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  • #862033

      You were missing quotation marks, that’s all. (Without the spaces)

      Posting this way is hotlinking from facebook though, I think we talked about this on another thread but yeah. Better to use flickr, you guys already have a stream thingy on flickr right?


        *img src=”http://windstoneeditions.com/sites/default/files/gallery_images/poadssqueak.jpg”/*

        and this will fix your sig Miss Melody >.< Just replace the first * with

        Hope that helps you! HUGZ :bigsmile:


          *img src=”http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/181647_498892147034_559077034_6638614_573068_n.jpg”/*

          Replace the first * with a you also need the photo source code rather than the web address 😉


            *img src=”http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/181647_498892147034_559077034_6638614_573068_n.jpg”/*

            Replace the first * with a you also need the photo source code rather than the web address 😉



            Unless you are using a site that lets you assign a license to your work AND are assigning that license to your photos, such as Flickr and creative commons licensing, your photos posted remain under your copyright. Usually you can even see the little “All Rights Reserved” icon.

            Putting up photos for all to see would count as a form of publishing though, and that change things if litigation is involved; I know it helps weigh in for the four factors of fair use (in favor of fair use) if the work is published. That’s all I could think of for posting photos influencing/changing copyright. There are some users who don’t understand that things on the web are mostly things very much still under copyright protection, and compute ease of use with freedom of use, but those people are everywhere and such oversight would apply to everything not just photo sharing.

            That being said, I would sure like to see your collection! 🙂



              LOL, I take it that doesn’t help? If you right click on a picture you can pull up “properties” the code you need is the URL on the properties screen. Just copy and paste it into that formula. Some photo sites have the code you can just copy and paste. I use photoshop.com for that reason. They have a option that says “share” with a link button, it copies everything you need including all the img src blah blah blah stuff. I don’t think it would interfere with your copyright on your art, might be easier for you. At least to post stuff. :bigsmile:

              Here is the photo Melody was trying to post…


                But Pam posts ebay cart pictures using photobucket. And melody already has photos on facebook and deviantart, etc. so I’m also not sure what the issue is with copyrights or whatever.

                I think it’s much easier and more user friendly to use flickr rather than photobucket though 🙂
                I know.
                I think the old issue with photobucket was that they would allow anyone to print out your image. This, in a way, could be perceived as a license to give the entire world a right to your images. It may not be the case now, I haven’t checked terms of service on photobucket lately.
                …And since I can’t remember my password anyway (and finally gave up trying to hack into my own account) it is moot. I could make a new account but I want to use the name “reptangle” and they won’t let me open a new account under that name since it is taken. By me. whine whine whine


                  I’ve never used flickr. I like photobucket because (so far) they have never resized any of my photos.


                  OMG are those all fancy sea slugs, nudibranches? They look like candy, so cute!!! :bigsmile:



                    LOL, I take it that doesn’t help? If you right click on a picture you can pull up “properties” the code you need is the URL on the properties screen. Just copy and paste it into that formula. Some photo sites have the code you can just copy and paste. I use photoshop.com for that reason. They have a option that says “share” with a link button, it copies everything you need including all the img src blah blah blah stuff. I don’t think it would interfere with your copyright on your art, might be easier for you. At least to post stuff. :bigsmile:

                    Here is the photo Melody was trying to post…

                    Those are adorible . Sweeties .



                      LOL, I take it that doesn’t help? If you right click on a picture you can pull up “properties” the code you need is the URL on the properties screen. Just copy and paste it into that formula. Some photo sites have the code you can just copy and paste. I use photoshop.com for that reason. They have a option that says “share” with a link button, it copies everything you need including all the img src blah blah blah stuff. I don’t think it would interfere with your copyright on your art, might be easier for you. At least to post stuff. :bigsmile:

                      Here is the photo Melody was trying to post…

                      Those are adorible . Sweeties .

                      thank you! I still can’t get it to work . I need my teenager to show me what I am doing wrong.
                      That is my nudibranch collection.


                        IT WORKED!! My coelacanth collection.


                          Those are cool! Not something you see very often either >.<


                            Those fish are amazing .


                              IT WORKED!! My coelacanth collection.

                              Those are some cuties you’ve got there! (The seaslugs too! So many pretty colors, and so cute >.<)
                              I collect those gashopon (sp?) figures as well, though mine are mostly squids. Though I do have a few whales and a whale shark. 🙂

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