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  • in reply to: pet videos #734444

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    😯 πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Ginger sounds like our Pixel… She chases deer out of the garden, goes after the rabbits that are twice her size and stalks the fox that lives up the hill from our house πŸ™„ BDW, that video was way cute! (I like Sparta, too πŸ˜† )

    twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

    Yeah, it sounds like Ginger and Pixel would definately get along. Heck, put the two of them together and they might actually suceed in taking down that deer!

    in reply to: One of those type of days… #735179

    I can empathize. πŸ™‚

    Some days, I can’t believe I was stupid enough to actually get out of bed. πŸ™„

    Glad to see your humour is still with you. Without a doubt, it helps to be able to laugh in the face of stupidity and random acts of Murphy. πŸ˜‰

    ~Hoofer 😎

    in reply to: Caturday + Rock n Roll = Hysterical #735156

    Yeah, what can I say except that their Britons.

    Which in and of itself should explain the skewed humour.

    The Improvised Explosive Duck (IED) definately had me squirming.

    WARNING: Some of their Videos are not for the faint of heart. πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: Caturday + Rock n Roll = Hysterical #735153


    I almost forgot.

    For more musical and whacky video mayhem, the parent site is:


    in reply to: Caturday + Rock n Roll = Hysterical #735150

    I know a ton of you are Caturday fans, how about any Led Zepplin fans?

    WARNING: You will never be able to listen to the Immigrant song the same way again.

    Click below:


    I laughed so hard I started crying.

    ~Hoofer, still wiping at the tears

    in reply to: Peaches!! Pics! #734998

    Kyrin wrote:

    There ya go, peachy goodness! Note: Karli, who is not quite 2.5 years old, helped me with most of these, she helped peel them, and stuff the jars, such a helper!




    in reply to: pet videos #734442

    Necron99 wrote:

    people like him get UTube hits , which gives UTube revenue from their advertisers so i guess its a scratch my back i’ll scratch yours kinda thing

    That has to be it, it’s the only logical way.

    Since his vid was reaching the millions in hits ….

    I wonder though, who, what, when was he approached so that he could ‘share in the wealth’ or did he have to go out and seek it himself.

    Who knows, but I’d sure like to!

    Sadly, the real truth is, although I could get a ton of footage of goofy crud that my critters do on an average basis, I can’t sing to save my life!

    Just the other day I had a large hawk (which was so large and so close that I could hear the whoosh, whoosh of it’s wings as it was approaching and that noise was what prompted me to look) cruise across the front yard approximately a foot above ground level. Wow, I was in awe! Who wouldn’t be?

    Next thing I know, who did I see loping along after it with extreme hope on their face? Yeah, Le Ultimate Huntress aka Ginger, the female cat. That darn hawk was well past twice her size! Talk about shooting for the stars.

    Oh yeah, if I knew I could earn some money catching footage of these random amazing things, you bet that camera would be fully charged and attached to my hip!

    in reply to: Sept. Raffle #732525

    pipsxlch wrote:

    The glasses are bad enough, but when you have contacts for eyes too… lost one up in Daytona once when I was out on the bike, that was a fun ride home!

    When I wear my pop-on eyeballs, I always have my back-up eyeballs somewhere nearby. Why? Because yes, I’ve had to drive home with one eye shut before. It was a rather interesting experience. πŸ˜†

    in reply to: Sept. Raffle #732524

    Serenity wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Serenity wrote:

    nina789 wrote:

    was the sept Raffle already done? cause if so I missed who won it…. I wonder who gets the gorgeous guy.. πŸ™‚

    The Sept raffle hasn’t been drawn yet… they are going to do it live Sept 8th via the radio show... there is a post about it somewhere in here… brb…

    Ok… this should be page 3…


    Hope this helps! πŸ˜‰

    Don’tcha mean October 8? πŸ˜† (yes I am just teasing)

    Hey now… had a pregnancy moment… LOL But thanks for pointing that out! LOL πŸ˜† Oops!

    Yes the radio show will be OCTOBER 8th… πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€

    I would just like it to be known that one does NOT have to be pregnant to have a moment like the above.

    You also do not have to be anywhere near that senior citizen age to experience a senior moment

    No matter how hard I try, some days I’m bonafide walking Brain Fart.

    ~Hoofer, ‘I blame it on the methane gases.’ πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: pet videos #734440

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:

    Sleeping in the sink is nothing compared to where I have found my Squidjit!


    I’ve found Fluff (my parent’s cat) in the slow cooker, and the draining tray for the sink. I thought those two were particularly entertaining.


    Slow Cooker?!


    Yup, that’s my Squidjy. The biggest difference between Fluffs choices and Squidjits choices are location, location, location. Squidjit, prefers the deep recesses of some obscure, and very dark corner.

    Although one of his favorites used to be in a turned over (small round) laundry basket. It started as a joke, me putting the squirly fruitcake in a time-out to curb his bouncing off the walls mode. Uh, I had no idea just how much he would enjoy his little personal bat cave.

    He’s the kind of cat that every single time I walk by him, (I am not exaggerating!) he reaches out to (I don’t know) love tap me? So imagine how he adored being in his bat cave and terrorizing anyone that walked by it. And yes, if he’s under the bed, expect that ankle slap! It’s the times that I didn’t realize that he was under the bed that got me. Fortunately, he doesn’t always have his claws out. But when he has had them out, yeah, I feel like a fishing rod as he glides across the floor attached to my bathrobe, pant leg, sock, etc.

    He also adores shredding paper. When his tails going 90+ m.p.h. and he’s got that look on his face, I’ll go grab a handful of old newspaper and toss it into a large, empty cardboard box. OMgawd, how he rips into that …. scawy!

