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  • Do you know what she wanted for the leaf cat sconce? I really want that one.


    in reply to: Quagga for sale…. #594740

    Well I guess she’s gonna be hitting eBay.

    Since I’ll be out from work at least 2 weeks due to this stupid infection, expect to see more stuff from me there. Got hospital bills now, and I cringe at what they are gonna be, even with insurance.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595580

    Update, went to emergency and they reassured me that I was okay, and that my wound is as expected, upped my antibiotics since the culture came back tentatively positive for staph, and said they’ll see me in the morning.

    I feel a bit better, they told me I wasn’t silly to come in, that this is serious and if i am worried, by all means come on in and have them check it.

    They are so nice, scary thing is I am getting to know folks by their first names down there.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595578

    Well as of tonight, I am now sure that this is going to take weeks to heal, I got my bandage wet and when I changed it, lots more puss erupted, it is still swollen badly and the tissue is black.

    There is definately some serious tissue damage, and likely I will have to see a specialist and it will have to be debrided.

    I am so upset I’m in tears. I really don’t need this, and I really don’t want to be weeks recovering, with possible long term damage.

    I don’t know what to do, but crying seems a good option at the moment.


    in reply to: Ooohh…I got an airbrush today! #596816

    Course I can’t use it yet, but my sweetie bought me one and I have an airbrush compressor on it’s way too. What a great “hope you feel better soon” gift.

    Especially since it looks like I may be out from work for a few weeks while this stupid bug bite heals.

    I still can’t believe how much damage it did, and how much it hurts.

    Anyway, that’s all I had to share.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595573

    Barrdwing wrote:

    Kyrin wrote:

    Hand is still miserable, it’s gonna be a long weekend and week. It doesn’t help that there is no way to predict how long this will take to heal. I really don’t need to be out of work for weeks. So I really hope I will be back in the trenches by the Monday after next.

    Thanks for the well wishes, worst thing is I can’t even paint right now, because I would have to hold the uni with my left hand, and its the one that is all buggered up.


    Oh boy. Hang in there! 🙁 Stay indoors where it’s cool: heat can speed up the formation of an abscess, but you don’t need any more physical stress right now.

    Regarding painting: Would it help you to put your PYO on a lazy susan? It doesn’t let you get to the underside of surfaces, but it would let you spin that little rascal to whichever side you wanted to work on. Target should have some little eight-inch ones that are pretty convenient.

    Good luck!

    Those are good ideas. Thanks.

    Update: They opened it up today, lots and lots of puss, and the amount of squeezing my doc had to do to get it all made it hurt worse than it had before. They doped me up with Femerol, then followed that up with some Darvocet. Yep I was a bit loopy, good thing I wasn’t driving. It didn’t do a whole to kill the pain, but it made me not care so much. 🙂

    I went home and took a nap, though I could probably sleep some more, but for now my hand hurts a bit too much to really allow it, so I’ve taken some more pain meds and once those kick in, I’ll head back to bed.

    For now I’m hurting alot, but I am hoping that by tomorrow it will hurt less.

    My poor thumb is now black and purple with an incision in it that almost reaches the bone, that was how deep the puss pocket went. They also packed it with gauze so it would stay open. Overall I wouldn’t want to repeat this, ever.

    Downside, depending on whether they were able to get it all, I may have to see a specialist and get knocked out. I really really hope that doesn’t happen, we’ll know tomorrow.


    in reply to: Sick and away #596218

    Boy, we’re a pair, huh? First me, then you…slightly different infections, but still, both are doing some damage. Owie.

    Hope you feel better soon.


    in reply to: Well it looks like its going to happen #595739

    I am glad and also sad that this is happening now. I pray for the best outcome, but I know a transplant like this is scary.

    I hope that when the call comes, everything goes well, and I am glad they are doing it while hubby is strong enough, but bummed because it can’t wait until baby arrives.

    Chin up and stay healthy.

    How is the pregnancy going, you are how far along now?


