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  • in reply to: We are looking for a pooch! #727330

    We have decided to add another doggie to our clan. I really wanted, and still want an english mastiff. Hubby says NO, too big & drooly. So, I need help from all you animal experts and lovers! We have an old crazy golden w/ seperation anxiety and 3 kitties. 2 kids too. We would like a dog that has energy(and desire) to play with the kids, but not so high energy that it is spastic. Also want a watch doggie type that would let us know if something is amiss….Smart & easy to train too….Small, medium or large, doesnt matter. We have thought about labs, boxers, mastiffs, swissies, german shepherd, sheltie, aussie….too many options! I don’t have a lot of experience w/ different breeds, mostly labs or goldens. Both are very sweet, but more likely to show a burgler in then bark…What do you all think??

    in reply to: We had a tornado! #725167

    Yesterday, just before noon, an F2 tornado touched down just outside of Northwood NH. It hit Deerfield and Epsom NH, both on the other end of Northwood Lake. One woman was killed and many injured. Houses were collapsed, rooves missing, trees everywhere and I mean everywhere. We have a state of emergency here and SO many people have pitched in to help those in need.

    Never have I seen first hand such devastation. Never have I felt so humbled. I was just sick for those effected this morning when I was able to drive thru. You could see this path, maybe 30 or 40 feet wide that started across the lake, up in the mountain, came down to the water, across the lake and out the other sideand then gone…There is one house the is just a pile of rubble, litterally, not any structure left all, and there are the boats still tied to the docks w/o a scratch.

    We got our power back a little while ago. I’m really suprised, I figured we would leave for vacation tomorrow w/o showers and pile of dirty dishes in the sink……

    in reply to: Let the jerking around begin! #724713

    This may be a stupid question….but are they sure it’s not a spider bite or a tick bite?

    in reply to: Estelle Getty #724636

    I saw that 😥 Poo, I love the golden girls and anything else she was in. She never seemed like she was acting…

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724386

    I would try a gas medication first. Mylicon is a good one as well as Little Tummies and both are over the counter. When our babies were infants they went thru the cranky phase and as soon as we added the gas drops to each bottle, they got better. Start out with the lowest dose and you can increase it from there up to double. Not sure how old he is, about 4-5 weeks? I can’t remember how many ounces they are suposd be taking at that age.

    Pediatricians tend to start with the ‘easiest’ thing first, like burping and feeding. One thing you will learn is that sometimes the world the pediatricians live in and reality are two different places.

    in reply to: Alyssa figured out how to blow raspberries #724550

    Mama, when she starts talking you are never gonna get her quiet! I think she is gonna talk early, she is very vocal! Not to mention completly adorable!

    in reply to: Awww poor kitty…. #723922

    when we got sophie she wasn’t spayed. She ended up going into heat maybe 2 weeks after we got her and she was aweful! She didn’t pee on anything thank goodness, but she was very chatty and ‘offered’ every moving thing in the house a ‘chance’. Even the flashing lights on the xmas tree got an invite. Before her appointment, she was even sensative to noises. it was pitiful…..funny…..maddening….poor poor kitty!

    The vet we went to said the heat will not end until either getting spayed or pregnant. Sophie was done while she was in heat and was fine. Tho she was pissed off at the vet and wouldn’t let the techs near her. I had to go in the back and get her out of their cage and put her in our crate.

    in reply to: Blah my leg hurts #723650

    purpledoggy wrote:

    Its looking better but the antibiotics they have me on are giving me headaches and making me wicked dizzy. Its like being drunk but without the alcohol.

    lovely! Atleast the leg is getting better! I was thinking about you over the weekend.

    in reply to: Blah my leg hurts #723648

    hey lady, how is that leg doing?

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724377

    It could be anumber of things. Have you called your pediatrician? Is he on formula or breastmilk? are you nursing or bottle feeding? Is he spitting up? Is he passing gas? Have you tried to give him a pacifier?

    in reply to: Request real horse's eyes pictures Page 4/horse resins #712949

    They are just gorgeous!!!! I’ve get up the courage and just buy a cheap artists resin. I’ve got all the pastels, brushes, etc….and I have been wanting to try a horse for a LONG time!! The instant I saw Jen Danza’s work I was inspired!! I cant wait to see what you do with these!

    in reply to: My Baby…now on YouTube…and TMNT #724375

    Oh, he is adorable!! Hope you are feeling well!

    ruffian wrote:

    asinnamon wrote:

    😯 That HAS to be a doctored photo! A cute one tho!

    ruffian – Gage looks english mastiff to me, he also looks like an angel! I don;t believe he one mischevious bone in his body!!! 😆

    You can not tell he has any rotty in him for the most part, he has the longer rotty fur on his back, and someone docked his tail, badly. Who ever did it had no clue what they were doing so the end is bald because it had to grow scar tissue over the bone.

    And tell the disemboweled pillows I came home too that he is not evil incarnate.

    Now Mom, maybe they were evil pillows 😆

    😯 That HAS to be a doctored photo! A cute one tho!

    ruffian – Gage looks english mastiff to me, he also looks like an angel! I don;t believe he one mischevious bone in his body!!! 😆

    No kidding! She is at a Pyrenese rescue in Celeste TX.

    Is Gage a Mastiff?

Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 725 total)