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  • in reply to: Old school Cereals that no longer exist #713284

    Necron99 wrote:

    i put that one up because of the art, it was done by Ralph Bakshi the guy who drew Wizards, Mighty Mouse and most noteably Fritz the Cat

    Here I am to save the Day!

    in reply to: Techno-Logical (Technology) Woes my Turn #713814

    You know, things were much easier when you were not expected to be an expert in everything.

    Why do we have to become an expert in everything?

    Because rules change almost on a daily basis, dependent on the discussion of course, but accurate when you really think about it.

    I’ve run in to so many situations (retail) where the person who asks me if they can assist me ends up not having a clue. Gee and I just wasted how much of my precious time to find that out? Keep smiling, keep smiling. 😀


    Computers were supposed to make things much easier for everyone, in retrospect, they’ve made nothing easier for the individual and in fact, have complicated life in so many ways.

    At the gas pump(s), I stand there reading the directions on the pump, since they are not universal. The same applies to debit card machines. Since they can vary so much from each other, you stand there looking like a moron simply because the people behind you are in a hurry and have zero patience for you to take the time to figure it out.

    Hey Buddy, slow down and quit pressuring me, I’m doing the best I can.

    Banks give me the option of banking with their machines or being charged to talk to the teller at the window. So people behind me are expecting me to take the money and drive/walk off as I stand there making withdrawels, transferring between accounts, getting receipts. Sorry, they want me to do it this way!

    Write a check in a grocery store and just listen to the sighs and bemoaning behind you as the clerk must confirm your identification, write your drivers license # on it, scan it through the check clearing companies system that you pray has accurate records or any record of you at all, since you can also be denied that way.

    My favorite is paying cash for gas. I must park my car at the pump, walk in to the store, wait in line, hand the clerk my cash. Then I walk my skinny arse back out to pump, stand there for a moment to make sure I am operating it properly and proceed to fill up my tank. Meanwhile, you have hopeful people now parked behind your car, waiting for you to finish. Uh, sorry, not done yet! I then have to walk my skinny arse back to the store, wait in line YET AGAIN to receive my change/receipt. Then I get to loose another few ounces/sweat as I dodge my way back out across the lot to the car. Gawds forbid I take a moment to start my car, put my seatbelt on, adjust my trip (so I can keep track of MPG) put my wallet away, etc., etc, add naseum.

    By the way, banks make more money off of every debit card transaction when you sign it like a credit card, instead of inputting your PIN. That is why they scare everyone in to not using their PIN #s at those debit machines. More $ for them!

    Oh yes, technology has really helped improve my life, not.

    ~Hoofer snorts

    PS I was just waiting for 7 updates (patches) for XP to finish so I could reboot and pray I have no bugs/virsus and while waiting, this all flew out of me. Yay technology, I just wanna read my e-mail damnit!

    PPS On a good note, we had so much rain yesterday afternoon, we had a river flowing down the driveway and around the barn to the muck-pond located at the low spot on the property. The sand pits/dust bowls were little mini-lakes.

    in reply to: Regrets? #712822

    SilverArrow wrote:

    I have about 3 regrets:

    1.) Selling my Black Grand Unicorn. Not only did it nearly double in value a year or two later, but I found out it had a different tail from the regular grands. I wasn’t thinking too clearly I guess because at the time I had just finished school, was in a temp job, had student loans coming up, was moving to a newer house, and my dad was terminally ill. Oh well, live a learn.

    The market is fickle because people are fickle.

    Personally I’ve learned, things are only worth what someone will pay for them. And knowing when to hold ’em or fold ’em is a real tough call.

    IOWs don’t sweat the little stuffs. You sold it, it’s gone, you had you’re (very good) reasons and there was no guarantee that you would have been the one to receive that major profit from it.

    As much as I’d really like to have a Black Grand Unicorn, reality kicks in, I have three real ones to feed.

    Now for sentimental value ….. I have a horse that you couldn’t pay me enough $$$ for her.

    Do I regret any of my Windstones? Naw, but I do regret having to deal with some real loosers who do not seem to realize that they should take responsibility for their mistakes; referring to eBay here.

