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  • in reply to: Prego #602897

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    I am pregnant. This is my first baby, and it is coming at an inconveniant time with school. I might be able to finish my classes, but I wont be able to student teach by that time. But I am happy, but worried. My husband isn’t very excited about it. People keep on reassuring me that he will come around. I think he will to because he is wonderful, and we love eachother a lot. It’s weird because it’s our one year anniversary. “Happy Anniversary Honey! I’m Pregnant!!” 🙂 The more I tell people, the more excited I am.

    I am not looking forward to the delivery though…..

    You should be able to finish your classes. I was in college the whole pregnancy with my son. As for you student teaching, you can reschedule later.

    Hubby will become more excited as the reality sinks in, right now it is hard for him to visualize, once you start showing and he hears the heartbeat for the first time, he will wake up.

    When I told my husband we were expecting, even though we’d been trying, his oh so intelligent response was, “Huh?” Lol!

    I also would not worry too much about labor and birth, I birthed both of mine naturally, and it really wasn’t that bad either time. And the second go around was nearly drug free except for the last 40 minutes, though to be honest, that wasn’t my idea, I would have opted for drugs sooner, but they were goofing off as it was, and almost didn’t get their shit together in time. My husband and sister in law were starting to think they were on their own.

    I would take lamaze, and learn about what your body will do, fear of the unknown and what to expect are really the biggest things when it comes to birth. Trust your body, it was designed for this, and also DO NOT listen to anyone who insists on telling you negative birth experiences. If someone starts, ask them to please refrain from being negative or don’t tell you at all.

    Birth is a beautiful thing, but I will not tell you to avoid pain meds, those are up to you, I don’t regret using them at all. Some people are really against it, but it’s a personal choice, so no one should tell you how to do this, this is your child and your birthing experience, and if anyone tries to boss you around, tell them I told you to tell them, “Bite me!”

    When the time comes, everything should be about you and the baby, and you are in the drivers seat, this is your show.


    in reply to: You just gotta love modern medicine. #602543

    Well interestingly enough, my 6 year old who has had both shots for chicken pox also has symptoms. Apparently the vax isn’t as effective as the medical folks thought.


    in reply to: You just gotta love modern medicine. #602535

    Rusti wrote:

    Geez, whatever happened to just catching the chicken pox and getting it over with?

    My entire second grade class went down with it. On any given day for about a month or so there were only about ten or fifteen kids in a 30 kid class. There were chicken pox parties and everything.

    We had a little fever, bathed in calamine lotion and recovered. I only remember being miserable for a day or so, and after that just itchy.

    Not criticizing, this is just how I would do it, but if I had a kid, chicken pox would not be on my list of vaccines. MMR, T/D and the rest of the usual childhood run, yes, but not chicken pox. That’s just part of growing up.

    Yeah, I agree. Only problem is, with so many people vaccinating, your surety of getting chicken pox these days is a lot lower, so likelyhood of contracting it as a child is much reduced these days.

    So they’ve kinda got you in a position of having to vax, because its a bad idea to get the pox as an adult, and if you can’t be sure you can get exposed to it as a child, then you really need the vax.

    It’s kind of a no win.


    in reply to: You just gotta love modern medicine. #602534

    Kujacker wrote:

    I’ve never had chicken pox…
    Did they say that it for sure prevents a child from getting chicken pox? If so, I’d be angry… 🙁

    No, they state clearly that it can cause a mild case. But it is annoying because they insist that kids get the vaccine to prevent the disease, not cause it!

    My opinion on chicken pox, is you are better off just having the disease naturally, as it is rarely serious, but draw the line with deliberately causing it. On the other hand, if she didn’t get the vac and then also didn’t get the disease, then she’d be at risk of getting it as an adult, which does become more dangerous. So it’s a tough call.

    Upside in this situation, she won’t remember any of the discomfort later.

    The really annoying thing though, is it is possible to get chicken pos more than once in a lifetime, if your first bout with it is too mild. So I am hoping that with the vax and the mild case Karli is experiencing will be equivalent to a stronger reaction, so she isn’t at risk to get it again.


    in reply to: You just gotta love modern medicine. #602527

    I took my daughter Karli to the doctor for her 12 month shots. This series included chicken pox.

    Guess what? She now has chicken pox, I thought this whole exercise was to prevent it!

