Forum Replies Created
i collect fossils,
R.A salvatore’s dark elf books(got drizzt’s swords too)
breyer horses
any dragon i can get
anime (mostly Hellsing)
cats..(we have about 15 of them..most were strays)
magic the gathering cards
nene thomas printswell decided to post pics of Aurora whom is the largest pain in my butt, but i love her anyway lol..shes a pure bred 3 year old german shepherd that i rescued from the shelter here, she was going to be put down..she had kennel cough and ring worm and was 10 pounds underweight she is agressive to other dogs and doesnt like people approaching me who she doesnt know, on the other hand..she loves our cats.
she looks half wolf, by her stance and the build of her body i would not be surprised if she is
you know your addicted to windstone when you keep making excuses about going to the dentist just so you can go to your favorite store to buy them out of all their windstones (yes i have done this>.>)
Pam Thompson wrote:You know what I find disturbing?–(BESIDES the last few pages of this topic)… is that Olympia’s SK is now worth over three times what my b/f’s car is worth..
those jellyfish are just so mesmerizing…my mother has one and i can just sit at her place and stare at it for hours lol
TrottierJS wrote:very pretty.. fyi just for future ref .. a horse’s neck is as long as it’s head.. do looks like the head is on the short side…
yeah i noticed that as well..after i had already gone over it with pen><
its odd..i just dont like any other dragons other then windstones now…all other ones looks off to me and arent nearly as well sculpted or painted…i have become spoiled 😀
skigod377 wrote:I hope you do well!! Just goes to show you how important an education is… if you have to worry about math at a dog shelter. 😕
i have a learnign disability..thus i was in special ed math my entire school career and never got far
i applied for a position at the animal shelter here in lancaster CA like..three months ago..UNFORTUNATLY i got a letter today saying i have to take a written exam at 8 am in th emorning in a city thats three bloody hours away! mind you its not the drive or time that bugs me..its the fact that math is on this exam and well..i never got far in math in school so im pretty much doomed ..and currently ready to pull my hair our or jump off the nearest skyscraper(tho we have none of those here and its a two hour drive to LA) why does the county have to make everything so difficult?! 😥
June 5, 2007 at 6:22 am in reply to: Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue?? #584956Pam Thompson wrote:Aww.. She looks a little like mine! My girl HATES other dogs too (wants to kill 99% of the ones she meets) which is yet another factor that makes it so hard for me to walk her places. Basically, I can’t go anywhere where I know there are dogs running loose. I also can’t go anywhere where there are lots of people, because she is shy. And I can’t drive her anywhere to go for walks because she won’t tollerate being in a moving vehicle! (Seriously, I have to WALK her to the vet’s now, because she will not ride in the van).
Muzzling her isn’t an option. She is very sensative, and panics BAD when I try to put anything around her muzzle. I can’t even get a gentle leader on her.
i train her with a halti..its like a horse halter..but for dogs and with a build in on/off muzzle lol
June 5, 2007 at 6:14 am in reply to: Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue?? #584952Pam Thompson wrote:I WILL call the police if he keeps trying to run me off a PUBLIC road!!!
My dog.. Big, black, 70lbs.. Looks like a wolf. Isn’t worth dirt when it comes to “protecting”… I’ll post pics tomorrow.Anyway, the fact that I KNOW he has a gun, and is more than wiling to shoot it, coupled with the fact that he comes out to glare at me the second I am within sight of his house, PLUS the fact that he acts as though he thinks I am plotting evil against him, makes me more than nervous, and should I think. Seriously, it’s like he knows the second I am up there. Does he watch his wondows ALL the time??
lol heres a headshot of my girl..she hates strangers approaching me and is extremely aggressive to other dogs..but loves when i walk her she is usually muzzled
June 5, 2007 at 5:59 am in reply to: Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue?? #584950Pam Thompson wrote:I wouldn’t put it past the guy to do something crazy…
And anyway, I WILL NOT let him stop me from walking there. It’s my right to be there, and I can’t let him win, just because he is a paranoid psychopath. It’s the principal of the whole thing.. Plus, when I walk my dog, there are only THREE routes I can go (small world here now). My dog NEEDS varriety in her walks, and so I am keeping all THREE routes. I won’t limit myself to just two because of that jerk. It’s bad enough for my dog even with three walking routes. She gets bored with them.if he makes you extremely uncomfortable call the police and have THEM go speak with him..say you heard him say something about a shotgun and they will go check that to make sure he has a permit and will give him one hell of a talking to, also..what kind of dog do you have? lol
June 5, 2007 at 5:54 am in reply to: Since when did walking my dog become a life/death issue?? #584948gods thats just insane..and one reason i am thrilled to have a 70 pound german shepherd to guard me from psychotic asshats 😯
Maebnus3 wrote:Dracomancer wrote:Maebnus3 wrote:Dracomancer wrote:lol gettign name is pip and someones SN here is pip sooo yeah expect me to be confuzzled once in awhile lol
Haha, sorry! I know what that’s like – my roller derby practices are HELL with girls real names and their derby names.
I don’t know very many ppl’s real names on here, so I won’t ever use ’em (‘cept the obvious, like Melody & Cheryl). You’re forever Draco to me!lol! thats fine with me 😀
Good! Cuz there’s nuttin’ you can do about it 😛
lol ::hugs::