Forum Replies Created
Those were both great! LOL
that was adorable!
I actually meant this thread on the forum having problems being loaded, but it turns out it was just my POS computer! The Dragon Cave website is very unpredictable though, and alot of times when I click on an egg/hatchling the page just doesn’t load, it’s annoying!
I don’t remember if this one has been posted or not, but enjoy!
“According to a news report, a certain private
school in Washington, DC recently was faced with
a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls
were beginning to use lipstick and would put it on
in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they
put on their lipstick they would press their lips to
the mirror leaving dozens of little lip prints.Every night the maintenance man would remove them
and the next day the girls would put them back.Several memos were posted about this without positive
results. Finally the principal decided that something had
to be done.She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them
there with the maintenance man. She explained that all
these lip prints were causing a major problem for the custodian who had to
clean the mirrors every night.To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean the mirrors, she asked
the maintenance man to show the
girls how much effort was required.He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the
toilet, and cleaned the mirror with it.Since then, there have been no lip
prints on the mirror.There are teachers,
and then
there are educators”Anyone else think the little white ones look like Falcor from Never Ending Story? (Mine’s name is Fuzzer, cause he/she looked…..wait for it…..fuzzy!)
I accidentaly got two eggs at once, I’m not sure how, I must have refreshed the page or something. Anyway, I think that the first minty green one might die, it says it’s shell is soft.
So here’s the rest of my hatchlings/eggs
Is anyone else having loading issues with this thread?
Oh! and Khat, your grown dragon is awesome!
::Chortle:: (Bad DragonMistress, no laughing!) That was great!
That’s so cool! And Alyssa is just beautiful! too bad she missed the whole thing! I want to see the BodyWorld exhibit, but not untill after I have a baby, I don’t think I can see that stuff while I’m TTC. I’ve seen pictures of some of the exhibit, the horse and stuff, It’s so cool how they do it! I’m gonna have to come to Maryland, I’m a museum junkie!
You’re gonna do great!Make that eat..breathe…pee! Or you’ll pass out! I don’t have my own child yet, but I’ve attended quite a few births. Every woman reacts diffrently, and every baby reacts diffrently. My advice is to trust your body, trust your baby, and if you need help….ASK! There is no request, question or fear that a doctor, RN or midwife hasn’t heard. If you need pain control, don’t be afraid to ask. You’ll be fine! And we love lots of pictures! the more the better! {hugs}
Ha! Foxfeather….I am the Evil Aunt! They’re not really my nephews, but they are my best friends kids, we’ve know eachother for 15 years at least. I always go out of my way to find the noisy and annoying toys! At least I’m not the only one!
Yep, TTC is trying to concieve, and testing is when you can take a home pregnancy test (HPT) I could bore you with abbreviations from my baby board (forum)!
azurielle wrote:I’m 28, and pregnant with my 1st. I was told from a fairly young age that there was a good change I’d have trouble concieving, but oh, no, hubby had to prove something, and we got pregnant after only 2 months of trying. According to the Ultrasound tech, my baby’s a boy, who we’ll be calling Tristen. He’s due June 30th, and at the moment, all is going well. He finally started moving so that I could feel him last week, and I can’t say how happy I am! 😀
My dragon hatched! and, lol I seem to have the accident prone one…that’s pretty ironic!