    Grrrr…thankfully the symptoms are mild, and she should be over it quickly, but that isn’t the point.

    My poor little girl, she’s all spotted now. *sad face*

    She’s cheerful though, and active, so it doesn’t seem to be slowing her down much.


    in reply to: Harry Potter book #602413

    Kujacker, if you liked the movies, I would read the books. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I resisted reading them for about 2 years, then my nephew insisted I read the first book, after that, I was hooked.

    I will be getting the book today, I also expect I will be done reading it by Tues. LOL! I love this series, and am sad that with this last book, it will be over. But I would not say I am fanatic, I’m not avoiding the internet to avoid spoilers. However, I am making sure I don’t go anywhere that a spoiler is likely to occur.

    I am hoping that Harry prevails, but considering the surprise ending in the previous book, you never really know. So I am anxious to see what all goes on. We will see.

    Anyway, I’ll let you know what I think when I’m done with the story.

    As for the movies, I love them. It’s the first series of movies based on books that have really stuck to the original story as closely as possible.



    in reply to: Repair Services Policy Updates #602354

    To date I have repaired 32 Windstones since I started doing repairs. Wow, that’s a lot of repairs!

    Current repair items in cue:
    9 dragons, most of which I am still awaiting arrival.

    Repair General Info

    Turn around time is approx. 2 days, though some repairs will take longer depending on complexity.

    Repair prices are, shipping to and from, with a $3 to $5 increase from initial shipping for the return, due to weight differences.

    Repair prices vary, ranging from $10 on up depending on how much rebuilding and detail work is required. Not usually exceeding $35. I will discount repair costs if you wish to have more than one Windstone repaired.

    Repairs are done using Apoxie-Sculpt, paint matching done with high quality acrylic paints many are now directly from Windstone for exact factory matches, with Krylon clear finish to seal the work. Eyes, gems and glass globes are protected with Eye Protect both during repair, painting and sealing.

    I look forward to fixing your broken treasures, so far it is really fun for me, I’ve been getting to see some really neat sculptures that I haven’t seen before.

    I am available for continued repair commissions, I am doing away with repair slots, and making it unlimited, since my turnaround is so quick, nothing will be here long enough to really pile up, so just PM when you need something fixed and I will be happy to work something out.


    Name, address, and phone number will be required from now on with the request for repair.

    Payment methods accepted:

    Personal Checks, Cashier’s Checks, PayPal. Money Orders are not going to be accepted and CC are kinda iffy too, I’d prefer to stick to Personal Checks and PayPal, with PayPal being the prefered payment method.

    Payment Deadlines:
    Preferably within 10 days of notification of completed repair. However, if more time is needed, just email me, as long as you don’t drop off the face of the planet, I will work with you.

    How Repair Fees Break Down, and what they cover:

    Repair fees only cover repairs, they do not include shipping to me or back to you.

    Breakdown: Your repair fees cover my time, sculpting materials, paint, and other various art supplies, which include brushes, electricity for my airbrush, Eye Protect, Sealer.

    Most of the fee involves time, even small repairs take an hour or two, resculpting of fine details and large areas take longer, and this is just the repair, not restoring the color and sealing. Overall repair time per item is roughly 3 to 4 hours overall, with things like the White Dragon Facial repair taking days.

    On average I only charge about $15 to $20 on most repairs, so you guys are really getting a good hourly rate, since my day job pays me $10+ an hour, and I am not even charging anywhere near that.


    Shipping costs to and from Kyrin’s Lair Repairs, will always be the responsibility of the repaired item’s owner. (It is not included in Repair Fee prices)

    I will always only request actual shipping costs, I do not charge you guys for handling or driving to the shipping depot. However, it is very important that you wait to get an actual shipping quote from me before sending payment, since repairs can increase weight and thereby change shipping cost.

    Abandonment of Repaired Items:

    An item shall be considered abandoned if the owner does not respond when notified of completed repair within 30 days. At which point, Kyrin’s Lair Repairs has the right to charge storage fees, $5 per month prorated. I will not consider anything abandoned unless I hear absolutely nothing from the owner over that 60 day period.

    I also want to make it very clear here, I have no wish to keep anyone’s items or charge extra because it sat here forever, so please retrieve your items as soon as you can and keep in touch with me if you have any problems that may prevent or delay your payments. As long as I know what is going on, I have no issues with holding things, communication is the big thing here, keep me in the loop!

