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  • in reply to: Eragon was it good, did you like it? #533487

    I was pretty fond of the dragons in Reign of Fire… not the best CGI but something about the design was appealing. I only saw the movie once, and it was when it first came out, so I may not remember well enough to judge. Worth renting the DVD just to watch the parts with dragons, anyway. 😉

    in reply to: Okami Arts #536052

    Yes, you should drag it out again just to play! ^_^ And luckily, it’s a relatively inexpensive buy (might even be a Greatest Hit already).

    Sadly, Clover Studio (the game’s maker) is already dissolved and no longer producing games. The members have all gone on to other game projects though.

    in reply to: Okami Arts #536050

    enchantments wrote:

    I love the artwork I just have to ask what’s Okami? Is it the style of artwork because I love it. I’ve done a few sumi-e style painting and it has kind of the same look.

    It’s a Playstation 2 game with a sumi-e feel–the environments, the characters, all are done in that style and fluidly animated. It’s beautifully mesmerizing and very much ‘traditional’ Japan in its quirks and cultural references.

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536307

    lamortefille wrote:

    enchantments wrote:

    Love it! I love purple dragons. This would be really nice as a greeting/X-mas card.

    I was just going to say that! That would be cool if we could buy some around Christmastime…

    I am planning on doing so, and at least now I have all the time in the world to get it done for 2007 Christmas! 😀

    dragonessjade wrote:

    I think I saw a greeting card in a catalog simular to this. At least it had a dragon and a deer and more animals. I can’t remember which catalog tho.

    Yeah I wondered when I got started whether it had been done already. I’ve seen numerous takes on the theme, with either Santa, Father Christmas or snowmen with animals in the woods. I love the theme, and wanted to do the dragon thing with it. Figures it’s unoriginal! 😉

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536306

    enchantments wrote:

    Love it! I love purple dragons. This would be really nice as a greeting/X-mas card.

    Funny you should say that, because that’s exactly why I started painting it! 😀 Only I intended it to be available for last Christmas (2006)… oops. *grin*

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536301

    Actually, no, this one is not (yet) but probably one day. 🙂

    Speaking of ‘writings’, I still need to read the rest of your novel starter… d’oh! Busy busy… maybe this weekend!

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536299

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Ooh, nice artwork. Does the dragon have a fancy name?

    Not yet, sadly, but I am working on it. 🙂

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536296

    *chuckles* That’s a GREAT idea but, naw, I’ll be painting them all individually, as usual. I’m obsessive that way. *laughs*

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536294

    Same here. 😉 But I mean, I could flip them horizontal, change em up a bit… maybe put in a few upside down…

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536292

    Thanks guys. ^_^

    I’m thinking I should just make life easy on myself and copy and paste that same snow-laden tree all over the background. Think anyone would notice?? 😆

    in reply to: Dragon of Winter Solstice #536289

    Well, I don’t have any PYO stuff to show yet *sad* but I am accomplishing lots on my digital paint work. I’ve got a big new update to my winter solstice dragon painting:

    Almost ready for the snow, background, and yet more detailing/washes! Can’t wait! 🙂

    in reply to: Animals and Waaayyy too much time in Photoshop #535890

    I got out of the room in a few hours (just off and on playing), after much experimentation, and using just one small hint–the clickable areas aren’t set up very well for one or two of the important items you need, and despite my best efforts I kept missing one until I read where to find it (and I must have clicked that spot a good 50 times).

    It ended up being a disappointingly simple means of escape; but you gotta admit, playing around trying to figure it out is actually kinda fun! I liked the sense of realism in such a basic-looking Flash game. Thanks again to whoever posted that originally!

    in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday Nam. #535815

    Happy birthday to a wonderful artist and fellow Aquarian! ^_^

    in reply to: Okami Arts #536045

    You’ve captured the flowing, sumi-e quality of Okami excellently in your work, and adapted it flawlessly to others’ creations. Very well done.

    in reply to: Should people expect a cost of living increase annually?? #527076

    Nambroth wrote:

    Ugh I just did my taxes, don’t ever be self-employed, guys!! No benefits, no 401k, no insurance, no paid time off or sick days… and Federal took 15% of my total income even though I made under $8k. That hurts! And I can’t deduct anything because none of the utility/house/car bills are in my name. Worse yet, instead of being due in April, they’re due at the end of this month. And I only get a tax break after age 25- which I only hit on Friday. *keels over*

    Wow, that really blows for you… I was lucky last year, I just barely managed a $75 refund *LOL*. Even if I had owed taxes, it wouldn’t have been TOO painful.

    That’s a little unsettling though about not being able to claim utilities… my bills aren’t in my name either as I rent space from a friend. Yet my accountant didn’t seem to care. Odd… maybe it’s different in Canada, who knows?

    I decided not to bother getting involved with my taxes too much; biz taxes are way too complicated (particularly keeping track of the depreciation on computer and other equipment, how much to deduct of certain long-term expenses to ensure you optimise your return each year, etc etc etc).

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