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595571

    laphon1 wrote:

    Sorry to hear this, Kyrin. Hope you are well soon.
    Where in Idaho are you? I’m in western Washington and the local newscasts give us the Idaho forecasts. It sounds brutal and with no a/c to boot.

    There was no A/C in the truck, the house has it, but of course not less than 2 hours after getting home, a huge windstorm blew through and took out my power. So no A/C here either, the generator can only handle the computers, water pump and TV. We really need to save up for one of those huge ones that run on propane and powers the whole house.

    We’re in Buhl, Idaho, which is roughly 150 miles from Boise.

    Hand is still miserable, it’s gonna be a long weekend and week. It doesn’t help that there is no way to predict how long this will take to heal. I really don’t need to be out of work for weeks. So I really hope I will be back in the trenches by the Monday after next.

    Thanks for the well wishes, worst thing is I can’t even paint right now, because I would have to hold the uni with my left hand, and its the one that is all buggered up.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595566

    Well now the docs are thinking it could be a staph infection, bottom line it doesn’t really matter. I am still going to have an abcess, it is still going to hurt, and I am still going to be off work for at least week.

    So cause is really of no matter to me at the moment.

    Got a new IV antibiotic this morning, and a new oral antibiotic. We’ll see. Also picked up FMLA papers from work, since it is clear I will be out more than 3 days.

    This is going to make my next paycheck really sad looking, bah! On top of that, I am in mega pain, and they have both hands mummified, one for the injury and one to cover the IV port still in my hand, because they will likely be having me come in daily for IV antibiotics for a few days longer. Yay.

    And on top of all that, we’re having a heat wave and it is hotter than Hades…over 100 degrees here…blech! I hate being hot, and the old ’79 truck we are currently running around in has no air conditioning at all, just 2X60, which in these temps means diddily.

    I am also developing a heat induced headache, think this day could get any worse?

    Hope everyone else is doing better.


    in reply to: Bunch of Stuff to Buy! #595679

    Could someone save me a kirin?

    I know it is along shot, but I’m gonna be stuck in the hospital most of the day and won’t have time to call.


    in reply to: Aplomado Falcon griffin #595696

    Gorgous! I don’t even want to know how long it took to get all those fine details in.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595556

    Update: Whole hand is now swollen, likehood of no puss development slim at this point. Skipping doctor appt. and going straight to hospital at this point.

    Pain is intense, took Vicodan at 5am, so far it didn’t do a damn thing. Can’t take more, it would prevent them from giving me something stronger, and I definately want something stronger.

    Will let you guys know how things are in a few hours.

    I really hate spiders at them moment.


    in reply to: PYO Unicorn in Dapple Rose Grey! ENDS in 3 hrs!!!! #595591

    That’s really pretty.


    in reply to: Owiee…darn Hobo spiders… #595548

    I apparently was bitten by a Hobo spider on Tues, as of today my thumb is now swollen red and purple and hurts like hell.

    Had to go home from work today after 5.5 hours because the pain was so bad I was in tears, I went straight from work to the hospital emergency, where they pumped me full of IV antibiotics and sent me home with orals and pain meds.

    My original plan was to work my shift, then go to the emergency, but the longer I worked the more it hurt and the more swollen it got, my manager is a wonderful lady and she got really worried as she noticed my glove on that hand kept getting tighter and tighter, and it is usually loose.

    She had also aided me in continuing to work by letting me work at the end of the line rather than trying to load. Unfortunately as the hours passed, i couldn’t even fo that.

    No worky for me tomorrow, and I am not entirely sure about Monday either, just depends on how it is by then. Right now despite everything, including the vicodan, it still hurts alot and is so swollen it feels like the skin is going to split.

    At this moment any spider that comes near me is toast.

    Anyway, tomorrow I see my doctor to make sure it doesn’t abcess, I hope not on one hand, and kinda hope it does on the other, since that would relieve the pressure on the skin, and it is realy painful.

    I just hope the pain goes away soon…I could live with a swollen thumb that I can’t really move if it didn’t hurt so much.

    Wish me luck.


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