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oh, beautiful cats!!!! You know, as Iwas looking at those soft lines and smokey colors, I thought how lovely they would be to try in pastels….Have you ever worked with those? I do my wolves mostly in them and I love the blending control I have….
and here is a griff done completely in pastels also:
I love how ‘soft’ they look…
I have used really hot water to remove paint too, it just took forever. I’m impatient and hate waiting. I think youcan use alcohol too….But thats a worst case scenerio….You will do fine, just pick something and go for it. I had NO painting expereince at all when I started these. I sell most of mine, so I can’t be doing *that* bad of a job of it….heck, I can’t even draw….As always, ask questions, post pics, etc…people here are great about giving feedback!
Just go for it! Thinking about it is harder then doing it. For me, the griffs are really hard, but thats JUST me! I really like painting the muses, the dragons and the wolves. Ki-rins are ok, but you need to be aware of brush strokes on the fishy scales. I’m sorta particular about brush strokes.
I have had some that required a bath in acetone because they needed to be redone completely. I have one ki-rin that I have set aside until much, much later….So, yup you will have a few that argue and fight and some that go quietly 😆 But really, the thinking about it is SO much harder then actually puttin brush to gypsum….
Thanks! I think maybe I’m just not wild about the color. I dunno…I want to buy a male and loved the ruby color, but the red just isn’t catching my eye…
Anyone got a real life photo? Or a link maybe? It looks really brown to me in the windstone store pic…
Am I correct in thinking this guy is mistaken? Windstone never made music boxes did they?
Oh yes, a hydrid camper….Um, it’s half pop up, half regular travel trailer….It has full everything, hot water, shower, potty, microwave, oven, fridge, heater, etc….but the beds pop out like a pop up camper…
They are nice because you still feel like you are tenting when you sleep, but you can cook and shower and give the kids a bath, etc…I love it!
Thanks for those tips!! Luckly, I’m fairly wildlife savvy. I haven’t ever had a problem with bears before and I’ve had feeders for 4 years all year round. But, this place we are staying in is very rural and backs to a state park, plus it’s on 60 acres of woods. I did clean up the seed leavings too and we never leave trash or anything like that out. If I wasn’t so afraid of them, it would have been super neat.
As too why it came round in the first place, now I find out. See, we are staying at my in laws 2nd house, which belongs to my brother in law and his wife. Because this house sits on 60 acres, they have a lot of trails out back. My SIL tells me now that she had cleaned out her pantry and dumped it all up behind my house 👿 not the brightest thing to do, but whatever….So something ate everything she left up there except the spinach pasta.
It was a bear free night, yah!! I finally got some sleep after my husband got home…
We used to do a lot of tent camping and we always worried about bears in the spring and early summer. Never saw one tho. Now we have a hybrid camper and I don’t really worry about bears anymore…
Still glad to be moving back into civilization on Saterday….
Nope, no ‘coons here! I actually do have my hubby’s 40mm pistle ready to go, up in the closet where the kids can’t reach it. doesn’t help tho, I’m still terrified right now. SO silly i know, but I can’t help it. every footfall is freakin me out. I hate being here alone with the kids, and me being so scared. Plus, my nervousness is freaking everyone else out, except ofcourse the dog…I do have ALL the outside lights on I could find switches for, so this place is lite up like NY on New Years Eve, hope that helps….
😆 I have 3…..They didn’t much care either….
😆 Every little sound has me thinking the bear is back….No, my dog isn’t much of a guard dog at all. I wish she would have been barking. At some point we will get another pooch, hopefully one that will protect us a little more then delilah does 😆
It was after the bird seed no doubt. It pulled the feeder down and pried it open. It was a wooden feeder tho, so I think it can be nailed back together. Anyway, I picked up all the 3 bags of seed I had on the porch(right by the door ofcourse), pulled the feeders in and shop vac’d all the seeds and mess. Hopefully the bear will not even come back, but knowing that bears are opportunistic and smart, I’m sure it will at some point tonight. with any luck it won’t find anything interesting and will just leave….My Mom and dad laughed at me because I wanted to know if I should vacuum up the spilled seed on the grass from where the feeder fell…
Yes, exactley! I love nature too, and i even think it was a little cool to see the bear…..but then I realize it was a friggin bear for real and not on animal planet……Oh, and by the way, my dog slept thru the whole thing 🙄
So this morning around 4:00 am I wake to hear banging around on the front porch. This little log home has a full farmers porch. I chaulk it up to the wind or a squirrel as I have a couple bird feeders out. Then, just as I lay my head down I hear a louder bang. Ok, so that couldn’t have been a squirrel….”Jim, Jim, wake up, something is on the front porch”….”JIM, WAKE UP!!” Automatically he thought it was a racoon or a porcupine…Nope, wrong….
I know the pic is a mess, I wasn’t up to taking a great photo at 4:00 in the morning being 10 feet from a huge bear. It was bigger then it looks in the photo, the porch is a good 4 feet tall. The scariest thing was that it didn’t care we were right there inside taking pictures and turning on lights and making noise! It stood there for a bit and looked at us while we looked at it. Finally it left, but came back 5 minutes later. This time it climbed the stairs and was half way on the porch!! I startd yelling and banging on the door & wall and it half heartedly took off. Then we turned on ALL the outside lights, no more visits…I cleaned up all the seed and put the feeders in the basement, poor birds….
I am scared to be here now. I really have an irrational fear of bears. I have nightmares about them and i even stopped walking in the woods and roads because of it. so, as you can imagine, I’m not very happy right now. Hubby was supposed to stay over tonight in Boston due to a dinner with 2 doctors, but changed his mind when he saw how nervous I am being here….Hurry up Saterday, moving into the new house finally….
I don’t know about any one else’s experience with orajel,, but for us it was worthless. It made my son scream e ven more and I never bothered with it for my girl. I used the teething tablets I mentioned up above, and they worked like a charm.
kids on the top of the fridge??!! 😯 😆 Mine likes to shimmy up the front holding onto the handles…. 🙄