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  • in reply to: Mystery Castle #2 Auction #641299

    Hehehe…I might bid so much you all spit out your caramel corn 😈 😈 😈

    😯 Or I might need to visit the winners house, if it isn’t me…after all I have a real live Chupacabra as a pet 🙂 😯 😈

    Yes, That is it! My Minions assure me that I must win!!! MUUUAAAAAHHHHWWWWHHHAAAAAAHHAHHAAHHA!

    As you can all see…my Chupacabra is a monster on the hunt to suck the blood out of anyone who gets in her way 🙂

    in reply to: Goodbye Mitzy #642761

    I totally understand how you feel…I have lost 3 dogs in the last year and a half…old age usually..

    I also have some sick animals and at leat 5 dogs over the age of 13.

    Hugs, You did the right thing, but that never makes it easier! It is like loosing a child or a spouse. Especially an animal you have had for a long time. You never forget them!

    But, you can rejoice in the absolute love and compainionship that they shared with you. I know that they have touched my life in a special way and I will always keep them in my heart!

    I also believe that ALL Pets go to Heaven 🙂 What good would heaven be if I couldn’t have my pets with me!


    in reply to: Cat Problem / Question Has anyone had a cat with this? #642511

    ddvm wrote:

    The condition is often referred to as LPS (lymphoplasmacytic stomatitis) and is a severe oral inflammation. The problem is that different things cause it in different cats. The exact cause is unknown and is actually controversial. Most likely the cause is multi-factorial.

    Viruses can cause it – Felv and FIV but many cats that have LPS test and are negative for them. Some people suspect Calici virus (one of the viruses that can cause upper respiratories in cats) but this has not been proved. A lot of vets suspect a bacteria known as Bartonella but that also hasn’t been proven. The problem is that a large number of cats will test positive for Bartonella but don’t have LPS. Bartonella is also what causes cat scratch fever in people. Some vets belive there is an immune mediated component because cats tend to get better with steroids.

    So there is no one treatment for LPS. What works in one cat may not work in another. Treatment options include antibiotics (metronidazole, clindamycin, zithromax, baytril, and clavamox have all been used), steroids (prednisone or injections of depomedrol), azanthroprine (an immune suppressant), interferon alfa-2A (anti-viral), lactoferrin (many breeders swear by it but it often doesn’t work) and acyclovir.

    And in the worst cases – removing ALL the teeth. But a lot of cats can be made more comfortable with antibiotics and/or prednisone.

    Good luck with your kitty.

    Thanks, that is actually what I have ug up in the last 24 hours. I did find an article that mentions Hypoallergenic pet foods as a possible help.

    I am going to put him on the Royal Canin Hypoallergenic. It is expensive, but he is already on a Royal canin cat food, so I am hoping the switch will do him a bit of good. He started on antibiotics, but I didn’t try the mouhwash yet…I am saving it for the weekend 🙂

    He actually ate whole pieces of cat food like a vaccum cleaner tonight and seems to feel a bit better.

    in reply to: Gold Sunburst Peacock Griffin! #642737

    Dragon Master wrote:

    Where was this from?? I do not remember hearing anything about him

    He is Melody’s Test Paint #1 Gold Sunburst with Peacock Griffin…I got him last week along with the Mystery Castle #1 and the Test Paint Mariner’s Watchtower

    in reply to: Gold Sunburst Peacock Griffin! #642732

    He is simple amazing and the prettiest Griffin I have ever seen! He is more beautiful than pictures can translate.

    in reply to: Silver Curls back up in store!!! #642669

    mmloda wrote:

    yup…I saw that, hopefully everyone who missed them the forst time will be able to get one this time around… 😀

    I got a set for me and a set for JC if he wants them. If he doesn’t then I will be happy to help someone else out!


    in reply to: Silver Curls back up in store!!! #642667

    They are back!!!

    in reply to: Any Chance of a Test Paint Castle of the Hawks? #641376

    How high do you think?

    in reply to: Cat Problem / Question Has anyone had a cat with this? #642499

    My 5 year old cat Mephistopheles has been loosing teeth. I am in the medical profession and I also do a lot of animal rescue…so I am familiar with many medical issues.

    This has me stumped. Stoph has been loosing teeth for a few months and his breath was bad, so he went under anesthesia for an exam and teeth cleaning.

    He has the most horrible case of sore throat and mouth ulcers. It is called Feline Gingivitis-Stomatitis-Pharyngitis Complex.

    At first the vet was thinking HIV or Fel Leuk but he is negative and he is vaccinated. The Vet put him on metronidazole and augmentin. He said some cats get better, some don’t. I have to have his teeth cleaned every 3 months and may need to treat for months with antibiotics. He may have to have almost all of his teeth pulled out.