    ~Hoofer nickers

    in reply to: Dragon87 poetry #713127

    I thoroughly enjoyed that.


    in reply to: search for a better life/ update page 18 #707876

    That one single word said it all.


    Har, har!

    I still think you should go ahead with the game plan. Not that he apparently cares, but seeing that someone else does, really can creep into the psychi.

    And yes, flowers are always nice!

    in reply to: anthro sculptures (taking commissions) #712750

    Dracomancer wrote:

    oh IE heres a sketch i did two nights back of my “fursona” ( furry personality) named Denarin..i have two fursona’s Denarin fits my more..darker moods while Aspen my wolf (getting a fursuit for free from a friend of mine of him)fits my more hyperactive adventurous moods..now…Denarin is a nightmare stallion…i tend to be as original as possible with my concepts lol

    He’s kind of goat, horse, man who appears modest and yet has a coy, coquettish look.

    Nice six pack too. Woot!


    in reply to: Prayers??? #712721

    You have a heart of gold and some serious mettle.

    Lots and lots of good thoughts heading your way.


    in reply to: Older Cartoons #711905

    Barrdwing wrote:

    Then there were all the Krofft shows . . . . 😳

    Ah yes, the Krofft shows. How wonderously rediculous and goofy they could be. The Muppets were an all time favorite of mine.

    As for cartoons, I remember that there were a lot of super hero cartoons, including women super heros. Isis was a favorite of mine, though it’s a very vague memory.


    in reply to: Request real horse's eyes pictures Page 4/horse resins #712921

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    I need you guys to tell me what you think.
    I don’t like the fact that this horses tail looks so big. I was thinking that maybe if some of it was taken of, it would look better.
    So what do you guys think? 😀


    Translation – This one!!

    Gawds those are gorgeous.

    I will not click the link
    I will not click the link

    I will NOT click the link!!

    Eh hem …

    Don’t mind me, just practicing a little self restraint.

    Yeah, I’ll probably click the link

    in reply to: What's your favorite breakfast cereal? #712234

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    In the States, I guess. 😆 Here in Europe we have something called müesli, which is more popular than the sweet stuff you buy in boxes. Müesli comes in a bag and consists of various grains and dried fruits and no sugar.

    Yes, I know what you’re referring to. I rarely eat cereals, when I do it is usually a granola with lots of dried fruit type and I’m usually adding more walnuts and raisens to it.

    I like oats and things. I think it comes from all the exposure to horses. Crimped oats are nummy, except they’re really not food grade quality. I seem to be ok though. 😉

    First, first thing in the morning is a cup of java. Some people have referred to my coffee as mud. You only need one cup of my stuff!

    Mostly I just scramble or fry up a couple of eggs, have a piece of Ezekial bread with jam and some yogurt.

    Sometimes I just monkey out with a bananna.

    Necron99 wrote:

    when i do reenactments and they serve breakfast at the even there are always homeny grits , i get em nice and buttered up with a bit of syrup

    MmMmMmMm … grits … w/maple syrup, now why didn’t I think of that?! 😕

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    plain old Shredded Wheat but with orange juice instead of milk…

    Congratulations ❗

    I think you just won ‘The Weirdest Breakfast’ award.

    in reply to: bleck #712503

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    I know I am exaggerating this, but it is too often that I feel like my opinions and feelings do not matter to anyone. If they do matter, I am left in the dark about it because I often feel ignored.

    Most people do not really want your/my/someone elses opinion(s), they usually are looking for validation of their own opinion or they simply need to talk/vent, get it out of their system. Kind of like you are now. 8)

    But even with my family, it seems like what I find to be interesting is in fact dull and not worth responding too. I mean, a few weeks ago I saw pelicans for the first time, and I was really excited about it, but the people I was telling the story too just didn’t care. In fact, they didn’t even make eye contact with me, and they just said “oh.”

    Yeah, I know what you mean. When I was 17, I had the opportunity to visit a whole new state. I said to one of my horse-buddy friends, “Wow, just think, I’m going to see new trees!” The look on her face was priceless. Her response, “Are you daft? What about all that new Trim?!” Which is what cute guys were called. Uh, obviously our minds were on two completely different things!

