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i was going to toss in my opinion , but i’ll do it tomorrow 😉
at least Pixar has some good origanal stuff , i wonder if they are still gonna work with Disney i read a while back they couldnt seal a deal with monitary compensation for video releases and commisions on the films while in theaters
i just watched the trailer , it kinda reminds me of Total recall meets the 5th Element
just to let you all know if you want to look up movie stuff and trailers got to
Well there ya go Disney is completely unoriganal
Dragon Master wrote:The kitty in the 3rd one has BEAUTIFUL markings. Shouldn’t ie be make like a tree and Leave?
Its from Back to the Future Biff always said those qoutes wrong 🙂
Marty McFly Kitteh
Shakespeare Ape
Biff Kitteh
TheRedWriter wrote:I have pretty much lost all of my respect for Disney. The only thing they have going for them anymore is the Narnia series and Pixar. They are not making their own stories, they are just making crappy sequals to the classics that go straight to dvd or staight to tv. Enchanted was just a combination of all their old movies because they are unable to think of anything different. Yes, they’ve made their living on the fairy tales and children’s stories and there is nothing wrong with that. Just write something new and exciting, with no connection to anything prior to what they have.
Seriously since when has disney ever made a movie that was origanal , 95% of them are fairy tales that have been around for a millenia with the exception of Lion King but im sure if you dig enough there is an older version, besides i like the Brothers Grim , and Hauns Christian Anderson endings better
David Prowes is no fan of James Earl Jones , he told me at the convention( i stood in line 3 hours for the autograph) that in the origanal credits he wasnt even on them ,only James Earl Jones was credited for darth Vader and his agent had to fight with 20th century fox to get it on there .
i think we would all like to forget the Hayden Christensen one … the NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! at the end of III really made me look at Vader is a new light a sad woosie light 🙁
wow thats an awsome Darth Vader helmet signed by David Prowes 😛
Lupin wrote:Oh my and Khym’s Daddy thinks the Khym got Spoiled!!!
Mom and dad gave him 2 Chocolate eggs a Knabstrub horse figurine(Toy), My first (Soft) Baby book, 101 Dalmatian Dinner set(Plate, bowl and cup) and a Transformers Bumblebee Plushie, while Grandma(My Mom) gave him a Leather Jacket, and 2 Chocolate bunnies. Next year we’ll see what the Easter Bunny brings him as well!!thats far from every thing she got some of it wouldnt fit in the picture , her Grandmother (my mom not Purpledoggy) got her a ton of stuff
i was looking them up on Google for purple she has the first series and now wants all the rest . You know google you type in cat and you get a picture of an Astin Martin
are we sure we want these guys back , honestly they are luckey they didnt catch a bullet
Lupin wrote:And even worse are those places where they tell you when you ask if they put it on, and then ask to have them not put it on, they say it can’t not be put on.
👿 👿 👿When i worked at BK about oh 15 years ago we had those “special” seasoned fries for a while and when they came in they already had the season on them before they were frozen so really we couldnt take the season off unless we sucked on each one and i dont think folks would like that 😛