    It has been a bad week for me and this is just the cake topper. I rescued him as a tiny kitten and he is my first cat. The vet said most cats with this will refuse food…which he isn’t, he eats like a pig.

    When I got him home tonight his poor little tongue was hanging out and he has been drooling bloody spit because they had to remove some teeth and some just fell out.

    Does anyone else have a cat with problems like this?

    He said I could spend thousands of dollars and still never get a real answer or a cure. If he quits eating or the pain gets worse he may need euthanasia…..

    He is an inside cat, neutered, vet care, premium food. He is a little obese, 18 pounds…

    Any one who has had a cat with this, please post…the vet and I are both open to ideas and suggestions…

    in reply to: I'M HERE AGAIN!!! WINDSTONE VISIT #641678

    Wow! Cool! Maybe I need to fly over and visit my relatives in California and go visit too!

    in reply to: In need of a little help, patient eyes #642437

    Kyrin wrote:

    MY first thoughts are, it is never too late as long as you are willing to try.

    Second, regardless of whether you think you need it still or not, you need to see a counselor or therapist, together and separately.

    Your emotional problems aren’t going to go away by changing your partner, environment, or financial situation. They will still be there, and since those are the heart of a good portion of the issues at hand, I think you need to work towards finding a therapist you trust who can help you deal with them.

    Your husband is at a loss, he doesn’t know what to do to help you, so he vacilitates. Which just makes you feel more isolated and alone, but the thing is, he isn’t a therapist. He can love and support you, but he can’t help you figure out the whys behind what is going on with you emotionally, a good therapist can, and will also help you learn how to cope.

    I know there are several very good therapists where you are, I would talk to a suicide line and get the numbers of the ones most recommended by those folks, after talking to them a bit about how you are feeling right now. They should be able to help you find a way to cope with things long enough to get to professional help.

    If you must sell your baubles, sell them for a good cause, to fund your therapy so you can be a happier healthier you. But if you can avoid it, save that as a last resort, because they are a therapy all their own.

    I’m sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch, I hope you can find a way to work through it, either together as a couple, or separately, whichever is the best thing for you. You can rebuild your relationship, but it wil take time, there is no overnight fix, but if the two of you really want it, then it is possible, so don’t give up on it just yet.

    In closing, I just want to let you know you can write me privately, or even call me on the phone if you need to, I will send you my # in a PM. You’re not alone, and you will get through this, even if it doesn’t seem like it now. *hugs*


    She said it, exactly what I was thinking!!!! Great Advice!!!!

    in reply to: Warning! About Ebay Seller! #642487

    I am so mad I am shaking…most sellers on ebay are honest, nice people…..but this auction takes the cake for rude, lying scum that inhabit ebay

    I purchased this dragon for $36 a few weeks ago and the person advertised it as “NEW”…well I get the dragon in a mailer bag with no padding and it had yellow stuff on the egg and the top layer of clearcoat had been rubbed off in one spot.

    I emailed the seller and they I spent double the shipping to double box and send UPS so the dragon didn’t get damaged more.

    Well the seller only refunded half of my money and relisted the dragon on ebay…when I questioned seller…they said I committed MAIL FRAUD by damaging her new dragon and that she reported me to ebay for damaging it!!!!!!

    OOOHHHH…NO! I should have questioned about packing and I should have gotten insurance and I should have taken pictures when it arrived.

    I am having a bad spell with Ebay lately…someone kept a money order and I haven’t gotten the item I ordered after a month and now this….

    I have NEVER had to leave bad feedback or open a dispute…but I did it with the fellow who kept my money order.

    Now am I forced to do it again?

    Any suggestions. I left bad feedback, but don’t know if ebay would do anything because I don’t have pictures of the damage and it is her word against mine…and no insurance

    If anyone was planing on bidding on this, the item has more than a few marks on him and clearcoat rubbed off..

    I guess we all live and learn…I just needed to vent.

    Thanks for reading my rant! And sympathizing….

    in reply to: Tiger Poadâ„¢ #640404

    travistie wrote:

    Okay, the third Tiger Poad is up on Ebay now… along with many other new goodies.

    So keschete, are you gonna battle me for this one… or you gonna go after that Castle of the Hawks test paint that’s up now too? 😈

    You can have the Poad…by the time I fend of Ski for this Castle of the Hawks….I won’t have any money left. I have a spot all picked out for the Castle of the Hawks already!!! I can’t have two special Castles and not the third.

    The test paint Weinburg isn’t different enough and the Poad isn’t that important…

    Good luck everyone and good luck on the Poad Travistie

    Maybe I can be the Queen of the Castles….If I get Hawks, I will have all the castles with two Mariner’s Watchtowers and I even have the Castle Logostone and brochure….

    I’ll post a new pic when my castles get here:

    in reply to: Mystery Castle #2 Auction #641287

    Here we go…

    in reply to: Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14) #642097

    Royal Blue and Silver

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