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  • in reply to: dragon winged pegasus #584447

    very pretty.. fyi just for future ref .. a horse’s neck is as long as it’s head.. do looks like the head is on the short side…

    in reply to: Unicorn Sketch #582537

    There are two at the farm my husband works at and they are both loopy.. they get to be outside all day no restrictions against being horses. Though when you go to ride them they are head up every other minute glaring wide eyed into the woods.. everything is scary to them. Then I get them all collected and calm and they do it again.. no noises, nothings changed, just nuts.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527305

    December 21st here too! Sag – Centaur. Chinese Year of the Snake.

    in reply to: Unicorn Sketch #582533

    I guess I’ve never really liked the way Arabians looked… they seem a bit extreme in their shape, to me.

    I think horse people in general are passionate and with that comes a stubborness on ideas about that passion.. can lead to rather strange behaivor..

    although horse people can also be hard working and down to earth..

    in reply to: Unicorn Sketch #582531

    Yes wolf the good ones are good but the bad ones are goofy and remind me a bit of toy poodles.. and some of the people who own them are scarey!

    in reply to: Limited editions #583919


    in reply to: Color – Warm colored trio #583019

    ahh can’t wait to see the color on that griffin! The flames looked (forgive me Ski) a little on the pink side.

    in reply to: Color – Warm colored trio #583008


    Ever thought of doing a warm toned color in much the same way peacock was done.. except in red orange and yellow?

    in reply to: Haunted Windstone #582944

    wow sounds like you got more than you bargained for! PS Water should be natural.. ie stream lake brook etc.

    in reply to: In Search of Rainbow Emperor #582497

    I must admit I am pretty frightened that it will arrive in pieces… 😯

    in reply to: In Search of Rainbow Emperor #582495

    Yippers .. found one in MI.. last one. They don’t have the original box but they promised to pack him well.. really hope he gets here in one piece!

    in reply to: Unicorn Sketch #582524

    Verry pretty. Looks like an Andalusian unicorn.

    Yes, I prefer the baroque horse type over the arabian and gothic type.


    in reply to: In Search of Rainbow Emperor #582493


    in reply to: Unicorn Sketch #582519

    Here is a unicorn sketch from late last year.. I hope to do a painting from it this summer.

    in reply to: In Search of Rainbow Emperor #582491

    I recently got my mother the mother dragon in rainbow, for mother’s day, and she loves her and this weekend I happened upon a store with the male and hatching rainbow.. I just ordered a fledgling and I already had a young dragon and plan on giving it to her..

    sooo.. all she is missing is the Emperor. Does anyone have one they are willing to part with?

Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 259 total)