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  • in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514156

      Thank you for all the info. Its a little overwhelming, but very helpful. I have been talking to people about going off grid. But financially its not an option at the moment.

      He went to school for and wants to be in the intelligence field but i think his being kicked out of the military and being diagnosed with psychopathy may prevent that.

      I really hate that he is still affecting my life. I left him over three years ago.

      Did you by chance see anything on how to trace the source of the hack or anything like that?

      in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514066

        This is, btw, why I am selling my dragons. To pay my bills and try to stay afloat. I die inside a little with each one I ship, but I’ll be damned sure he doesnt get away with this too.

        in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514063

          And the evidence I had collected for court… gone. But im working on securing another copy.

          in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514061

            The timing of this has made it all the more difficult for several reasons. 1) im sick and had a new port put in 6/29/16 and the doctor screwed up bad. Collapsed both lungs, cut the catheter to short so when i turned my head one day i felt something pop and tear and i started bleeding from my jugular into my chest. And because he cut it too ahort the tip migrated to a location that is blocking blood flow and causing blood clots. I have one in the port, around the tip of the catheter and one in each arm blocking arteries… those are the ones we know about.

            When i went to the er for a port o gram and venogram they discovered i was pregnant, but couldnt find the heartbeat. So, ive been waiting to fix the port/clot situation until i find out if my baby is alive or not. Ive been waiting for an ob referral since 11/3.

            Went to another er and it was a disaster. Bed bugs and incompitent staff. I left.

            2) my parents left for 3 months right before this happened so the only person here was my bf who kept telling me i was crazy

            And 3) this started 2 weeks (according to webroot webconsole) after my ex was served papers that i was suing him for breaching our divorce agreement (another long story) by not refinancing and removing me from the mortgage, paying me the money he owed, or taking the debt he owed. Instead he let the house go into foreclosure, tried to file bankruptcy and made claims of fraud and theft against me.

            This escalated to the point of me having no phone, internet or money to go back to Texas for court right before we were supposed to go to court in september. ….kinda suspicious.

            in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514056


              Ive closed accounts with one bank that ended up 1400 overdrawn after depositing 2600 into it… another story. Limited use on the other two banks bc money keeps disappearing. So dont use them any more than absolutely necessary. And pay anything i can in person.

              I actually ran the malwarebytes scan prior to catching the hacker on 8/26/16 and it kicked out a 215 page report. I was a little shocked when i printed that sucker. It had hundreds of hidden drivers, programs, files, users, it was insane! The malwarebytes tech said it couldnt be right. It listed stuff like encoded wallpaper, and stuff that id never heard of. Still have a copy of that.

              Also showed my username as restricted and another ssid as the owner/trusted installer.

              I have also run the remote access preferences …. log? That lists eveything like ipconfig, netstat, registry entries, and remote access sessions…. that one was 411 pages. Talk about going through a ton of printer ink.

              That one actually has ip addresses and all kinds of info even some mac addresses, but no one will even look at it. So not sure it was worth the paper or ink. Lol

              in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514050

                Thank you. 🙂 That means a lot, Storm Dancer.

                in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514045


                  Thanks for responding. I bought malwarebytes aw and anti exploit, but it got disabled, i have tried kaspersky, trendmicro, norton, mcaffee, fix it sollutions…. there are more but all i can think of at the moment. Oh, it was webroot secure anywhere when this happened. Which ive since been locked out of the webconsole, but it did show me ive been compromised on and off since 10/15 and consistently since 3/16.

                  This individual also had access to my cars for four months (he tried to kill me and kept me locked in the house for 2 days, so when i escaped i left everything including my animals… thats a whole other issue that i cant talk about without crying.) Anyways, was told i need to get car checked for tracking software and devices. Took it to the dealership and the guy looked at me like i was brain dead when i asked him to scan the computer to verify the software.

                  He actually said “I can scan your cars computer, but i cant tell by looking at your car what kind of software it has.” Apparently i didnt hide my irritation well, boyfriend said my back went rigid, i clenched my jaw and fists and my face turned red, lol oops. I tried to politely say i understood that, how much would it be to do a diagnostic on the car. He said 149, but it wont tell us anything about the software. I left.

                  Getting a little tired of being treated like a dingy broad. But i digress.

                  I am fairly certain he added a nic or something to atleast one of the laptops. Bc after getting back “wiped” twice and it still had files from 2006…. before i bought the damn thing, so weird…i wiped it myself. Then it kept asking to install drivera for the new hardware it had found. That one has a removable battery so i pulled the battery and the hard drive.

                  As far as the police…. called them months ago and they sent someone out who, again looked at me like a nut job, then proceeded to tell me they only handle local crime, this is all online, so they cant help me. But if i or my bank or cc company find out its someone local to give them a call and theyll go arresst them. Wouldnt even give me a police report. Said there wouldnt be one. There will be a record of me calling dispatch, and them sending someone, but nothing else.

                  Talk about discouraging.

                  I tried to give him the info i wrote down when i caught dude on the computer, which included a chromium email address, but he said i wouldnt know what to do with that and wouldnt take it.

                  in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1514038

                    Thank you all for responding. 🙂

                    @ Garden Ninja, lol oh you hit a few key points. First, ex military now working for a tech company that does government contracts. Yep, believe me i have thought about that, and think he is only able to do this bc he met someone there. Next, the only apple device i have is an old ipod, however when i look up my ip (whatsmyip.com) it says that my android phone is a linux running mozilla, firefox (like ghecko) with an apple webkit??? Does that mean anything to you?