    Way better that he terrorizes (read shreds) old newspaper vs me or something of value. Yes, he’s shredded a few books of mine, (it was how I first discovered his paper fetish) fortunately, they weren’t any of my valuable ones. Obviously Squidjy is never allowed in the PC/Book room without me. He’s copier cat without the copy machine!

    in reply to: pet videos #734439

    Necron99 wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:

    Perhaps Necron99 aka ShortBus means something else about that 20k, no idea. But again, I’d be willing to bet a bowl of my candy corn that he’s making something interviewing and editing and even advertising for IGOTSHOTGUN.

    he was on a talk show and it came out from the host that he makes 20 grand a month from ads and stuff like that not to mention he is a co-owner of Igotshotgun who is a co owner of Road and Track . So the 20 grand isnt so crazy if you think about all the part ownerships he has with the 2 big names . Im suprised he doesnt make more

    Yeah, I too saw the Tyra Banks interview. He appeared quite suprised with her detective work. snicker πŸ˜† Here’s the thing, it wasn’t indicated if it was a per month level or a per annum level. Also, I don’t recall her stating how it was made, only that it was in the range of $20k.

    Sure it has to be advertising, I definately noticed the adverts that were popping up over the screen, esp Walt Disney.

    As for IGOTSHOTGUN, whoa! Again, the way that site is set up, soooo cool ❗ I’ve never seen one quite like that … errr, take that with a grain of salt, I was stuck on dial-up for over 15 years. πŸ™ I can finally start seeing all the neat stuff out there, without the limitations of archaic speed rates.

    IGOTSHOTGUN, felt so futeristic, especially the way the selection of vids floated around as I moused over them. It felt like I was in a hover craft, not that I have any real clue what that would feel like. πŸ˜‰

    I darn sure didn’t make the connection that he was a co-owner to IGOTSHOTGUN, obviously, only that he was advertising for it in his other SMP vids. If I was a car fan, I’d probably find the sites more valuable. Not going to happen, I’m way to hooked on the original horsepower. The site was a neat diversion. That was all.

    Advertising is where it seems to be. Personally, I had no clue that there was a possibility of making any amount of $ on YouTube. My thoughts on the subject have me wondering some things though. Most importantly, if he’s receiving payments through advertising, wouldn’t YouTube want a cut of that? Afterall, isn’t it through there venue that his vids are being accessed?


    in reply to: pet videos #734433

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Necron99 wrote:

    has any one ever seen Sparta (a cat), he has a ton of videos dedicated to him . here is his music video. We all need to make videos like this dude he makes 20 grand a month from YouTube


    I love Sparta! How can you make 20 grand through Youtube? I thought it was all free?

    No idea about the YouTube aspect of making money, but I definately noticed him advertising for the IGOTSHOTGUN website in some of his other videos of Sparta. Which is a way cool site by the way, I love how the vids center as I mouse over them! And since he’s promoting it, he must be getting some kickback.

    As for Sparta, I absolutely adore his vids of that cat. I can soooo relate to his Mean Kitty vid. My Squidjy (see my Kitty thread in the community section, it’s no longer on the first page so you’ll have to dig a bit) is another classic whackoid, generic, run of the mill tabby who does some of the goofiest things.

    Sleeping in the sink is nothing compared to where I have found my Squidjit!

    However, unlike Corys cat, mine definately has a mean streak! He rarely ever purrs and absolutely HATES to be held, let alone being held on his back. He’d rip my eyeballs out of my head and proceed to happily show me my bloody, empty eye sockets with them.

    I enjoyed his video (which was some time ago, so thanks!) because not only were the words orginal and well thought out, (read verra funny!) but the music was soooo catchy, you couldn’t help but bop along with it as you thought of your own evil kitta kat.

    Perhaps Necron99 aka ShortBus means something else about that 20k, no idea. But again, I’d be willing to bet a bowl of my candy corn that he’s making something interviewing and editing and even advertising for IGOTSHOTGUN.


    in reply to: Selling curlies (pg. 7) #734150

    sbianchi wrote:

    I think it’s great, you only live once and if that is what you want GO FOR IT!
    I wish my husband wouldn’t of sold his bike, I miss it. I hope you get it and enjoy it! πŸ˜€

    That’s how I justify my horse habit. One exception though, I follow your above with, ‘you darn sure can’t take it with you!’πŸ˜‰


    P.S. Sooo glad you lived to tell the tale! Ever since I popped a wheelie (unintentionaly) on the 50 suzuki my dad gave me (I was 13), I reconsidered the idea of how cool it was to ride on those 2 wheels. That and hitting sugar sand to fast, uh scary, my horses never fishtailed like that! πŸ˜‰

    My final attempt to enjoy the breeze in my hair later in life really killed it for me. My ex scared the bejezus out of me. Yeah, no thank you dude, I’ll stick to the original horsepower. They’re more my speed and their wheelies rarely ever cause ground impact, though admittedly, it is possible. 😎

    in reply to: UPDATE ON RETIRED PIECES-STILL FOR SALE!!!!! #734970

    Dragon87 wrote:

    If only you knew, if only you knew…. πŸ˜† I’m the one that let my desktop get 100% fragmented…. πŸ˜€

    Whaaa?! 😯 That’s possible?!

    And here it was YOU who, inadvertantly, warned me about allowing the WIN OS updates and lookie what you go and do.

    Even horsies know to defragment their PC’s. πŸ˜‰



    in reply to: FEW PIECES UP FOR TRADE… #730084



    PMed you too. πŸ˜‰


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