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  • in reply to: Everyone cross your fingers, toes & paws!!(talons too!) #723129

    No idea why she is in rescue, but a puppy mill rescue would make sense….

    Necron, yah, I’m not really a fan of small dogs. in all fairness, I haven;t met many. but the ones I have met have been crazy loony…nope, not for me.

    Ski, she is 5 months and already over 50 pounds!!! Yup, she’s a big one alright!

    I have been trying to adopt a second dog for a while now. I finally decided on an english mastiff because of thier solid temperment and loyalty. I have been checking petfinder atleast twice a day and it always seems that whenever i find a dog I’m interested in they have already been adopted, or the rescue doesnt go out of area, or they want almost $500 just for the pup, plus transport bla bla bla….

    So, I found this little girl, Bailey, in Texas. There are 9 applications for her, including mine. I have to have a home visit, no big deal there, but I’m nervous!!! So, I need everyone’s postive adoptive vibes sent to Texas for me 😆

    in reply to: question from Ethan #722734

    Awwwwwwe! How can you resist when he asked so nicely!

    in reply to: I need patience!!!!! *rant* #721754

    thanks you guys! I’ll check out the links! I may try the desensitization training, but not until after her meds kick in more. I think she is so keyed up right now that it would justr cause more anxiety.

    in reply to: Chloe laughed!! (VIDEO! pg 1) #718768

    OMG, you just made want to have another baby!! Oh, she is SOOOOOO cute! I miss those days, they go by so fast…I don’t know who was having more fun, gramma or chloe!!

    in reply to: I need patience!!!!! *rant* #721748

    Thanks guys. I’m still really upset. I can’t give her anything else while she is on the clomipromine, so thats out. I have been thinking about getting another dog, but I don’t want to end up with the new dog getting anxiety issues because of Delilah.

    I guess what I’m upset about is the fact that I can’t just fix it. Oh well, tomorrow is another day and hopefully a better one…

    in reply to: Die aphids! #721266

    Sometimes ants farm aphids for honeydew…..

    in reply to: I need patience!!!!! *rant* #721744

    We have an older golden retriever, she is maybe 11-12. We got her a few years ago. She has always had trouble with thunderstorms, mostly shaking and panting…..Now, suddenly, within the last month she has become extremely thunderstorm phobic & developed severe seperation anxiety.

    It started gradually, first peeing at night, then on vacation, she ripped out a window in our camper and jumped almost 6 feet to the ground. A freind cuaght her and sat with her until we arrived. Nxt day, no storm, but she decided to eat a blind, rip a big hole in the camper couch, aND ripped out one tent end(we have a hybrid camper) and jumped out, dug herself a nice hole to lay in until we returned. So, then we start crating her ans she started peeing in her crate. Bla bla bla, took her to the vet. Vet thought maybe a UTI + anxiety. So, antibiotics and we chose to put her on Clomiprime. It’s been 10 days and lately she has been doing ok. We had bad storms yesterday and she wasn’t any worse then normal, and she has been fine at night. Well, I just went to the grocery store literally for 20 minutes and came back to a badly chewed crate and pee all over her and the crate and the floor. I’m SO pissed off right now. You know, we have a new house and I want to keep it new and nice. She has already damaged 2 window frames, pissed all over the place(excuse my language) and now she has startd all over again. I know I have to be patient with her because otherwise I’ll just make her more anxious, but seriously, this is starting to get on my nerves. 4 more days and we can increase the dose of her clomiprime and hopefully that will help, but it could be another month before we see any improvement…..if she responds to this medication at all. I feel so bad, she is the sweetest dog and great with the kids and the cats and is alot of fun to have. I mad at myself for getting mad at her. Please, I need help being patient….

    well, my guilty pleasures would be books and yarn and sheets. Guess I’m pretty guilty….

    I love to read! I need a library too, or someone to come along and steal the books I have read already. I have a hard time getting rid of them, even tho I never read a book twice….

    Yarn & sheets, well they go hand in hand. I’m VERY tactile and love the feel of soft and smooth stuff. I’m forever just touching yarn at a knitting place and if I love it, then I buy it never knowing what I’ll do with it. Hence my enormous yarn supply…My favorites so far are ANYTHING from malabrigo and ofcourse cashmerino from debbie bliss. Oh, just lovely yarns! And I have thing for luxury bed linens, BUT they have to be white or ivory. My favs so far are a set of white 500 thread count I got from Linens and Things.

    Did I mention the thing I have for towels or socks(if I could wear a brand new pair of socks everyday my feet would be so happy) or sweaters or or or …. 😆

    in reply to: Cross Stitching… #716729

    ruffian wrote:

    asinnamon wrote:

    I love to cross stitch! Have been doing it off anf on for a very long time. I mostly do Lavender & Lace patterns. I have a few started that are not finished….The ones I have completed are these(I don’t have pictures of the finished products):

    This one I kept:

    This one I made for my Gramma:

    And this one I sold on ebay, should have kept it:

    All were over 32ct or 28ct even weave w/ DMC floss, krenik and beads. They are a TON of work but the end result is worth every minute! Hmm, maybe I’ll go dig out something and work on it….
    After reading this thread that is precisely what I did 😆 .

    My mom did one of the L&L ones for my sister a few years ago it is beautiful, I tend to stick to animal themed ones, just what draw my attention.

    Also found out the other day that i can no longer buy any floss in town at all, so I ahve to wait until I get to Edmonton. 🙁

    Me too, except my stupid Daylight lamp bit the dust, so i gotta get a new one…

    You should check out ebay for floss deals. Sometimes I can get a VERY good deal….

    in reply to: Who loves StarWars #706379

    Star Wars is BIG in our house. My hubby loves them and Noah is head over heels too. I liked the originals, but I liked the new ones too. The story line are so-so, but I thought the special effects and sound were great…..My favorite scene is Yoda fighting Count Dukoo(or Count Cookoo as Noah used to call him)

    hee hee, Noah still calls 3PO – C3PP0, makes me laugh everytime… 😆

    in reply to: Cross Stitching… #716726

    I love to cross stitch! Have been doing it off anf on for a very long time. I mostly do Lavender & Lace patterns. I have a few started that are not finished….The ones I have completed are these(I don’t have pictures of the finished products):

    This one I kept:

    This one I made for my Gramma:

    And this one I sold on ebay, should have kept it:

    All were over 32ct or 28ct even weave w/ DMC floss, krenik and beads. They are a TON of work but the end result is worth every minute! Hmm, maybe I’ll go dig out something and work on it….

    in reply to: Im Fostering Puppies!!! Pic on PG 4 #720664

    skigod377 wrote:

    They really are cute and one is particulary smart, and calm to boot. She is my favorite. Oh, they are 3 females, two with longer fur and the smart one has short fur, that for some reason has spots either shaved or scratched off.

    You are SO awesome for doing this!! Have they been to the vet? I would be leary of mange if there are bare patches in her coat. I may be way off base, but I thought a flea allergy could cause one of the 2 types of mange…

    How are your two doing with the pups?

    in reply to: WALL.E #719073

    Saw it last weekend with my kiddos. Loved it. It was funny!! Much more of a ‘love story’ then I was planning on, and I loved the statement it made, especially to the younger viewers about the enviroment and cleaning up and living a sedentary life style….

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