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        Anyone hear about the whole zodiac signs apparently changing? I’m actually confused. Someone told me that the new dates only apply to people born after 2009, so no one’s signs actually changed. I haven’t seen an article about that 2009 date though… I was linked this though.

        IF, and I wouldn’t change my sign anyway, if they did change, my “new” sign is NOT like me. At all. Not in the slightest.

        So, can anyone add anything to this? Or help clear it up or what have you?


          Um, I think that’s the same exact link I posted, just broken :T
          I’ve read that page and just wanted to make sure that nothing HAS changed. I’ve read and been told so many things about it that I just wanted to make sure I was correct when assuming nothing changed. It’s caused quite a commotion, and I’ve heard all sorts of stories on it.


          I’m just ignoring it. It was funny seeing some of my friends freak out though. πŸ˜†


            Maybe when the poles shift at the end of 2012 they can start from scratch. 😈 πŸ˜†


            bayoudragon wrote:

            Maybe when the poles shift at the end of 2012 they can start from scratch. 😈 πŸ˜†

            πŸ˜† πŸ˜†


              Nothing has changed. Someone seems to have suddenly ‘discovered’ that there is another system of astrology out there, which seems to happen every so often. What they are talking about is called Sidereal astrology. What most people in the Western world follow is called Tropical astrology, which hasn’t changed since Ptolemy. Basically, the zodiac elliptical was cut up into twelve 30 degree sections that were given a name, corresponding to constellations along the elliptic. They could have been named A, B, C. Doesn’t matter. It’s the same 30 degree sections. There are arguments for both, which can get quite heated, but they are different systems which operate differently. I personally study tropical astrology myself.


                Just one of those weird things that get reported . I saw it and it just made no sense . I guess it wasn’t explained very much . I’m a scorpio and Pluto is still my planet . No matter what the scienists say . Now that bugged me

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