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  • in reply to: POADS! POADS! I LOVE POADS!!! #636633

    The new Silver Poads are in the store and I got mine 🙂 Yay!!! A Christmas Poad 🙂 Thank You Melody and Staff!!!!!

    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #635218

    I have a Black Emerald Peacock OW…

    in reply to: Whale Watching*new photos pg2* #633703

    Wow! Great Pictures and Thanks for Sharing!!!!

    in reply to: Almost Complete….New DSLR Camera = Dragon Pics #629731

    WindstoneCollector wrote:

    And my Old Butt trying to be a dragon right with them. He is half blind, so I was trying to snap it fast and scramble the dragons off the table before he took one out! 😆

    It seems like everytime I get the Windstones out to photograph them…the cats just come running…they have to sniff the Windstones and participate in the picture….hehehehe

    in reply to: Olimpia's Wimdstone Editions Sun Dragon in Silver on eBay! #629613

    I vote Silver/grey needs to become a production color!!!!! I LOVE this guy!!!!!

    in reply to: Almost Complete….New DSLR Camera = Dragon Pics #629720

    Serenity wrote:

    Nice collection… and your cat is smiling! 😉 Too cute!

    She is smiling because she was trying to break Windstones….before mama put them back in the curio…..

    in reply to: New Camera = New Pet Pictures #629130

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Hey keschete, nice cats…I love hedgehogs…is it true they smell? I’m sure it most be the same as a hamster.
    My two cats look just like two of yours…

    😕 [/i][/]

    Wow! Your cats do look like mine 🙂 The Hedgehogs are about the size of a small guinea pig. They are adorable…but they will bite if frightened…and they have very sharp teeth.


    in reply to: Almost Complete….New DSLR Camera = Dragon Pics #629718

    Here are some pictures of sets that are almost complete….enjoy !!!

    in reply to: Fires #628918

    I live 60 miles Southwest of New Orleans and we were affected by Katrina….and Rita…..

    For those of your staff who are in fire prone areas, or who may be affected by the fires, if you need anything, please let me know!

    The people in all the states, but especially the people of California, Oregon, Washington, Texas and many others….you all came to our aid!

    If there is anything that I can help any of you or your staff with in a time of need…I will do my best.

    I am hoping and praying that the fires do not affect any of your staff beyond what has happened! Be safe and I will keep you in my thoughts!!!! Take care!


    in reply to: How stupid could I be? (Golly, just can't trust anyone!) #629414

    Rusti wrote:

    I haven’t had that problem at Penney’s…


    I personally would be scarred to eat someone else’s food…God only knows how old the left overs are or how they cooked it…YUCK!!! One of the guys I works with keeps left overs up to 3 (YES, THREE) weeks and still eats them……GROSS!

    So if you have a problem with food stealing perhaps you all could put something disgusting in your tupperware and bring it to work 🙂

    in reply to: Need some advice… #629256

    I can tell you that if someone came into my home and treated my things like that, I would say something. Keeping her out of your room is the most politically correct thing to do.

    Have you thought that possibly she is jealous because you have nice things and she is messing with them on purpose?

    I hate to be a cynic, but some people are like that. If someone has extra money to buy nice things, they will purposely try to damage them.

    I have seen a lot of people who key scratch nicer cars just because they don’t have something nice, so they don’t want you to have something nice.

    I am not saying your friend is like that…but really, you have asked her many times and she actually damaged something that belongs to you. And you are worried about her friendship..she should be worried about your friendship. I am sure if you damaged something important to her, you would be a horrible person.

    Just my take on things….sometimes people can be really mean.

    in reply to: How stupid could I be? (Golly, just can't trust anyone!) #629404

    That Sucks!!!

    in reply to: New Camera = New Pet Pictures #629122

    purplecat wrote:

    OMG that’s sooo cute! I may have to sculpt some fantasy hedgehog of some sort now…soooo cute…

    This is the one you need to sculpt…His name is Thorn and he is Cinnamon. I have lots of pictures of you need some to use for reference…

    The other hedgehog with the cat above is Thistle and she is the traditional agouti color. She weighs about a pound. Thorn weighs about 3/4 pound.

    Thorn like to sleep on his belly with his legs all sticking out…..

    And Here are Thorn and Thistle together…She is bigger and darker colored

    in reply to: New Camera = New Pet Pictures #629112

    Serenity wrote:

    Pets are the greatest to take pictures of because if you take one that they don’t like, they don’t try to take off with the camera! LOL I love kitties! Trying to give our dog away though.

    Are those claws blue on the black kitty???

    They are called soft paws and they are caps you glue on so you don’t have to declaw the cat.

    Yes, Chupacabra is a maniac…she thinks she is a WWF Wrestler…she actually does body slams on my dachshund. She also tears through the house…

    Thanks for the sweet comments..I have ten dogs, 3 cats, 5 sugar gliders and 2 hedgehogs. Everyone is rescued except the hedgies.

    in reply to: New Camera = New Pet Pictures #629098

    I got a DSLR Professional Camera and I am practicing with it…..what a blast…

    My kitten.. Chupacabra..yes she really is a monster!

    This is Mephistopheles and “Yes, He is the Devil!!!”

    “Tatsu” (Dragon in Japanese) to the left, Mephistopheles to the right and Red (Miniature Pinscher) in foreground….

Viewing 15 posts - 721 through 735 (of 1,350 total)