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  • in reply to: The winner of the January 2016 raffle is …. #941470

    Jaeger the dragon arrived yesterday and,believe me,he is even more beautiful than in the raffle pic. I want to post some pics of him,but haven’t figured out how to do it on here yet. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ :~

    in reply to: The winner of the January 2016 raffle is …. #940960

    Thank you everyone! And thank you Melody! I can’t believe it–this is wonderful! I’m going to pick the griffin. They’re both lovely but I like him the best. Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Not good… not good at all. #722713

    I’m really sorry that things are so tough for you and your family right now,Papercut.And I really hope everything will turn around and be all right and you’ll be able to keep your house. Hang in there,and very best wishes! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: How many windstones do you own? #686455

    I have 33,which includes PYO and production pieces,but there is a total of 45 living here altogether,because my daughter has 10 and my son has 2. I actually bought the first one,a baby kirin,as a Christmas present for my daughter about five years ago. There used to be a gift shop at a local mall that carried Windstones,but at that time I thought I shouldn’t spend the money, so buying one to give as a present was a means of justifying buying one instead of just looking and admiring! πŸ˜† The following Christmas I talked my husband into giving me the griffin candlelamp,and the next year I received a dragon candlelamp for Christmas,and hippogrif candlelamp for my birthday. Then I discovered Windstones on Ebay and the collection has been growing ever since!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday The Great Goddess of Windstone 3/26 #682016

    Hope you had a wonderful day!
    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674417

    Thanks for all the welcomes and happy Easter everyone! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674416

    BTW Do you raise Arabs? Or just love the breed? πŸ˜‰

    No,we don’t raise them,although we thought we might like to try to at one time. We finally decided that we didn’t really have time and had more than enough critters already,so it’d be better to just ride and have fun with the horses that we already had! Actually,we got into the whole horse-ownership thing by accident πŸ™‚ We liked Arabs and were at a show (just looking) and these people had a very friendly 4-year old gelding with a beautiful head and eyes for sale at an unbelievably reasonable price. I noticed that,on his pedigree,his paternal great-grandfather was desert-bred,which is something you don’t really see anymore,so we bought him–although we didn’t have a place to keep him! Like you,we had to board him with friends while we fenced in an empty field and built a small barn. Between all that, and having to move him over to a training facility for a few months (since he had barely been put under saddle),it was something like 7-8 months before we were able to bring him home. Then,having taken the first impractical big step, acquiring more horses didn’t seem that big of a deal,so we wound up buying two of his younger sisters as a weanling and a yearling (since we liked him so much),and we bought Sharanna because she was very gentle and calm–a former 4H horse. My daughter graduated to her so my son could start learning on our Shetland pony. We had another Arab that passed away about two years ago that we took in and gave a retirement home.The people who owned her were going to give her to this guy who went around buying up very cheap horses and ponies of all kinds,or taking freebies,and he claimed he was giving them all a good home on some property out in the boonies that he owned. However,since he was constantly advertising locally for unwanted horses, and no one ever seemed to have seen any of the horses that he acquired again,it all seemed rather suspicious,don’t you think? Anyway,we love Arabs,but I guess it was a combination of that and plain old fate that we wound up with mostly Arabs instead of anything else!:lol:
    Thanks for the backgrounds on your critters. I thought there was definitely a strong family resemblance between some of your cats πŸ˜‰ It’s really great that you were able to rescue horses that were in such bad predicaments and give them a good home! It’s really crazy how some poor horses end up. There’s a horse rescue organization here that takes in a couple horses every year that are all skin and bones. And last year they rescued a young gelding–looked like a quarter horse–that was just wandering down some backroad on Christmas Day! No one ever claimed him,apparently his former owners just turned him loose!

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674412

    Here ya go
    I didn’t realize mine were taking so much space. Guess I better learn to resize πŸ™„

    Thanks for the link! You have a really nice zoo! πŸ™‚ Alf is really a cute dog,and Tsunami looks very much like our Shadow,although their color is a little different. Are any of your cats from the same litter? What’s the story behind Easter Gal being treated so badly before you rescued her?

