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  • in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762397

      Hehe, we could always do the “$70 for the sculpt and $600 for shipping” thing. I’ve seen some auctions like that. (Well, not that extreme, but 99 cents for the item and $25 for shipping for a two ounce plastic toy 😛 )

      in reply to: Considering selling #2 AL OW… Any takers? #765490

        Well, I’d be interested of course. But not sure I can afford him. 😛

        in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762394

          No, no! *laugh* The shipping is $70+. Because it’s coming from Switzerland.

          Omigod. Can you imagine, a prototype for $70? *giggle* We’d have forum members tripping over everything to try and be the first to PM the seller.

          in reply to: Who's your favorite? #763963

            I think my one most favorite piece is my test paint griffy boy, “Colored Sunburst”. My heart races every time I look at him. I like him more and more every day.

            And for sentimental reasons, the two I would never ever sell: peacock lap (also my favorite sculpt) and peacock mother. The lap was a gift from one of my best friends because he saw her and thought of me, and the mother was a gift from another friend who knew I loved dragons and windstones. In both cases, neither one has funds to spare much, so they really mean alot. The mother dragon is all chipped and beat up and has been retouched in alot of places, he admitted he got her ‘for a really good price’ so I told him she was perfect when he asked if she was in good condition (he knows I’m a perfectionist). Hehe. These two are the only two people have ever given me, my parents knew I loved windstones for … decades almost, and never gifted me with any. I also keep these two on display in the house, instead of in the curio.

            in reply to: May Raffle #765341

              And me five. ^.^ I didn’t want to ask first, but I was getting really curious. I love seeing the lovely raffle pieces, even if I don’t enter.

              in reply to: Maks …Update Pg 8 February 2011 #764371

                Awww, Maks is sick? Poor fellow! And poor you! That would be so stressful, not knowing what is wrong. :I I’ll have my hopes up that you find out soon and that it is easily fixed.

                in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762373

                  *nudge to the top*

                  in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762372

                    Adaneth wrote:

                    Leigha wrote:

                    jackid55 wrote:

                    I’m considering selling my ooak prototype ow. It is the one from the benefit auction. interested? Make me an offer?

                    I’ll trade you my signed limited production white OW for your Black Russet ooak OW.

                    I also want to let you know, that at one point, Melody had said that if a forum member won one of her auctions, but gave away the piece to another forum member who liked it more, they’d be eligible for re entry into another auction to win again, but if they sold it, they were never eligible to win another auction. She didn’t want anyone to profit from these because she does these for free.

                    That’s with the monthly auctions she does herself. The raffle auctions aren’t free (we all buy tickets), and I’m not sure the same rules apply. 🙂 Hopefully somebody else can confirm that?

                    I was under that impression too, that the ‘give away’ rule applies to the free raffles, but if you pay to enter a raffle then you are free to do what you want with the piece.

                    in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762366


                      in reply to: Dragons for sale… SALE IS OVER!!! #762719

                        bayoudragon wrote:

                        That’s not true… some of us are just broke. 😳

                        ditto ditto ditto ditto. 😛 😳

                        in reply to: Did you ever do Otter or Gopher sculpts? #763996

                          Melody, did you ever do a sculpt of a river otter (not sea otter) or gophers/prairie dogs?

                          in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762365

                            jackid55 wrote:

                            I’m considering selling my ooak prototype ow. It is the one from the benefit auction. interested? Make me an offer?

                            That was the black russet one, right? I shall consider it while I sleep tonight, and send along an offer sometime tomorrow.

                            in reply to: April Raffle?…. #759588

                              Congratulations, Flaming! She suits you!

                              in reply to: Want! A prototype Old Warrior – any color! #762363


                                in reply to: Are you going "green?" #763360

                                  I’ve been ‘green’ since I was a toddler. 😛 Don’t know why, because my parents certainly weren’t, and today they only make a point of recycling if I happen to be at their house. I chalk it up to being a draconid,’wise beyond my years’ has always been me.

                                  In our current household we do the following: recycle anything and everything that can be. Anything nasty is sent to the hazardous waste depot (batteries, lightbulbs, etc). We generate one or two plastic grocery bags of garbage most weeks and that is it. We compost and use the green bin for all the pet waste, at least during the winter. In the summer it becomes fertilizer for the garden(s). I am getting rid of the front lawn, and put in a low growing creeping perennial instead. Zero maintenance, zero need to water! And it’s shade tolerant because of the huge tree. And in the spring it flowers a vibrant shade of purple. I grow as much food as possible every year given space constraints. Tomatoes do just fine in a five gallon pail on the porch. And this year I am borrowing some land from my boss at work, and planting all the bigger stuff, squash and pumpkins, watermelons and cantalopes. Yay! The cold cellar is going to be so full! I make my own salsa too, rather than buy. And jams. Alas, I don’t do well canning fruits and other veggies.

                                  We keep only a small freezer (the freezer in the fridge one), and buy our meats from a local butcher. Quality and price are better than Sobey’s anyday! I am also not afraid to slaughter my own animals. It’s hard, and I certainly don’t enjoy it, but at least they don’t suffer like in the factory slaugherhouses. And alot cheaper – a chicken or a rabbit only costs about $2 at the livestock auction. When we have the hobby farm I intend to raise our own small animals. All edible type food waste goes to the animals. Cantalope rinds are a treat for the guinea pigs, the last remnants of meat stuck to a chicken carcass go to the hamsters. They eat it, bones and all. This is in addition to their regular food, they just looooove chicken and beef bones!

                                  Replaced all the light bulbs with those energy efficient ones. We run the house warm in the summer and cool in the winter. I gather rainwater in rainbarrels for watering plants outside, only resorting to the hose during droughty summer months. I grow alot of perennials, which need less water than annuals. I rarely throw anythng into the garbage unless it is beyond all use – we have a big garage sale every year and I sell just about anything anyone could want. Broken dehumidifier? Somebody wanted it, said he could probably fix it, so I let him have it for free. Even pieces of scrap metal, there is a place to donate them across town where the funds raised go to a cat rescue.

                                  We try to limit herbicide and pesticide use to ‘need to be done’ rather than ‘make the lawn look nice’. I never use anything on the back lawn. The back lawn saw a lawnmower only once last year, we graze our guinea pigs out there and that keeps the grass short. We have one neighbour who is considering borrowing out guinea pig herd to use on their lawn, too. 😛 We hang the clothes outside to dry instead of using a dryer. We hand wash dishes.

                                  Uhm. There’s probably alot more. But it’s all second nature, so it’s hard to think of.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 168 total)