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  • in reply to: Russett Color #531691

    I like the Russet as-is even. Makes me think of a rusty desert dragon.

    Mmm, rusty desert… no wait, that’s dessert. Heh, food again…

    in reply to: Russett Color #531687

    Pah, who needs real gold leaf and obscene numbers of colour layers?? Just get out that gold pen, a few choice shades and get crackin’! ;D

    in reply to: ACEOs and Such #531600

    Yeah it’s definitely the only way to determine what to charge. I did my calculations on what I would need to charge sometime ago, hence why I can’t remember. 😉 My financial needs are probably different since then as well. Apparently, $50/hr would have cut it, but I wanted to make sure I stayed on par with what others were charging as well. I should redo my calculations to make sure I’m still doing well.

    Even more off topic, and not to ‘get you started’, but did you do some of your own layouts, Water? I remember ‘Moki Macaroni’ and ‘Pig and a Pug’ (and one other one of your own, with the coyotes I think) when I was working at Trafford, but I think those were in-house layouts for the authors in the first two cases (you’d know better than I ;). At any rate, I wasn’t in charge of the production for those, but I remember checking over the scans and layouts.

    in reply to: ACEOs and Such #531598

    Yeah to be honest I’m not sure how much I ultimately make, that’s just an estimate on my part. I seem to have enough to just pay bills, and that’s all that matters to me!

    in reply to: ACEOs and Such #531595

    Yeah, there is a careful balancing act of charging enough without charging too much. Again it comes down to people not understanding how much time and effort it takes to do art, and what it’s like supplying all your needs with your freelance work. I say, if they think it’s so easy and fast, then why don’t they do it themselves? Good for you in deciding to accept no less than minimum wage; that is definitely within your right as a working artist!

    Even the art of layout and design suffers from this. I am considered on the cheap end of the scale at $30-$40 per hour (most pro designers charge $65-$75 per hour–this is all Canadian by the way) yet I still get the attitude that I should be doing it for $10-$15 per hour… heck, why not for free, for that matter?! It’s not like I get to pocket a whole $40 for every hour’s work. Computers need purchasing, maintenance, and software; the office needs electricity, cleaning, and repair and furnishing; there’s printing/repro, shipping and gas costs; paperwork needs to get done (by me or someone I would otherwise hire); I have medical bills, and an investment/savings plan… all in all, I probably see $10-$15 per hour if I’m lucky, and that’s LESS than what an entry-level production/prepress tech can expect to be paid (with benefits tacked on, to boot!) with a good publisher or print shop in my area. I do design AND prepress, for that matter. And, my job is not full-time or guaranteed work, so I don’t get paid for nearly as many hours (doesn’t help that I work exceptionally fast and accurate, either).

    There’s a whole lot more than just the costs of the materials and production time in any venture of course. And people with a full-time job just don’t seem to see the extra value of everything else they are entitled to when comparing their wages to a freelancer/contractor. So again, good on ya if you choose to uphold your rights to decent pay, especially as an artist. You do well by every artist by refusing to yield, and charging a fair rate for yourself.

    in reply to: Russett Color #531683

    I think I’d prefer the natural-ness of a russet colour scheme than Ruby, though maybe something with more depth and variety than the actual Russet Curls. I’ve seen several of the Rubies in person, and am frankly not fond of any of them (too bright, and too pinkish/magenta to my eye… and the red eyes along with it, looks like the dragon’s been out partying and drinking too much!). The only one I liked was the Oriental Sun Dragon because it was more subtle in tone. I REALLY want one of those.

    But you know, given enough shades and colours you could make a russet-themed colour scheme that might verge on the Autumn Leaf colouration. *hint hint* ;D

    in reply to: Well, I was bad today! #531787

    Wow, you know… I don’t think he is on my site! I will have to fish out an image for you… the colours are teal and blue in range, and I don’t think I’ve done many colour versions of it. Lemme get back to you on that one…

    Hmmm, EVIL you say? I like the sound of that… *G* Or DO I? 0.o

    in reply to: Well, I was bad today! #531785

    I ordered myself two new PYOs today… a dragon and a wolf. I had debated over whether I really wanted a winged wolf or not, but I couldn’t resist. I gotta have at least one of each! I don’t have much money to spend on such things, but I remembered that I got some cash from my dad for Christmas, so I’m gonna treat myself royally for once, dangit.

    So now I have more colour schemes to devise. *LOL* Good thing I already have several in mind that I can’t wait to do. It’s deciding which to do first that’ll be difficult. Had a hard time doing my 2-D digital painting this evening, thinking all the while how to blend various colours appealingly for my 3-D PYOs (and mussing up my painting in the process as I got distracted). ;D

    Sadly, I need to focus on a book layout for the next two weeks instead of painting. *sniff* I’m no fun at all!

    in reply to: Pan's Labyrinth–POSSIBLE SPOILERS #529022

    All in all, that’s pretty much the way I felt about it too (obviously, as I repeated the same points above ad infinitum ;). I totally agree; violence? OK. Gratuitousness? Not at all! Sensationalistic nonsense!

    I was admittedly disappointed as well. Still enjoyed it, but just expected more… brilliance. I personally felt the ending left it maybe a little open, as it’s not firmly stated that the child was delusional, but perhaps gifted with ‘sight’ that the adults lacked. Who knows? I thought the ending itself, after all that lead-up to something grand, just kinda fell flat on its face. So rushed and haphazardly tossed out there.

    You should see the vehemence aimed at those who don’t positively love the movie 100% and laud it’s supposed film-making genious. I mean yeah, it’s different and intriguing but… I think the bar has been so significantly lowered over the years that it’s not hard to garner that kind of praise for an even mediocre effort at something different.

    in reply to: punk dragon… kind of #531466

    That’s very cute, and intriguing! Makes me think of a fae dragon, in the style of Brian Froud. Very nice.

    in reply to: Married! #531301

    That’s a much nicer way of doing it. Congratulations… and now you can enjoy your gathering with the official-ness out of the way!

    in reply to: The Green KiRin #531385

    That is positively shhhhexy!

    I love it. Yes, even better than the dragon, I think. Lovely combo.

    in reply to: Ki-rin is on Ebay #531177

    Oooh, so resplendid…. *drools* Wish I could afford that too. >_<

    in reply to: Ki-rin is on Ebay #531173

    D’oh! I had a similar final colour scheme in mind, only reversed (reddish and orangeish hues towards mane, goldenish towards the body). But, mine will be more different still in terms of shades chosen and overall effect. That is, if I don’t use my other concept first. 😉

    Nice Royal Ki-Rin though! I like it.

    in reply to: Eben's black red and silver dragon #531066

    That’s neat. I was hoping someone would do a red and black.

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