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I have three cats
Mephistopheles (Stoph)who is about 5 or 6 now. Feral kitten, rescued at about 10 or 12 weeks of age, male, neutered. Very calm, sweet temperment, but does like to play. He is all black and weighs 20 pounds.
Tatsu who is female, spayed, rescued after being hit by 3 cars, including mine. Feral female about 5 years old, okay with Stoph, but would rather be by herself. Friendly, likes to be petted, when she gets upset she likes to pee on my bathroom rug, even though litter box gets fresh litter daily. ABSOLUTELY HATES Chewy. When they are loose together, they fight constantly.
Chupacabra who is female, feral 4 week old kitten, rescued after 5 days with her siblings in a neighbors bush. Momma fell over my fence and was attacked. After we got momma a kits home, they were reunited, but I played constantly with Chewy since she was tiny. She is the smallest, maybe 7 pounds and short statured.
Problem…Chewy acts like a dominant dog. She eats all the cat food no matter how much I put down. She will eat the dog food also until it is gone, if she thinks the other cats are interested.
She constantly wants to be on my lap on the sofa and if her spot is occupied, by an object or by another animal, she will bite me or the other animal until her spot is free.
She will constantly pick fights with Tatsu, just because Tatsu is near her. I have to cage Tatsu in a Cat cage and lock Chewy in a bedroom during the day, to stop the fighting. In the evenings they are still fighting. Hissing, spitting, rolling around. No real injuries, but sometimes to the point of peeing on a rug..
Chewy is even dominant with the dogs and will bite the dachshunds tail and chase the larger dogs.
Anything I can do about this? I hate keeping them locked up, but I have been living with this for 6 months now. I am considering finding an adoptive home for Tatsu, where she can live without other pets or kids.
Any suggestions for those of you with multiple cat rescues?
purplecat wrote:Gorgeous!!! Look at them all protecting their eggs! Aaaaaw! 😀
They always look “fierce” to me. They so remind me of an Anne McCaffery Fire Lizard defending her Golden Queen Egg.
If you have read the Pern Novels, you can completely imagine this little dragon as a Queen Fire Lizard.
I bought a few of Olimpia’s special dragons. I noticed that she didn’t have sketches.
Does she draw? If so, have you thought about having her do little sketches? Also, why not let her co-sign the letter with John?
I know Jennifer draws, and I don’t have any of her special pieces yet. Does she put a drawing on her COA’s?
I understand you might want to keep the special sketches to Melody painted items only, but it would probably increase the incentive for people to buy special pieces if they knew they would get a special piece of art to go with it.
Also, have you thought about drawing the sketch ahead of time and putting it on Ebay with the auction pictures.
The Double Griffin sketch was so awesome! I think it is possible that the Griffin would have gone higher because of the sketch. I might have bid on that Griffin because of the sketch!
This is all just curious musings and suggestions…take it as you will.
Wow! That is a gorgeous sketch. I agree, Melody should do that one as a print!
I just got a little griffin, but I am thrilled anyways 🙂
Here is my Emp Pea Hatcher.
Here are the 6 coiled mommas! The Copper Gold #2 is obviously in the center.
Here is my husband and myself as elves….it gives the option to upload some pictures and make your own elf dance that you can send as a Christmas email Christmas Card.
The pictures do not need to be edited. It lets you zoom in and scale the pics.
Post your elf pictures 🙂 And have fun!
I thought there would be no more royal hatchers? Something about the eggs being hard to cast.
Thanks all, to have #1 of all the three special castles is nice. I was so excited that I managed all three.
Good luck to the others who are bidding on the remaining Castles and I hope the close up pictures help with your decisions!
I really love the Castles…
Romeodanny wrote:That’s a great story.
Maybe I should take time out from my hectic schedule and volunteer again. I used to volunteer for craft sales for the crisis pregnancy center, glad days for epliepsy, and gift wrapping for epliepsy as well. My favorite place to volunteer though was an open arms pre school. The programs took kids that weren’t ready for school (mental, physical handicaps, language differences, etc) and put them in a kindergarten environment. It was for low income parents. It was exhausting, but, rewarding. I still miss some of those kids so much.
Maybe that is my problem! Perhaps I should volunteer someplace! Our office does a charity fundraiser once a month. Last month, we bought a sheep for Heifer International.
Maybe I need to go help with a charity and that will perk me up! Great Idea!
Also, redirect, redirect, redirect and be firm with the kids. Have some toys, at that age cheap toys are great! When they do a no no, pick them up, turn them around and redirect at a fascinating toy.
The fisher price little people toys are cheap and they can be used with good results, also a fischer price medical kit. You spend about $20 and get toys that last forever.
I keep a little people farm and a doctors kit in my closet, and when little people come over….they have instant mental stimulation.
Another great solution is a few cheap baby gates…to keep them contained.
PM me if you would like. I have 10 years of pediatric experience as a medical provider and I can give you a ton of ways to redirect them. 3 and 4 year olds are old enough to correct. 2 years, it is easier to redirect.
Hugs, hang in there! Little people are very interesting!
I only feel moderately festive this year. I bought presents for the necessary people and I wrapped them. I also got gifts for all the ladies that I work with.
But no decorations, inside (because my Chupacabra cat would be hanging upside down out of the tree and the dogs would eat the ornaments)
No decorations outside, which I usually do, just didn’t feel festive enough this year.
I did get my hubby some suprise gifts, and I got myself some “suprise” Windstone gifts….
But you are right, doesn’t feel a lot like Christmas this year….for some reason… don’t know why!
I usually love Halloween through Mardi Gras!!!
Siberakh1 is coming to visit for Mardi Gras! I am excited about that. I think Mardi Gras will be great this year…the dealership my husband works for is right on the parade route!!! She will get to see a night parade 🙂 It will be nice to meet another forum member in person.
Merry Christmas everyone…
I love kids, but they do need to behave. Have you tried correcting the children? Also, take a stand and tell your mom, look the kids could potentially get hurt and the dog would be blamed. It could lead to a potential law suit.
Tell her that most people will sue homeowners insurance of the dog owner if something were to happen. This could lead to your insurance company dropping you or forcing you to get rid of the dog.
Give her potential consequences of these children interacting with your dog. How horrible it would be to have a child scared for life and your dog being confiscated and put down for hurting a child.
Maybe if you are dramatic enough, it will sink in.
I have 12 Min Pins and no children are allowed in my fenced, pad locked back yard. God forbid someone would get bitten!!!
Just a few suggestions! Hope they help. Def play the worst case scenarios!!!!
I have all of the Castles. Enjoy! I was so excited to have the Castle of the Hawks arrive today!
Here they all are together, including logostone and brochure.
Hawks #1 Autumn Test Paint
Mystery Castle #1
Mariner’s Watchtower Test Paint #1 with the Merry Ghost Castle behind it.
Alchemist’s Tower
with the Castle Logostone and Brochure.Happy Birthday!
Kyrin wrote:Poor little dog, humiliated already!
He’s cute though. Tell her to train him to allow his toenails to be trimmed now…mess with his feet, pretend to clip nails and actually do it when needed, about every two weeks.
Pugs are miserable about it later, but if she trains him now, he should be good about it for life. We used to have to actually tranquilize one pug because he would stress out so badly he’d actually stop breathing…silly dog.
So to save her the headache later, I thought I would mention it now, while he’s young.
I will show her your post. She bought a pug puppy a few months ago and unknown to her, he was ill. He died quite suddenly from some genetic heart condition that put him in congestive heart failure.
It really shook her up and then she bought this little guy from a different breeder and the poor thing had kennel cough.
Fortunately he is good now and pretty spoiled.