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  • in reply to: Little Flame WIP #534340

    Yours is very appealing as well, drag0n. ^_^ I love your blending technique.

    in reply to: Little Flame WIP #534337

    I like him a lot! That particular combo of oranges and reds.

    Not sure I’d do the horns and claws in either metallic colour… I’d try something different with it. Pick a deeper shade of maroon maybe? If there wasn’t so much black already, I would have suggested a nice glossy black ebon.

    If you do go with gold, maybe a deep gold…

    in reply to: My 2nd PYO wolf!! #534319

    Nice and subtle. I like it very much.

    in reply to: Cancer cured, nobody cares. #533953

    Just wanted to add, I believe this was the same research I heard about in the Victoria Times-Colonist over a month ago. Can’t be certain of a date but… anyway, I’m no Biology major, but to my limited understanding (took all upper highschool years of Bio/genetics plus a number of years in University) I also thought it sounded different than the rest, and very promising. At least, not as flimsy or wishy-washy a headline as most of them sound; it seemed more revolutionary an idea when I read it.

    in reply to: Bunny! #534004

    I like his proportions, and he looks so ‘alert’ from head on. 0_0

    The third photo’s great, he looks exasperated. 😆

    in reply to: Once… just once… #533815

    Can I go back in time and buy one for myself too? And don’t try to tell me time travel isn’t possible. I watch TV, I know how it works. I just need a toaster and an antenna made of foil…

    in reply to: Once… just once… #533813

    You and me both! I reaaaalllly want the whole family.

    in reply to: I can't do it! #533451

    I only just got here and I’m already trying to do the same. 😉 I go through short-lived internet obsessions where I visit ALL the time before I am able to cut back a bit. This one will tone down a little for me too… it better, I have book and website layouts in progress. 😯

    But I’m STILL ahead of schedule, gosh darnit, so where’s the harm?! 😆

    whippetluv wrote:

    Yep that is me too. I was a very active pony collector for years. I am down to like 100 or so, but at one point I had over 800 ponies. ha!

    Good lord! 😯 😆 I only really wanted to replace the couple missing from my original set of say, 30 or so (still have one to get), plus a few more in excellent condition that I had always wanted.

    I have a much bigger set of G3s but have weeded out so many already, and am looking to get rid of more. They take up too much space, but I HAVE to keep my original G1s. I’ll never part with those for sentimental reasons.

    in reply to: Eragon was it good, did you like it? #533470

    Art Slinger wrote:

    Thank you, for that;..I’ll dig to find that thread.
    I thought the visuals were from good to great.
    Also Checked out your site. You’ve got it going on.
    I like your drawing tech. I used to draw a lot ; over the years I’ve diminised my fine motor skills through exposure to heavy industrial abuse. I wasn’t as good as you so it’s not a huge loss.

    Thank you. A lot of my sketchwork on there is very old. I need to scan some of the newer stuff since I began taking up pen and pencil again.

    Man, that IS seriously gross! *LOL* The hanging eyeball just makes the piece.

    Hey, now I KNOW for sure I know of you, whippet! Used to lurk around the MLP Trading Post/MLP Arena, and I thought I recalled your handle from there. 🙂

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532558

    Yeah upon reading the material, I have to say I don’t feel it is a scam, but very misleading. And if that mild deception is used to garner more donations, then I guess it could be considered scam-like.

    However, since good, usable human hair is not readily available and therefore at a premium, providing the awareness and a convenient means for people to donate it (eventually) to those who make wigs available for sale is at least something positive.

    I do feel it is reasonable for them to charge for wigs (and offer a sliding scale for different income levels); I just wish it seemed more obvious that was how it operated.

    I do prefer to donate to charities that keep less of the donation for themselves however, by keeping operating costs down.

    This reminds me of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and its big ‘corporationy’ feel. Turns out many folks were appalled that they were into “wildlife management” rather than “animal welfare and conservation.” While I can see the WWFs point–there’s always going to be humans who want to hunt etc, so we just have to make sure there’s enough animals to supply that demand and keep the species alive too–I would not appreciate knowing that was what my donation was going primarily toward, since I am more conservation-minded (e.g. set aside untouched wilderness or managed parks with no hunting allowed, etc).

    Anyway, rambling-off now. 😉

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532553

    Wow, that’s interesting to learn. I haven’t sent it off yet, but I was considering sending it to one of the places suggested by the Canadian Cancer Society. That’s a good suggestion about eBay too.

    That’s kinda sad actually, if it’s true…

    Thanks, whippetluv!

    in reply to: Eragon was it good, did you like it? #533465

    Unfortunately I never saw it while it was in theatres, so I can’t give a good synopsis. However there should be an ‘Eragon’ thread around here somewhere that had personal reviews of the film (as well as the book).

    From what I’ve heard, the movie’s acting and direction suffered, but the visuals were supposed to be worth it for those keen on the artistry (the landscapes/scenery seemed pretty impressive from the previews I saw).

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532551

    Thankfully I was nowhere near able to sit on my own hair yet. That might have been awkward! 😉

    Go ahead and appreciate your hair for awhile though! I will probably do the same next time it grows out, at least for a little while (and I can’t stand combing it out anymore).

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