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I’m sweating too much for that. x.x I would play my DS or something, but I don’t want to leave the computer. ;-;
I don’t have a radio or ipod… and the animals will just make it worse. I’ve been trying to do things to calm down but it’s not working. When I get like this the only thing that would help is my parents coming home, but I have a feeling my mother will try everything she can to keep my father at the store as long as possible just to stay away from me. I wanted to go with them but she wouldn’t let me. That was when she started screaming at me.
*squeaks* I just… hate my mother so much, but I hate being alone even more than that.
My mother hated me petty much since I was born, probably because I was so sick and almost died. She’s like an animal that knows its baby is sick and just leaves it somewhere to die.
I don’t know what to do…
My parents just left to go to the store (after another screaming fit from my mother telling my I’m an annoying bitch and a pain in her ass), so now I’m sitting here ALONE having a panic attack. I can’t stop crying or shaking, and I keep hearing noises outside. I just came in my room and locked the door. T_____T I can’t stand being alone… I want to die so bad right now. 😥
Someone just… talk to me or something before I end up calling 911. ;__;
January 25, 2008 at 1:23 am in reply to: Wolf griffin chicks for sale + non-Windstone things. #654603These are both still up for trade/sale… I’d really rather not put them on ebay and have to deal with all the fees…
dark_zorse wrote:We need more salivating on this thread!
Get this unicorn barf outta here!
O_____________________________O!!!!I already have an emerald scratcher, but holy CRAP I want a rainbow one SO BAD. XDDD
Okay what y’all are saying makes since but I think you’re forgetting that I’m too sick to do anything. Until my thyroid disease and brain tumor get under control it’s impossible for me to be away from home for more than maybe an hour or two. And that’s if I can sit down somewhere.
And anyways, I have NO IDEA what I would do for college. There really isn’t anything I enjoy doing, so no matter what course I took I’d most likely be miserable, and probably drop out.
I know you don’t want to hear it, but I am STUCK with my parents forever. Period.
My father’s not a problem, just my mother. Why should I have to leave when it’s her fault? She should go back to CT with my brother. Even my father can’t stand her most of the time.
College… eh, I don’t think so. For one thing I’m not smart or patient enough and would either fail or get kicked out because of my anger issues, but.. I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it. I was homeschooled all through high school because I couldn’t handle being near the other kids all day. not to mention whenever I got beat up in school the teacher said I deserved it. I think they hated me because the knew my father was a cop and he’d arrested most of them (kids AND teachers) at least once.
But yeah, college is unfortunately as out of the question as getting an apartment. I mean it when I say there’s nothing that can be done to help me…
She is most of the problem, but like I said in the other thread, no way in hell am I living alone.
Quote:And getting an apartment is totally out of the question. 1, we just bought this house while keeping our old house to rent last August and therefor can’t afford it, and 2, just no freakin’ way am I EVER living alone. I would end up in either the hospital, the nut house, or the morgue by the end of the week. I can NOT live alone because I have such a severe panic disorder. I’ll be stuck with my parents til they die and then I’ll probably end up back in Connecticut with my brother. And he hates me more than my mother does so he would most likely disown me and kick me out on the street.
I duno, I have to have a urine test to check my cortisol(sp?) level since it was high on both blood tests, but we don’t know if that might’ve been from nerves since I have severe panic attacks every time I have to go to the doctor or have blood tests. Then after that I’ll need another blood test to see how much my thyroid meds need to be increased since they’re not helping at all yet.
I do talk to my dad sometimes, but he mostly just tells my to keep my mouth shut and not piss her off. The problems is just breathing pisses her off most of the time. 🙄 And getting an apartment is totally out of the question. 1, we just bought this house while keeping our old house to rent last August and therefor can’t afford it, and 2, just no freakin’ way am I EVER living alone. I would end up in either the hospital, the nut house, or the morgue by the end of the week. I can NOT live alone because I have such a severe panic disorder. I’ll be stuck with my parents til they die and then I’ll probably end up back in Connecticut with my brother. And he hates me more than my mother does so he would most likely disown me and kick me out on the street.
Sorry, edited last post. I’ll be 21 in March.
Well I would like to get some counseling because I definitely DON’T like the way I am/feel, but not only can we not afford it, but my mother is totally against it. I still can’t believe she told me today to “go sit in a corner and die”. 😥 She hates kids about as much as I do.
Phoenix- but I like my dogs. ;-; And unfortunately I’m stuck with my parents. I’ll be 21 in March but with my health and anxiety issues I canNOT be alone. Ever. I rarely leave the house. Why I went to Walmart yesterday I really have no idea because I was sick and close to throwing up from nerves the entire time. I have no friends that live around here to talk to or hang out with. The only people I know here are the guys that did my tattoos. ^^; So yeah, I’m hust pretty much screwed any way you look at it. I can’t work or drive with my health problems (pituitary tumor, thyroid disease, anxiety, constant nausea, to name just a few) so I can’t get out and meet people to make friends. my entire life revolves around the computer sadly, and there’s nothing I can do about it. 😥
Ooh, nice. I don’t really care for the male sculpt either, but I really like him. ^__^
Today my mother told me to sit in a corner and die. Great. Starting to think I should…
skigod377 wrote:Papercut:
Not all kids are bad, so saying “I hate kids” is pretty judgemental. And your dad curses at them? That doesnt really help. Dogs can be brought up to ignore people. They can also be supervised when outside just like kids. 😕 Not trying to be mean, but I was a bit offended on my sons (And others on this forums) behalf.Well, (and I mean this) EVERY single kid in the neighbohood/town is a horrible monster, their parents don’t care what they do at all. They just run around doing whatever they want, breaking things… I’m afraid they’re going to try to poison my dogs one of these days. And (I’m not trying to sound racist here, forgive me) they’re all Mexican, and most of the time they have older brothers/sisters that are in gangs.
About my dogs, they’ve been outside their whole lives, they’re not allowed in the house because of the cats and the fact that they like to destroy things and are so hyper. They’re completely untrainable, they don’t listen to a word anyone says. So teaching them to ignore people is pretty much out of the question. My mother like every days she says she hopes someone shoots them cause she gets so mad having to listen to them bark constantly.
Anyway sorry to offend you, but I really do hate all kids. Not just kids though, I pretty much loathe humans in general. I guess it comes from the way I was treated in school. I was literally almost killed several times in middle school by this one girl who had some serious issues. She kept trying to push me off the bridge, threw rocks at me, tried to shove pencils in my ears, etc… we called the cops on her once when my brothers wife saw her harassing me, but they didn’t do anything.
Once when I was.. two or three, can’t remember… I did something, dunno what, but I remember getting whipped with a belt. Only happened once though (that I remember). My family all have nasty uncontrollable tempers I guess. Plus we’re all really REALLY racist. I don’t try to be, but it just happens. 🙄 One time in sixth grade my teacher locked me in the closet for half an hour just because I was in a bad mood about being beat up on the bus.
But… yeah. I just have a nasty violent attitude toward pretty much everything in life. Of course it doesn’t help that my mother tells me to die all the time. x.x;
I had a horrible experience in Walmart yesterday, people pissed me off SO bad that I don’t think I’ll ever be able to go there again. Argh.
I’m probably going to get flamed for these rants, but.. look I’m sorry okay? This is just the way I am. I don’t LIKE it, I don’t WANT to be so hateful, but I can’t help it. The way my life is you’re lucky I’m not either in the nut house, or jail (yet, I’ll probably end up in one of the other soon enough…). 😥