and most of it is melted off. It’s supposed to rain this week too. Poor bf walks to and from work everyday, not so much fun trying to get through the huge, slushy, puddles without splashing all over.

    Brrrr I hope he has some warm waterproof boots!

    in reply to: Ancient Forest Dragon up for Sale #660095

    Love the color I hope you make more 🙂

    in reply to: Ready for Spring….. #658506

    I spent the majority of my life in Michigan (middle of the mitten, lol) We moved to Georgia eleven years ago.
    Today is supposed to be 67 and sunny. Don’t miss the cold or the snow. I love hot weather. 80 – 90 or so is good for me. I don’t even mind the humidity As long as I don’t have to move around too much. Maybe I could be a Dragon 😈

    I do miss the snow at Christmastime. A really deep fluffy snow on a sunny day is great. But wind chill, freezing rain, below zero temps, shoveling the stuff yuk 🙄 don’t miss it one little bit nope not at all

    in reply to: Collection for Sale Lots of Retired Items #661436

    I emailed you 🙂

    in reply to: back in stock ( well they were, now they're gone) #660363

    Thanks. I thought maybe the Oriental was a different green paint than the others as he looks a bit darker and richer colored. Doesn’t show in the photos. Now I just need to save up for repairs. btw the white on the OD’s belly is just paper. It came off with water. All he has is a chipped toe nail. 😆

    in reply to: back in stock ( well they were, now they're gone) #660361

    I think I got it figured out
    Here’s my Dragons

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