    Okay, I think that is it. Sorry for the revisions, but a few issues with communications and confusion with policies have come up over the last month or so, so I figured I had better revise this and add a few things.

    If you guys have any questions, please PM me.

    Thank you so much for trusting me with your treasures.


    in reply to: Latest PYO's #601733

    I like them all, but that dragon really pops with the flash! Neat!


    in reply to: Safire's Curlie all Fixed! #601586

    safyre_dream wrote:

    *bouncing up and down around with giddiness* OMG You did such an amazing job!! Like new!!! Wow! You have my highest recommendation for any repair job! I can’t say thank you enough!
    And yeah, I’ll put the before pictures up in my other post… 😳


    It’s not perfect, but I did my best, I still notice a few little imperfections, but then I would.

    He was tougher to fix than I thought, the darn wing texture was a challenge, but I kept at it. Believe it or not, it was his darn head scales that gave me the most grief.


    in reply to: Safire's Curlie all Fixed! #601582

    Here’s Safire’s poor curlie all repaired. He was a bit more challenging than I had expected, but I think he looks pretty good.

    If you want the before pics, Safire has those in another thread.


    in reply to: Anyone know how I could repair this? #601251

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    Thanks GB. And thanks for the info Kyrin. I’ll probably wind up trying a forlock if filling it in just slightly, looks too awkward. We’ll see. TY for site link.

    Is there any way to remove the material if I feel it isnt looking right or is it going to become real scary like a true apoxy, meaning “get it right the first time?” What do I apply it with?

    Apoxie Sculpt has the same consistancy when you are working with it as sculpty clay, however…you only have a 3 hour window to work with it before it hardens.

    Also, once it is in place and solidifies, you can’t remove it, it becomes a very hard material once it sets fully.

    You can grind, file and drill on it when it is hard though, sandpaper, etc.

    If you aren’t sure you can do this, let me know.


    in reply to: Anyone know how I could repair this? #601249

    Apoxie Scult would be your best bet. You could then just fill in and form a forlock.

    If you would like, your friend can send him/her here and I could do it, but I think your sculpting skills are up to it.

    If you need to know where to get the sculpt, here’s their website.


    I would just get the small container of reg white, unless you think you are going to end up with more repair projects.

    As it is, this stuff goes a long way. I’ve repaired about 8 things thus far and I still have 5/6 of my containers full.


    in reply to: I'm a wreck! #600875

    purpledoggy wrote:

    I just wanted to thank everyone for all the kind thoughts and well wishes. The doctors told my husband today that they have talked with transplant and they see nothing that would prevent him from getting his new lungs. While these two new abnormailites in his lungs are bad, they won’t take him off the transplant list. They are still waiting for some results to come back from his broncoscopy today but so far everything is looking ok. Right now they are planing for him to be discharged tomorrow which would be great since his birthday is Saturday. So I’m crossing my fingers that he will be home by the weekend.

    Yippee! Hurray! That is very good news. I hope that this latest thing passes quickly and that when the time comes for transplant all goes well.

    I also hope he gets to be home for his birthday.


    in reply to: Cat paw pad problems, anyone know? #599702

    Indoor cats, especially when moved to a new environment or something has changed will tend to overgroom, it is a sign of stress.

    Most cats will groom fur off, but since this cat already tends to groom his paws excessively, this could the culprit. I have seen this kind of behavior when a new cat was introduced, they were spending more and more time alone, a new baby was born, or the household moved to a new place. Some cats will also do this kind of thing when bored.

    So if there is no other medical reason to be found, this could be the issue, but I’d rule everything else out to be sure.


    in reply to: Family Funeral #601278

    I am so sorry to hear this.

    5 and a half years ago, this happened to us with a friend of ours, his best friend and roommate came home from a business trip and found him. We were devastated, as he was a very dear friend and considered family. He was 37, heart gave out.

    So I know what you are going through. Sudden losses are really hard to accept, and even though you all knew your cousin’s health was very poor, you all had been hoping the radiation therapy would save him, so his passing was still a major shock.

    My heart goes out to you all, and I hope the coming days you are able to say goodbye. Lots of hugs, and if you need anything just let us know.


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