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674409

    khat7 wrote:

    Looks like you like to pick pet names the same way we do πŸ˜† I’d love a Maine Coon cat one day. Used to have Siamese too. πŸ˜€
    Don’t get to go riding near as much as I used to. I was in a car accident a few years ago that messed up my lower back. The riding itself is actually beneficial. The grooming, groundwork and/or tacking up can wipe me out for a day. I try to spend some time with one horse a day doing something. Two of our kids have married and moved out so I have half as much help as I used to πŸ˜‰

    I’m sorry to hear that you messed up your back! πŸ™
    I don’t know what I’d do if my kids weren’t around to help out. When they were smaller I used to do everything,and that’s when we had five horses and a pony. Now I can’t figure out how I ever found the time! That’s my problem–I seem to have less time every year. Maybe it’s all slipping through a hole into another dimension somewhere! πŸ˜•
    Our Maine Coon is a bit of a live wire sometimes,and he’s really,really smart. One of his nicknames is Waterbaby,because he’s always trying to get in the shower or play in the bathroom sink when you’re running water. Yesterday I was brushing him,which he doesn’t particularly like,and he stole the brush and ran away with it. I guess he was planning to hide it somewhere. πŸ™‚
    How do you get to the pet section to look at photos? I can’t seem to find my way to it 😳

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674408

    darjeb wrote:

    WELCOME from the Sunshine State

    Remember Windstones are addictive

    Thank you! πŸ™‚
    They sure are addictive! I’m always telling myself ‘just this one and then I’ll try to control myself for a few months’–but it never seems to work. I’ll rationalize that I can put them away for a future Christmas present or something,but they have a habit of sneaking out of the box and onto a shelf or table anyway. Or my daughter says that I can’t shut that lovely dragon or unicorn or whatever up in the closet for nine months and makes me feel guilty! πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674404

    khat7 wrote:

    aarddragon wrote:

    Thanks for the welcome everyone ! πŸ˜€
    Khat,what kinds of dogs,cats and horses do you have?

    Five house cats. Hobbit, Mocha, Tsunami, Mozart and Picasso. We had more LOTR cats at one time πŸ˜‰

    Four Dogs. Two labs, Sara and Sienna and Scruffy a lab mix. And of course my Dog Alf. He is an Akita Chow mix and my 75 pound lap dog πŸ˜†

    Five horses. A polish bred Arab named Jasman, an Arab/Shire – Lily, Easter Gal is a Quarterhorse/Thourghbred, Banjo the Mustang/Morgan and a Tri-colur Tennessee Walker named Scout. There are pictures of all of them posted in the pets section.

    I also have four kids, two kids in law and a husband πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

    How about you? Pets? Kids? I all ready red your collection post. Looks like you’ve gotten quite a few deals πŸ˜€

    I’ll bop on over to the pet section and have a look at the photos! πŸ™‚ Do you ride a lot?
    We have two Westies (Addie and Murray,my daughter’s dogs),a Jack Russell (Gromit,my eternal puppy),a Siberian Huskey (Titus,my son’s dog),and a Pomeranian (Sandflea,whom we found as a stray last summer). The horses are all Arabs. There are the three bay sibs,Razon,Dareyna,and Reshan (Polish,Blunt and Davenport breeding) and the grey,Sharranna,who is line-bred Skowronik (I think I spelled that right). The cats include Darcy (aka Purrby or Purrball) who is Siamese/Ragdoll and definitely my cat,Shadow,a tortoiseshell Domestic Short Hair that we found as a kitten,and Danny,a ginger Maine Coon kitten. And we have eleven gerbils (Ping & Pong,Trollfling,Avis II,Mikey Jr.,Muldoon,Algy,Jericho,Little Alien,Mickey,and Rufus)two bushy-tailed jirds (Frodo and Bilbo)a chinchilla named Picachu,a degu named Bop,an African Grey parrot (definitely my husband’s bird–she hates everyone else,even though I’m the one that hand-raised her and feeds her and cleans up after her!) named Beaker,two canaries named Horatio and Archie,a cockatiel named Tootles, a Pekin Robin named Brendan the Navigator,and four box turtles named Quasimodo,Stanley,Boadecia,and Sheldon. And I have two teenage kids and a husband. My kids are into Windstones too! I think that covers everyone… πŸ™‚
    Speaking of LOTR cats,we had one named Smeagol. It seemed like a good thing to name him at the time,but he wound up being the strangest creature that I’ve ever owned! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Hello From New Member #674403

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    WELCOME Aarddragon!

    Thank you! πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Repairing Candlelamps #679649

    Well,since my Windstones don’t seem inclined to run either,maybe I can politely ask the adult dragons to guard everyone else and puff smoke at the cats whenever they get the urge to take a nibble πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Repairing Candlelamps #679647

    Thanks for the replies everybody–you’ve been a great help! πŸ˜€
    I wonder if cats nibble on Windstones to see if they’ll actually move or not? πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Repairing Candlelamps #679642

    I have a couple of candlelamps that I’d like to touch up. My Cat Wizard had a chip off the hem of his cloak when I bought won him on Ebay that I’ve repaired with Apoxy Sculpt,and one of my cats bit my griffin in the ear,leaving little white marks. (What is it with cats that they want to chew on your Windstones anyway?! πŸ™„ ) I’m a little at a loss as to what paint colors to use to match the stone-finish on these Windstones,so any advice would be very much appreciated πŸ™‚

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