Thanks for the welcomes! I was going to say I was pointed in this direction by Nambroth, but she beat me to it.
As you might guess, I’m still looking to get a griffin or two. I have all 3 of the bear candlelamps…..2 are retired, cat’s cradle, Grimalkin, hatching protoceratops, and a peacock female dragon, besides my crouching griffin chick.
The mother dragon is the figure I fell for back in the late 70s, when I first saw the dragons that were available then. I wanted one for years, but the store I saw her in closed, and no one knew what I was talking about. took me the better part of the next 2 decades to find out who Melody was/is, and finally my wife bought the mother for me as a present. I got my Grimalkin from her, too. Ain’t love wunnerful?