    I knew I was different, but that moment really solidified it for me.

    I find great pleasure in simple little things that others, in their busy lives, do not.

    It just sucks so much because I live my life with the motto “treat others the way you’d like to be treated”. That way of living just comes naturally to me because I feel that everyone should feel important and loved.

    And you have to be very careful with that.

    Here’s the thing, I live by the Golden rule myself. I had to learn though, and it took years!, to not expect everyone to be as caring and responsive, supportive, interested, etc. as I was torwards them. It is who I am, not who they were/are.

    When they have stuff to say, I listen intently and I respond in a way that makes them feel like what they experienced was as great as it made them feel. In fact, I take great interest in what others have to share.

    And eventually, that becomes very emotionally draining for you. I am speaking from experience here. Not saying stop living by the Golden rule, just letting you know that it will not always be reciprocated as you would like it to be.

    There is nothing wrong with you. Through your life, you WILL run into lots and lots of people/different personalities that you realize do not seem to care about you as much as you seem to care about them.

    I don’t think I have one of those auras that some people have–you know, the auras that seem to attract friendly people and conversation their way.

    You do not sound to me to be the type that wants to be on center stage. Usually these type of people have no problem being the center of attention, they actually thrive in those conditions.

    I admire those type of people, but I do not wish to emulate them.

    But I don’t understand those auras sometimes because I know someone who just talkes about herself all the time…literally, but for some reason she has tons of people who call her, want to be around her and help her with any little thing she has.

    It’s not always what it seems. You have to wonder about the people that flock around someone who is centered only with themself.

    I have many people I know that are like that, usually their life becomes a wreck because they have not been very selective with whom they are sharing this information with. Barrdwing used the example of filter and it’s very accurate.

    Me on the other hand, if I need someone, they are never there.

    Boy it sure seems like that some days huh? I feel like that myself sometimes. Then I step back and ask myself, who do I willingly share my life with? Is there anyone that I can ask for help when I need it?

    Which is quite the joke if you knew me. I am very independent and as a result, capable of doing many things by myself and if I need help, I had to learn to ask for it. Which is probably one of the most difficult things for me to do, still to this day!

    Hay man … I’m a work in progress. 😛 Some days I get it right, some days I fail miserably.

    In fact, I don’t even normally draw attention to myself like this, but it has been on my mind for quite a while, and I have finally, hesitantly decided to share what I am feeling because I need you guys. I’m sorry for the rant. 😥

    As I normally would not write such a long-winded, drawn out, personal post about myself on such an open forum.

    But I felt really drawn to you, in your time of need. And I understand exactly where you are coming from as a result of my own experiences. 😛

    There are more personalities out there like your own than you realize. And although we do tend to admire the one on center stage, we would never feel comfortable up there. We still have our own type of center stage. It is with a very small and with a very select crowd.

    I hope this has helped.

    P.S. I really liked working with the Pelicans, appropriately nicknamed Smellicans, because they stink like fish/rank saltwater baaaad! [holds her nose] I can definately understand and appreciate your excitment. When others wouldn’t care for them, because of , I adored tossing the fish to them, watering them, healing their wounds, etc. I experienced one that simply turned around when he was done being watered.

    in reply to: I wish I never knew my "father" (pg 3 for updates) #696162

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Barrdwing wrote:

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    Jasmine wrote:

    If he’s at the house…why would your sister have his mail??

    Glad things are going well so far. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that they continue that way.

    He is kicked out of the house and he’s staying at my oldest sister’s house (I found that out today). My oldest sister (Carrie) still believes his lies.

    Ayee. 🙁 Another person who’ll have some hard decisions to make regarding the sod. (Criminy! It’s too many lives that he’s left his toxic fingerprints on! 😡 ) I’m with you: don’t let Stephanie near him. If an officer isn’t available to take the mail to him, she can mail him his mail. I don’t like his request; I think he just wants to get her cornered and vent his spleen on someone who can’t fight back. 👿

    I agree with you there.

    Sadly, the more you/your siblings/Mother-in-Law try and pull away from this …. emotional/physical leech, the more desperate his actions may become. It appears as if it is all he knows, how to play your family against each other, weaving his webs of deceipt. This crackpot wouldn’t last long in the clink.

