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  • in reply to: Crazy or not, here I go #647968

    purplecat wrote:

    A pet peeve of mine….also neighborhoods where every house is exactly the same…grrrr…

    XD I live in a neighborhood like that. Not a good place to live if you come home drunk lmao… 😆

    in reply to: Crazy or not, here I go #647955

    BRoS wrote:

    a hot tub rolling in the opposit direction on the right side of the road, trailers were rolling everywhere, cats flew and some more stuff.

    lmao that reminds me of the cow in the movie Twister. XD;

    *cow flies by* “MOOOOOO” O___O
    *cow flies by in opposite direction* “MOOOOOOOO” O___________O
    “‘Nother cow!”
    “Actually I think that was the same one.”

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Mimitrek!!!! #647915

    Happy birthday!! 😀

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633863

    Even if someone could be in the room with me, it couldn’t be either of my parents. My dad had heart surgery (double-bypass) several years ago and has wires in his chest, and my mother has a stent(sp?) in her heart, so… yeah, that wouldn’t be good. XD

    Hopefully the tranquilizers will knock me out enough where I won’t be freaking out and screaming/crying/having seizures. O__o;;

    I really wish they didn’t have to inject dye into my veins though. I throw up when I see needles, even on TV. Though strangely I have 13 tattoos and plan on getting more… XD;

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Goldragon2 #647770

    Happy birthday!! 😀

    in reply to: Happy Birthfday Boskydragon #647677

    Happy birthday!!

    in reply to: Fakie #647646

    Eww.. that thing is creepy. O.o;

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633856

    I haven’t started taking the thyroid meds yet. I want to wait until after the MRI since I can’t take tranquilizers with them, and I will DEFINITELY need tranqs. x.x

    in reply to: Crazy? No. Brain Tumor? Yes. Update pg. 7 #633850

    Okay so I went to the endocrinologist on the 13th. I do have hypothyroidism (more specifically Hashimoto’s thyroiditis) and will need to be on meds for the rest of my life. Great. x.x Then the doctor checked my mother and she has it too. O__O

    I had a blood test yesterday to check a few more things. Guh. Wonder how many more incurable diseases I have. x__x

    Then on the 19th I’m getting an MRI to see if I have a pituitary tumor. They going to put dye in my veins. T____T The doctor gave me some tranquilizers so I don’t freak out and have a stroke.

    Yeah, so this week has been total HELL. I have really bad anxiety and get panic attacks pretty much every day, so by the time I was trying to get to sleep Wednesday night I was shaking so bad it was almost a seizure, and I was trying really hard not to throw up. I didn’t get ANY sleep that night, and by the time I got to the doctor at 2pm Thursday I was thinking I should really be in a hospital or something cause I just.. wanted to die so bad. The stomach pain was horrible. And it didn’t get any better after either, since I knew I needed a blood test, and those freak me out even more (they can never find my veins and end up stabbing me a million times before they get lucky and hit one).

    Today I feel a little better, but I’m still really nauseous. At least I managed to get some sleep this morning. x.x But it’s going to get a lot worse probably by next Tuesday since I’ve never had an MRI before and… I don’t think I’ll be able to handle being alone in that room for an hour. I just… can’t be alone. EVER. T___T Even when my parents go to the store and leave me home for an hour I freak out and start sobbing. It sucks, and makes me want to die sometimes.

    So yeah… I’ll be lucky if all this stress doesn’t kill me. x.x If i didn’t have a brain tumor before I’m pretty sure I do now. 🙄

    in reply to: Black Gold spectrals #646635

    :0 *grabby hands*

    in reply to: Wanting to Trade Rainbow Fledge for Peacock Fledge-Gone #646237

    I want a rainbow fledgie so bad, but I have nothing to trade. ;-; Sorry~


    Eeee, I want them~ too bad I’m broke XD;

    in reply to: Pearl Gold Sun Dragon #643488

    I had a dream this morning that I went to some weird store and found a dragon that looked like this, except the body was more golden yellow and the face/tail/accents were a darker orange. O.o; The also had a jade oriental and a bunch of other windstones, but I can’t remember which. XD;

    Just thought I should mention that. O.o;

    in reply to: Happy Early Birthday Jasmine (12/11) #643955

    happy birthday!! 😀

    in reply to: let the cuteness consume you! :: evil grin:: #643905

    Aww how cute!! <333

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