                    I dont use mozilla, firefox and not sure what an apple webkit is. I do know the day after i got this samsung smartphone (prepaid) it went into oden mode warned me that it would void my warranty if i downloaded a new os then started downloading. couldnt stop it so i took the battery out. When i turned it on i put in recovery mode and read the logs. And it was a bunch of get user token, get device info, probes, and stuff about it key sharing sessions. It failed to do most things several times, then succeeded at authenticating …. something sorry just woke up, then it said stuff about dirty installs… ill have to look again.

                    Now i cant use anything on the phone, like the camera or pdf viewer without giving it permission to access the camera, microphone, media, settings, memory, and controlling the phone and making phone calls. I mean wtf? If i deny it whatever im trying to use closes.

                    Every device including printers/fax have been uplugged, powered off, battery removed since 9/2/16. Well except the other new laptop i bought the same day. But twenty days after i bought it i turned it on and it has no os. Ive tried recovering it but in efi there is only the option for testing storage and memory. Nothing else. Hp said its hardware related but want me to pay to ship it in, so thats on hold.

                    As far as bios…. im booting directly into a virtual machine on a virtual disk. So anything i change doesn’t affect the pc. I cant stop virtualization or do much else because my access is restricted or my setting are being controlled by my “organization” And I’ve found logs that record and log everything i do, and when i turn off the computer it everything changes back… more logs.

                    I did get an admin command prompt via recovery mode and learned that the guid for my c: drive is not a microsoft or any guid i could find listed anywhere. Two of three partitions are gpt the third is fat32. And the drive letters keep changing (along with the computer name). The other day D: became E:, C: was X:, and i had R: and N:…. not really sure what to make of that other than not normal.

                    But i did find i have a ENU Grub beta subsystem. Should that even be on there?

                    Oh, lol i called my prepaid carrier after that download incident bc my phone wouldnt do jack. I asked the tech guy, am i supposed to be connected to an aceess point? I’m using mobile data so, i would think not, but to be sure. He said no you dont need an access point. Good, so how do i disconnect from this access point that im automatically connected to. “Dont connect to it.” “Ok. Im not, its already connected.” “You dont need it so dont push the button. Dont connect to it.”….. you see where this is going. No where.

                    So, im still connected to an access point i cant remove or disconnect from. It was not there prior to downloading incident. The only thing i can do is change the name of the access point but if i do i lose my mobile signal completely until i change it back.

                    Its a verizon access point, according to the name, they are the carrier i had for 15 years before this. And if i missdial i get a verizon msg telling me to redial. this has all been so bizarre. Like getting a call everytime i leave the house… which didnt bother me too bad until my house line (no phone connected just for dsl) or prepaid that was out of minuted started calling. Freaked me out.

                    There is so much more to it that ive been dealing with since august. But its still too weird for me to write about without feeling like ive completely lost it. Lol.

                    I have felt so incredibly alone since this started. Every one i hire either looks at me like im crazy or take a look at my computer, hand it back and say “this is beyond my expertise”. My boyfriend told me daily for three months that i was crazy or lost my ****. So i stopped talking to anyone about it and tried to fix it myself…. it’s been a nightmare.

                    But on a positive note ive been collecting evidence as i go along and had a major breakthrough this week. Got actual undisputable proof from an outside source showing who is opening lines of credit and taking money out of at least one of my bank accounts. 😀 so someone will, hopefully, be getting a semi permanent vacation.

                    Gotta admit that gave me confidence that i wasnt bat **** crazy so i could even post on here. Lol…. so sad. Laugh or cry?

                    in reply to: Any computer people on here? #1513994

                      It is actually more of a security/hacked/remote access issue. I can’t disconnect from a remote pc and remote admin, and can’t stop file sharing….

                      So, basically my home network was hacked. Router security disabled, av/aw disabled, and firewall set to allow all connections. Everything that connected to my home network was affected. Computers, router, tablets, smart phones, fax machine, even my direct tv.

                      Ive taken the computers to geek squad (two months, two wipes, new av…did no good.) Replaced everything, happened again. Replaced everything again and switched isp and phone carrier. Happened again. Disconnected home internet and caught a hacker on my computer….. how does someone connect to a computer that isn’t connected to the internet, the wifi adapters are disabled, and its in airplane mode???

                      Long story short i still havent connected internet at home. Ive been using a prepaid phone and hotspot, but im still having unauthorized access and file sharing. 5 out 6 computers no longer work – either BSD or no os at all. The sixth has been wiped, reset, recovered… multiple times. Just did a clean install with media from the manufacturer (bought computer 9/6/16) but still having the same problems.

                      My registry keeps getting changed with users added. Last time i looked there are 8 users in my registry, and according to my event viewer there are multiple remote logons every day.

                      To say this is frustrating would be an understatement. I need to get this to stop bc ive been dealing with cc fraud, bank fraud and identity theft since this started and its cost me more than i want to think about.

                      I know this is a LOT to take in but any suggestions or help would be really appreciated.

                      Oh, ive taken it to other places than geek squad. About ten different computer repair places. They all say that this is an aggressive hack that is obviously personal. And to hire a forensic detective. I can’t afford that, or i would. I’m 99% sure i know who it is and he had access to two of my computers for 4 months.


                      in reply to: jackid55 #1510303

                        Oh, and I’m selling a LOT of my test paints and special pieces. I have edited and reposted using this account.

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