What dragons do you have? Sometimes, seeing what other people have can point you in the right direction on where to look. I know from experience, I saw someone that had a dragon I was looking for and was able to buy it from her for the right price. So, let us know how big your collection is, you never know, you could find someone with something you want and you may have something they want and it could be a match made in “dragon-heaven”. 😀
MY COLLECTION: 55 dragons
Rainbow: young, mother, emperor, all royal hatchers
Peacock: coiled, rising spectral, scratching, young, spectral, emperor, lap, empress hatcher, male, hatching
Emerald: hatching, young, kinglet, spectral, fledgling
Emerald-Peacock: fledgling, hatching (intense), mother (intense), male (intense), young
Ruby: young, rising spectral, male, emperor, mother, fledgling, lap, hatching
White: scratching, spectal, hatching
Curlies: emerald, green, pink, silver, red flame, brown, gold
Black and Gold: young, mother coiled
Odds and Ends: brown fledgling, silver royals, gold hatching, green mother, special paint gold warrior, brown empress, violet flame fledgling
Other Windstone: frog wizard, frog prince, gargoyle, rock dragon, white dragon candle lamp
THAT IS IT!!! 😆 So, how about you?[/u][/b]