    Is there any way you can out manuever … catch him at his own game? You’ve managed to document it well enough here, can you document it criminally or legally? An attempt to make sure that if he starts his desperate measure(s), you/your family are protected?

    Was I reading correctly, is everyone he’s pulling this crap on female? This is one really disgusting individual.

    Wishing you as much support as I can from afar.

    in reply to: OMG this heat is killing me #712332

    Necron99 wrote:

    lamortefille wrote:

    I love all this heat, but I’ve been outvoted and the AC is on. 😆 I also dread the electric bill, but what are ya gonna do? I guess it’s much better than a hospital bill, right?

    at least insurace pays a good chunmk of a hospital bill

    Assuming one has insurance.

    I’m with 2Huberts on this one. I went out and did a happy dance in the rain. After 3 months w/out it, the pastures were brown, more brown and OMGosh, dustbowl, sand cloud where they hang out at the water troughs and gates. I’ve been feeding the livestock like it’s still winter time and we all know how cheap everything has become. 😯

    I grew up in this state w/out AC and would rather not have it on in the car. When I relocated back down here, I have to admit, it took almost 5 years for me and my sweat glands to reacclimate to the high humidity. I don’t mind sweating, I have to get rid of all that garlic I eat somehow! 8) You have to be real careful what you buy/wear though, certain materials will not let your skin breath properly. Pantyhose in this state is absolute torture.

    Unfortunately for me though, I get over ruled when it comes to the AC in the house. I can’t stand it and actually get chilled as it kicks on and blows on me. So I stupidly have to have a blanky to shield myself from the AC as we watch the idiot box.

    I’d rather have the windows thrown open and the already strategically placed ceiling fans on at night, but the overlord cannot take the heat nor the humidity. Gee, I wonder why.

    I was just yapping with one of my MD friends who was commenting on the high heat there, right after I discussed our lack of rainfall and drought here. My joking response, ‘Wah, wah, try that for 8 months out of the year WITH high humidity.’ He of course laughed. They don’t call this a subtropical state for nothin’ baby!

    Though, I will say this, a lot has changed with the weather paterns since I left and then returned. A known flood plain, where I used to swim my horses in the lakes, now has a State road going right through it. Uh, how’d that happen?

    During my time away, a water bottling company sucked a large portion of it dry. Niiiiice. Water became like oil here in this state and it is only going to get worse as the water wars continue and the desalianation plants do not get built.

    Try living in Tierra Del Fuego. Literal translation is Land of Fire. Now that place gets caliente!

    Snapdragon, nice tease. I like winter and snow. Actually, I found I LOVE snow, but you folks have it for way to long.

    I feel for you eaglefeather831 Floods are no fun. There is no stopping what you are going through until Mother Nature herself says she is done. We call that Hurricane season over here. 😕


    in reply to: Rant re:school #711340

    Keplilly wrote:

    Could be worse, at least you are getting an “educaiton” at your school. 😆

    Check this out:

    Now that’s funny!

    On another note, it is staggering how much illiteracy is alive and well across this great nation.

    My mother has some saved, official business documents from work where … oh how do I say this … they are written with an obvious blackish, southernish accent.

    Absolutely hysterical, but a real embarassment for the company. Which so happens to be a rather large banking institution.

    I’m fine talking slang, but when it comes to an official letter for a company? Let’s just say, the company could not fire this individual.

    I remember my father saying one day, as he was scanning past Jerry Springer to his favorite show, M*A*S*H*, “That’s all make believe.”

    I knew the moment he uttered that sentance that he was repeating my mother, who was at work. I laughed and responded, very seriously mind you, as I pointed out the back sliding glass door to the neighboring yard, “Um Pop, that carp is not make believe … Want proof? Think about your neighbor back there.”

    The look on his face as the truth dawned on him was enlightening and scary at the same time.

    ~Hoofer, straining to refrain 8)

    in reply to: I could #706487

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    He’s nice – and big. I wonder how much he’ll sell for; whether he’ll beat the $635 of one of the those old cats.

    And dog beats cat by a whisker.

    $725.98 was the final winning bid.


    Congratulations Melody and the winner.

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